part 94

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as hours multiple past y/n woke up seeing everyone in the room and she gave them a small smile

Y: can't kill a bad bitch
Kobe: yea she's normal

everyone laughed and y/n sat up even though it hurt and derek walked to her kissing her and she kissed him back smiling then she moved apart and wiped the blood from his face with her hands making him smile then he hugged her and she hugged him back until they moved apart

Y: oh and isa you were wrong i don't have parents that hate me...matter of fact they're dead

y/n let out a small laugh and the others just looked at her

Y: too soon
Derek: yea too soon
Isa: i'm sorry i said what i did it was fucked up
Y: nah it's fine after all they did actually hate me
Isa: and after all kobe does want to fuck you
Y: so i guess the argument was kinda dumb
Isa: yea it was
Ashley: how do you feel about your parents being dead
Y: this might sound harsh but yea i loved them at a time but after not talking to them for three years it was basically like they were dead already so now that they actually are i surprisingly don't care i think or maybe it hasn't hit yet
Ashley: how do you feel that you weren't the one to kill them
Y: glad honestly i don't think i would've been able to do it but i just wish that pressure wouldn't have been put on derek
Derek: not to sound like a serial killer but that was a severe stress reliever

everyone stopped talking and just looked at derek but y/n bust out laughing and dapped him up shaking her head and he did the same back to her then they looked at the others and said "too soon" in unison making everyone laugh after a while of talking the nurse came in and looked at y/n

Nurse: wow it's a miracle you're up already to be honest from your stab wound it's a miracle you're alive
Y: you know what they say bad bitches don't die
Nurse: and obviously they're right it just shocks me how nothings wrong
Y: oh no mentally i'm fucked up
Nurse: but physically you're in perfect shape
Y: thank you i been doing a few workouts and all getting in shape but my butt that's all derek right there
Derek: yuh i'm the only butt workout she needs
Nurse: i'm starting to think your character is what saved you you're truly the only person i've seen be so happy after almost dying
Y: oh no i'm far from happy probably gonna have nightmares of this but fuck it it'll add some spice to my personality and valentina is just like me she's over there playing with vallyks curls and derek he's better than ever
Derek: we just built different valentina how are we built
Valentina: different
Derek: yes
Y: sir
Nurse: y'all are a cute little family well although you're in great shape by hospital regulations you have to stay for at least a week maybe longer if your stitches leak and after that you can't go to a pool for six weeks and stray away from any hard kind of sex for twelve weeks
Y: what's hard sex in your definition
Nurse: any position other than missionary and even then refrain from grabbing anywhere in her chest area
Y: what's the fun in that
Derek: i'm with her on this one so they're just gonna be in my face but i can't do anything that's boring
Nurse: if you want her stitches ripped back open then go for it but i advice you not to she's strong but her chances are slim if they open up again
Derek: what if i just not go close to the stitches
Nurse: sir
Derek: fine jeez
Y: ok so how do i shower
Nurse: cover that part with a thick layer of wrap and you'll be fine
Y: ok...back to the sex thing are you sure those are my only options
Derek: yea i'm still on that too

the nurse shook her head and walked out the room and y/n and derek looked at each other fighting back their laughs

Nico: that lady rethinking her whole career

y/n and derek bust out laughing causing everyone else to laugh also while valentina bounced up and down clapping her hands then the doctor came in with some forms for y/n to sign so she did that then handed them back to him but before he left y/n called him back

Doctor: yes
Y: are those papers for my medicine
Doctor: yea and the other was just some basic insurance information
Y: and two the nurse was talking to me about things that were off limits and she said no hard sex for twelve weeks so obviously that means nothing that'll make my chest like curl up right or like stretch
Doctor: yes that's exactly what that means
Y: so technically i can still bounce right
Doctor: ma'am
Y: no like i'm so serious right now
Doctor: yes as long as your chest isn't being scrunched up or stretched
Y: yessir
Derek: so just to be clear that means none like face down a-
Doctor: no
Derek: but that's my favorite i be standing at attention
Doctor: i have a feeling imma see you back in here

the doctor walked out and y/n and derek laughed while the others shook their heads

Mattia: they gonna let you die next time

everyone bust out laughing from mattias stupid comment then they all stopped and caught their breath

Hunter: so like did you die
Y: no hunter
Hunter: ugh i wanted to ask what you saw
Y: well i didn't die so
Hunter: you were probably gonna go to hell anyways
Y: ok first off not too much
Niko: did it hurt getting stabbed
Y: i mean it didn't feel nice dumb ass
Ashley: i'm sorry i love vallyk but i ain't getting stabbed for him
Vallyk: well damn


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