part 62

614 40 17

once they were both done they laughed walking back to coreys car and talking about it after all that they got in the car driving to y/ns house and once they made it corey walked y/n to the door

Y: i had a lot of fun actually
Corey: see you made it back at a decent time also
Y: it's two in the morning
Corey: i mean you made it back
Y: well thank you i had a lot of fun
Corey: i'm just glad i could make you smile goodnight y/n
Y: actually...if you want i was wondering if maybe you'd want to come inside and hang around or's completely fine if you don't want to i'm just asking
Corey: yea i'd love to come in
Y: oh ok that's fine...oh wait you said yes
Corey: yes i did
Y: oh ok come in yea come in

y/n turned around unlocking the door then she stepped in and the girls came running downstairs singing and chanting

Isa: new dick
Aya: new dick
Ayaina: new dick
All: aye that bitch got new dick

the girls were still chanting and yelling until they stopped noticing corey and they looked embarrassed while y/n face palmed herself

Aya: sorry
Corey: no it's great but am i the dick
Ayaina: yea you are actually
Isa: so how was it y/n
Aya: is there a possibility that one baby will come out dereks and one coreys because you know that is possible
Ayaina: which position did he put you in first
Isa: is he a pull hair kind of guy cause you like those or is he a back dimple kind do you have back dimples maybe you got regular ones you might have back one
Aya: or is he a hip dip kind of guy
Isa: or the bark bark position you know what i mean to i'm talking doggy style grrr
Ayaina: or a leg kind you know when they have you on your side and they lift one le-
Y: please shut the fuck up

they looked at y/n and her face was a dark red and she had her arms crossed

Aya: too much
Y: yea too much nothing happened y'all are making it worse
Ayaina: aww shit did he go down
Isa: or did you go down
Aya: ooo was it small
Isa: if it was drop him no offense
Ayaina: or was it huge
Aya: too much or too little
Isa: don't leave us in the blue bitch

y/n grabbed coreys hand and walked off with him going into the room closing and locking the door sitting on the bed taking her heels off then corey sat next to her

Corey: they're definitely a character
Y: yea a lil too much
Corey: it's cute at least they care about your new dick
Y: you think you're funny
Corey: i know i'm funny actually
Y: well you lied to yourself
Corey: mhm so what we doing
Y: you can watch a movie i'm getting in the shower
Corey: alright

y/n got up grabbing clothes then she got in the shower singing and washing her hair once she was done she got dried off and got dressed then put her damp hair in a bun brushing her teeth and doing her night routine once she was done she got out and laid down next to corey

Y: do you have any clothes under that
Corey: i got on some sweat shorts but other than that no
Y: that works
Corey: aight i'll be back

corey walked off while y/n got under the cover putting it on star then twenty minutes into the show corey came back out laying next to her

Corey: what is this
Y: star
Corey: what is it about
Y: i mean you'd know if you pay attention
Corey: did it just start
Y: yea twenty minutes ago but it's not that hard to catch on
Corey: then tell me what happened in the first twenty minutes
Y: corey shut up i'm trying to watch
Corey: so am i but i won't know what's happening if you don't tell me
Y: just pay attention and shut up
Corey: fine...but you could also just tell me
Y: you know what fuck it we'll watch some else
Corey: i mean we can continue watching this as long as you explain it
Y: i'm going to fucking punch you
Corey: just explain it

y/n looked at corey then she punched him in his arm making him hold it

Corey: ow
Y: shut up
Corey: ok jeez bully

corey sat there while y/n changed it to a different show then once she picked she watched for a little until she started getting tired so she got completely over the cover about to fall asleep until corey tapped her shoulder

Y: what corey
Corey: why you facing the opposite way
Y: which way do you want me to face
Corey: my way duh there's only one other way besides the one where you are now
Y: ok smart ass
Corey: so turn my way
Y: fine

y/n turned coreys way and laid back down then he laid down facing her and wrapped his arms around the top of her shoulders so her face was shoved in his chest then he rested his head on top of hers and fell asleep along with her until they woke up to a banging on the door so y/n got up about to answer it until corey held her hand trying to get her to lay back making her smile but she walked off going to the door anyways opening it

Y: the fuck is wrong with y'all
Bryce: had to make sure no morning fucking was going on
Y: bitch the only thing going on was sleeping and you fucked that up
Hunter: cry about it
Y: what do you guys want
Mattia: nothing really
Y: so why are y'all banging on my door at six in the fucking morning
Nico: oh bitch shut up you needed to wake up anyway
Y: bitch

y/n closed her door and went back to the bed laying back down with corey


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