part 9

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derek laughed then put the car in reverse going home as soon as he pulled up the boys were walking to the door so he tossed them the keys and they all walked in sitting down and talking

Mike: are you any closer
Derek: man y'all need a bet or some so y'all can cut me some slack this shit isn't gonna happen over night
Mike: fine jeez

derek rolled his eyes and really didn't talk the rest of the time once the boys left it was three in the morning but he called y/n telling her to bring a bag of clothes and come to his house so she did once she got there ahiella opened the door for her and they introduced each other then she walked up to dereks room seeing he was on the game with the boys so she just sat on the bed getting on her phone once he noticed he muted his mic

Derek: come sit over here
Y: sit where
Derek: my lap
Y: derek
Derek: i won't try anything i promise
Y: fine

y/n got up walking to derek and sitting on his lap facing him then she got back on her phone while he wrapped his arms around her back and unmuted his mic and turned it down so y/n wouldn't be able to hear what they say

Vallyk: whenever you hit pass her to me
Mike: i got you bruh
Kobe: man y'all might as well run a train on the hoe or some
Mike: shit be careful what you say
Vallyk: for real we did it to some girl named ayaina had that bitch saying both of our names

vallyk and mike laughed while derek shook his head and continued playing occasionally yelling at the boys for doing dumb shit but he was mostly laughing

Mike: i'm about to go to sleep
Derek: nah bruh it's six in the morning on a saturday stay on we ain't got no school
Kobe: right little bitch pick that controller back up
Mike: man fuck y'all
Vallyk: that's what derek needs to be doing to y/n
Derek: i'm working on it bitch
Kobe: yea working on falling for her
Derek: suck my dick
Vallyk: i mean if you insist
Mike: gay ass
D/m: oh hey y/n um derek we're going to visit family later today so be ready
Derek: yes ma'am
Kobe: did she say y/n
Mike: that's what i heard too
Derek: no she didn't
Vallyk: nah we on the way right now i gotta see this
Kobe: bye see you soon

the boys got off and derek stood up opening the window to let y/ns perfume smell out and quickly walked her outside while she looked confused

Derek: sorry i just gotta get dressed and i don't want you seeing trendz junior yet
Y: you named your dick
Derek: indeed i did
Y: you're a working case
Derek: and i love it
Y: alright i'm gonna get going call me tonight
Derek: aight

derek kissed y/n then she got in her car driving off as soon as she turned the corner and was out of sight the boys pulled up so derek acted like he was outside looking at the sky then the boys walked straight past him going upstairs into his room

Vallyk: why's the window open
Derek: my sneaky link from earlier this morning left through there
Mike: nice my boy out here playing hoes
Derek: you know me
Kobe: i still feel like your mom said y/ns name
Derek: my mom doesn't even know y/n now stop interrogating me we're here for us so come on we going out

the boys walked out getting in the car and driving to the mall when they made it they walked inside going to stores then they went to nike which was across from victoria secret they all got matching shoes then when they walked out they looked across from them and saw y/n, isa, ayaina, and aya in the store dereks eyes were on y/n who was picking which bra to get so derek pulled out his phone texting her "the black lace one" causing her to look up then look across and when she saw derek she smiled then put the other ones down walking to the girls

Y: dereks here
Aya: go talk to him
Y: he's with his friends
Ayaina: who's his friends
Y: kobe mike and vallyk
Ayaina: no don't go
Y: why not
Ayaina: well i hooked up with mike one night at a party and i was so drunk i barely knew what was going on next thing i knew vallyk came out of nowhere and i was too drunk to tell mike i didn't want a threesome so i had no choice but to let it happen
Y: did you ever talk to him about it
Ayaina: i never got the courage to even look at him
Y: i'm so sorry ayaina
Ayaina: it's fine after it happened though they started telling everyone they ran a train on me now people think i'm just another "hoe"
Y: if i ever hear them say that i'll cut their balls off and send them to you
Ayaina: haha thanks you can go talk to derek if you want
Y: are you sure it's ok
Ayaina: he's looking over here just go i'm pretty sure mike and vallyk see me so it's too late

y/n nodded then walked off in the boys direction waving then they waved back as she approached them

Mike: is that ayaina
Y: yea why
Mike: ask if she's ready for train two

y/n looked at mike like he was crazy then she walked to him slapping him then vallyk

Mike: what the fuck
Vallyk: who do you think you are
Y: someone who knows the real story she didn't want y'all to run a fucking train she was just too drunk to say anything and you didn't ask her either you just spread a fucking rumor do you know what a rumor like that in high school can do to a girls reputation not even that do you know what it can do to her in general

y/n huffed then walked away from the boys going back into victoria secret shopping

Vallyk: man i don't know why but that turned me on


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