part 49

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after another week past of y/n and derek not talking to each other it was officially the day of graduation and y/n and the girls were outside on the football field with the other seniors with their gowns on and their dresses under them with their caps on when the graduation started they called everyone's name making them go up to get their diploma and shake the principals hand one by one then it was time for the selected seniors to give their speeches so they did that then while y/n was talking isa nudged her and pointed to the stage and she saw derek standing at the podium

Derek: i was asked to give a speech on how my senior year was well let's start...high school the place that makes you or breaks senior year was rough at the least and i faced challenges mentally and academically but i overcame every single one we all did that's why we get to sit here together today senior year is the easiest and hardest it's easy because all of your hard classes are out of the way but it's hard because you have to say goodbye to the things you know and love but what was hardest for me was finally loving someone

as derek said that he looked down at y/n who was now giving her full attention to him

Derek: my first high school heartbreak crushed me but senior year came and a bet came with it and that bet brought me the best girl i could ever ask for and i was scared to give my all because i thought she'd play me but she didn't a year later and she's still with me well i had a trip where my feelings were in question and i didn't know what to do so when i saw her again i tried to make it seem as if she was the reason my problems were messed up but she wasn't and she isn't she's the only reason i continue pushing everyday the beginning of senior year was the peak of my depression and some days i didn't want to wake up and one time i tried not to...but i remembered y/n and i stopped y'all might wonder why i didn't remember my mom or my sister and i can't answer that but she was the first one on my mind and she's the reason i stayed the reason i give love and life a try the reason i made it though senior basically my senior year was interesting and a struggle but if i can make it we all can actually we all did this class is gonna be one to go down in history so let's face this world with our heads held high and our diplomas even higher but i'm approaching the world with my true love y/n next to my side congrats class of 21'...we finally made it

everyone got up clapping and y/n got up jogging up the stairs and kissing derek and he kissed her back then they pulled away and everyone took their caps off then threw them in the air while people yelled and took pictures and y/n and derek hugged each other

Derek: i'm so sorry i ever put you as a choice because i do love you y/n more than anything i'm crazy over you baby thank you for keeping your promise and not breaking my heart
Y: shit happened and even though you did something dumb i'm still stupidly in love with you and i don't break promises derek trendz
Derek: then promise one day to take my last name
Y: i promise

derek smiled then kissed y/n again and she kissed him back while his mom and her mom took pictures of them then they took family pictures and sibling pictures until they finished and got off the stage while derek went to the boys and y/n went to the others giving them a group hug

Y: more time to hang with you guys
Mattia: parties are gonna be everywhere tonight
Y: well you're coming to mine
Hunter: what we doing
Y: i'm having a small party then we're going to a bunch of game places and shit like that oh we're also doing karaoke and just dance
Nico: oh i'm coming for sure
Y: alright come at eight
Bryce: we'll be there by six
Y: good you can help me set up

they gave y/n a thumbs up and she walked off going back to the others talking to them then she went to her mom hugging her and her mom kissed her head

Y/m: ugh you're officially grown now
Y: finally done with school
Y/m: i'm so proud of you and i know your dad would be too

y/n smiled as her eyes started watering then a tear fell down

Y/m: he always talked about you graduating and getting married and having kids i'm glad i get to be here even though he isn't
Y: he's here as long as we are mama the memories of him is all we have so that's enough for us
Y/m: you're right well that means i'll have to make enough memories for the both of us
Y: you look great mom he would've loved to see you
Y/m: he would've loved to see you way more
Y: thank you for taking care of me these past years you're truly the best and i'm sorry for the times i made you feel like anything else you just wanted the best for me
Y/m: i just wanted to control you to give me a sense of stabilization that i used to have with your father but it was wrong of me i should've let you live sooner and make your own decisions
Y: you raised me to the best of your abilities and i love you so much for that
Y/m: i love you too

y/n hugged her mom taking in a deep breath while her mom rested her head in her hair hugging her back


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