part 24

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Y: get the fuck up i'm not babying you
Derek: you don't got to but i'm not listening to you so i'm still not going
Y: ok i'll just go with mattia and the boys
Derek: you know what i'm coming and it's gonna be only me you and my family
Y: that's what i thought now i'll be downstairs when you're done

y/n walked out going downstairs and sitting on the couch letting them know he was coming after that they talked for an hour until he finally came downstairs and they all got in the car driving to the restaurant as they arrived they all stepped out and a valet parked the car as they walked inside sitting at their table

Y: it's cold in here
Derek: you want my jacket
Y: are you sure it's pretty chilly
Derek: yea i'll be fine

derek handed y/n his jacket and she put it on feeling warmer then their waitress came with their menus laying them down and once they figured out what they wanted they waited until she came back then they told her while she wrote it down then she picked their menus up walking away while y/n looked at derek seeing goosebumps on his arms so she spread the jacket open then wrapped her arms around him rubbing his arms to try and bring some heat to them

D/m: so y/n what's your plans for after high school
Y: i'm gonna pursue my dream of being an instagram model or just a model in general
D/m: that's really nice how many instagram followers do you have
Y: i had four hundred thousand but after i posted a tiktok with apparently a few of my well known friends i now have one point one million
D/m: oh so you're already pretty out there
Y: yea i'm hoping to at least have five million by the end of senior year but i can't rush it so i just gotta be patient
D/m: you're right about that one so what are your plans on housing
Y: i'm definitely gonna move out of my moms house and go to maybe new jersey
D/m: what makes you want to move four hours away
Y: well my dad grew up in new jersey so i guess i just want to go over there to maybe see why he loved the city so much
D/m: oh ok so where's your dad now
Y: um dead actually
D/m: i'm sorry i shouldn't have asked
Y: you're fine you didn't know
Ahiella: well if it makes it any better we don't know our dad
Y: i mean it kind of makes this situation sadder but hey you're just tryna bring light to the situation
Ahiella: yes sorry
Y: if you don't mind me asking ms trendz when did he um leave
D/m: right after ahiella was born so too early for derek to even remember him
Y: oh
D/m: when did your dad pass
Y: right when i was four
D/m: may i ask how
Y: him and my mom were arguing so he got in his car about to leave but my mom went out there still yelling and what not and i was outside watching then he pulled out too fast and didn't see the other car coming and just like that he was gone
D/m: sorry you had to see that
Y: it hurts every now and then like thinking of who'll be there to walk me down the aisle when i get married and you know things like that like i never have a person for relationship advice but i enjoyed the memories i did have with him so that counts
D/m: yea it counts for a lot
Ahiella: i wish i had some memories but the only ones i have is being up late hearing my mom and derek crying about him leaving and me being confused there was a time where i didn't even know i needed to have a dad to be alive
Y: dang sometimes i feel bad because i get close to another father figure and i feel like i'm replacing my dad so i feel the need to mention him to anyone i meet so they don't uncontrollably take him off my mind you know
Ahiella: yea
D/m: honey why aren't you talking
Derek: because the difference between y/ns dad and my dad is mine decided to leave so that's his choice i don't miss him and i damn sure don't need him he can stay wherever he's at far as i'm concerned
Ahiella: it's weird because i never met him and i miss him but you knew him for two years of your life and you don't it's weird to me i thought you'd miss him more than me
Derek: well don't obviously he doesn't miss us or he wouldn't came back fifteen years ago

everyone got quiet not saying anything then the waitress came over giving them their food and they ate in silence until y/n broke it

Y: well my dad wasn't the best of dads but i miss him too
Ahiella: thanks for listening it means a lot especially when you don't have anyone to do it
Y: of course i'll listen because there was a time that i didn't have anyone to listen to me either
Derek: maybe because no one wants to constantly hear that shit ok your dad died boohoo it happened thirteen years ago if i can get over mine you can get over yours
Y: oh i'm sorry you have to hear my shit

y/n got quiet not saying anything and fighting back tears and when ahiella realized she pulled her to her and gave her a hug then started whispering to her

Ahiella: he can be a dick i know but it's just this topic is sensitive to him and wether he wants to admit it or not he wishes our dad stayed just as much as i do he's just too stubborn to admit it
Y: it's fine i used to be the same way mad at other people because i hated even thinking about it so i'm not mad just upset
Ahiella: oh and it's not shit he's just a dumbass
Y: yea i'm starting to realize that
Ahiella: now although he's an emotionally incapable dick head his a nice guy and you don't find many of those often now and days


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