part 74

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four months past and y/n had valentina in her arms packing their bags for the trip then she went downstairs and out the door putting them in the car then she buckled in valentina after that she got in the passenger seat and derek kissed her so she kissed him back

Derek: happy two years baby
Y: happy two years

derek smiled and held her hand then they waited for isa and kobe to get in which took a while then they pulled off

Isa: sorry it took so long sofia wouldn't stop crying
Y: i'm glad i don't have that problem with valentina
Isa: yes be glad
Kobe: ok but y'all both look tired
Y: yes great job pointing out the obvious you know what's better than saying we're doing a great job saying we look tired like we don't know that
Kobe: jeez i'm just saying
Y: and i'm just saying maybe say something positive instead of saying the obvious thing we all see
Derek: ok how about we turn up the radio and just forget all about this conversation baby you're doing a great job
Y: thank you
Derek: of course now let's make this trip drama free
Y: you know if we still lived in LA this trip would've been so shorter
Derek: too bad
Y: ugh i don't wanna see my mom
Derek: well maybe if she sees valentina then she will change her mind
Y: fuck that i don't need her
Derek: new topic
Kobe: man i need some weed
Isa: not in this car
Kobe: duh isa
Y: shut up smart ass
Kobe: y'all got one more time to tag team me
Isa: or what
Kobe: you already know what i'll do to you
Y: ew ew ew
Derek: jail right now
Isa: he said it not me
Kobe: who's in the others cars
Y: mattia hunter bryce nico and niko are in one
Derek: yay face ass
Y: shut up anyways then it's michelle josh bobby jared stoud ace in one
Isa: poor michelle
Y: i know right then it's mike vallyk nadia and ayaina in the other
Isa: why didn't you invite corey

when isa said that y/n took off her shoe and threw it at her

Isa: damn bitch
Derek: yea next new topic
Kobe: man when i was single i was getting bitches back to back to back every night there was a new girl in my bed and all of them left walking like penguins

isa gave kobe a death stare and he got quiet then so did everyone and the car was full with an awkward silence

Y: baby i want a baby turtle
Derek: no you have an actual baby you don't need a turtle
Y: baby please
Derek: baby you don't need a damn turtle
Y: i'm getting a turtle
Derek: i'll throw it
Y: you won't
Derek: get one and find out
Y: i will so i guess we'll see
Derek: i'll kill myself if it touches me
Y: dramatic much
Derek: yea i am actually

y/n let out a small laugh and derek looked at her smiling then he went back to driving the rest of the drive was full of music or laughing or kobe saying dumb shit that pissed isa off then trying to play it off like he was joking or valentina and sofia making random noises and crying once they made it to the hotels they got the kids out the car then derek and kobe got the bags and they walked in signing in to their rooms then they all parted ways going into their rooms when derek and y/n made it to theirs they sat down and y/n held valentina up looking at her and smiling making her smile also

Y: aww she smiled at me
Derek: maybe because she thinks you're some kind of magical creature
Y: wow
Derek: i'm joking baby but that's cute
Y: so what are we doing today
Derek: uhh maybe go to the park later today but for now we could walk around i mean not much to see since we lived here for half of our lives but i mean we could walk around the park
Y: yea i'm fine with that i should've brought her stroller
Derek: we can buy her one of the cute disney ones like the cinderella carriages they have
Y: alright
Derek: imma get in the shower so i'll be back
Y: ok

derek walked off getting in the shower while y/n played with valentina making her laugh then they watched a movie and once it was halfway over they heard the shower stop then y/n fed valentina and changed her after that she went to sleep and derek walked out the bathroom with only a towel around his waist then before y/n could say anything her phone went off with a instagram notification

derek walked off getting in the shower while y/n played with valentina making her laugh then they watched a movie and once it was halfway over they heard the shower stop then y/n fed valentina and changed her after that she went to sleep and derek...

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liked by theofficial

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liked by theofficial.y/n and 6974757
derektrendz: y/n knows what underneath *lightskin face while rubbing hands together*

hater: how does y/n feel about you posting this??
theofficial.y/n: leave me out of this^^
derektrendz: she dates a lightskin i'm sure she expected it love^^
theofficial.y/n: hey i'm enjoying the view in person leave me alone^^
celiabraud: i wanna see
theofficial.y/n: choke bitch^^
vallyk: the first hour here smh
therealslimedupmike: yes 911 this post right here
supporter: y/ns a lucky girl
theofficial.y/n: no^^
derektrendz: damn^^
theofficial.y/n: KIDDING^^
*load 1749373 more comments*

after the post y/n laughed at her comments and derek mimicked her then flicked her off making her laugh harder then once valentina started moving she stopped laughing and forced herself to hold it in

Derek: omg you're so funny
Y: omg suck my ass
Derek: suck my dick
Y: been there done that
Derek: ...jail

y/n laughed and derek shook his head smiling then went back into the bathroom getting dressed

y/n laughed and derek shook his head smiling then went back into the bathroom getting dressed

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