part 114

440 28 25

Y: of course i'll marry you idiot

keith put the ring on y/ns finger then he picked her up again kissing her soon it turned to them making out before he carried her to his car getting in and locking the doors and sitting her in his lap still kissing her then he turned the radio all the way up and he put his hands on her waist gripping it while she moved back and forth on him

Keith: ugh fuck i love you so much
Y: i love you too baby

y/n and keith started removing their clothing while still kissing keith had his hand on y/ns butt and one on her neck while she was unbuttoning his shirt not breaking the kiss after a while she took his pants off also and he took hers off soon he moved his hand from her butt to the front then there was a knock on the window and they quickly moved apart getting dressed again then they stepped out of the car

Hunter: hey fuck when you get home can we go now
Y: i'm riding with keith
Hunter: bitch you might ride him but you ain't riding with him

y/n rolled her eyes and got in the car with keith and they drove to the house when they made it they walked to the other car getting the kids out and bringing them to their rooms doing their routines then they went into y/ns room closing and locking the door then she sat on the bed and he walked to her smiling before hovering over her and kissing her again

Keith: should we pick up where we left off
Y: yea we should

keith smiled going back to kissing y/n and they went at it for hours until the sun came up and they were both knocked out laying on each other

Ashley: i'm glad you're back
Quincy: i'm glad i'm back with you and our beautiful baby girl
Ashley: no matter what i did i couldn't get over you
Quincy: what can i say once you get to know me it's hard to replace me
Ashley: i never want to try and replace you ever again

quincy smiled and kissed ashley then they sat down talking and playing with audrey which is the name for their baby then they fell asleep while a few more hours past and y/n and keith finally woke up and he kissed her so she slowly kissed him back

Keith: keep playing it'll be baby number two
Y: i mean i don't see nothing wrong with that

keith smiled and kissed y/ns cheek then he got up walking downstairs for a few minutes until she got an instagram notification

keith smiled and kissed y/ns cheek then he got up walking downstairs for a few minutes until she got an instagram notification

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liked by theofficial.y/n and 16383744 others
keithpowers: me and you baby <3

theofficial.y/n: ugh so damn FINE
keithpowers: all yours^^
princejdc: y'all not cute^^
keithpowers: bitch gts^^
mattiapolibio: face ass
hntrss: aww keep my bitch happy and we won't have any problems
keithpowers: nigga bye^^
theofficial.y/n: ugh come break my back again FUCK
theofficial.y/n: i say round twelve
theofficial.y/n: put me in any position you want baby
theofficial.y/n: mmm i wanna sit on your face again
supporter: it's y/ns comments for me
*load 9727475 more comments*

after y/ns comments she sat on the bed a little longer until keith came back in the room and he kissed y/n again making her head go back a little but she pushed it back and soon it turned fiery and she was now on top

Keith: so you got control what are you gonna do with it
Y: imma do exactly what that last comment said
Keith: then come on

keith looked y/n up and down licking his lips and she smirked at him then she did what she said she would once she was done she was on her hands and knees catching her breath and keith moved from under her smiling and wiping the corner of his mouth with his thumb after that he went into the shower and y/n got dressed again and went downstairs seeing the kids eating and she grabbed kj from ayaina feeding him

Bryce: how'd you sleep
Y: i ain't sleep last night
Bryce: then what did you do all damn night
Y: got ate up and tore up
Hunter: ooo bitch you nasty
Y: bye hunter

y/n laughed playfully nudging hunter then once kj was done eating she sat him on the couch and he started bouncing up and down making noises and smiling so y/n looked at him smiling and kept kissing his cheek making him laugh and grab her face then keith came downstairs doing it to y/n and she laughed moving her face looking at him smiling

Keith: i mean we had to gang up on you can't let you attack my son like that
Y: oh really
Keith: yea really

y/n called the girls downstairs and when they came she made them play fight keith so they did while he ran in a circle running from them then while they were running he turned around chasing them until he caught them and started tickling them making them laugh then he whispered something to them and they all walked to y/n standing in front of her

Y: what

they soon all started tickling her so she started tickling valentina and kehlani making them laugh while keith tickled her ten times more making it hard for her to continue tickling the girls once she stopped the girls picked kj up taking him upstairs and keith stopped tickling her then he kissed her while she was still laughing and she kissed him back

Keith: i love you
Y: i love you too

soon keith laid on top of y/n and held her hand while she talked to him and messed with his face making him laugh

ehhh actually might end at 120 lol🍯

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