part 109

443 29 78

several months past since everything and it was ayas birthday so y/n pulled out her phone about to make plans with her since dereks mom has the kids for a few weeks but before she could her supporters started spamming her with one of dereks post so she looked at it

several months past since everything and it was ayas birthday so y/n pulled out her phone about to make plans with her since dereks mom has the kids for a few weeks but before she could her supporters started spamming her with one of dereks post s...

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liked be aaayyyaaaa._ and 5252846 others
derektrendz: happy birthday to the best girlfriend i could ever ask for so glad i got you in my life and i can't wait for some more birthday sex ;)

aaayyyaaaa._: i love you baby
derektrendz: i love you even more i promise^^
fairybabyash: aya you know that's really some snake ass shit you pulling^^
ayainarandolph: damn would've never seen this coming
kbreeezo: my favorite couple
isa.bailes: name a duo better than this i'll wait
supporter: y/n and keith^^
vallyk: i would be on y/ns side but since ashley broke up with me i'm on y'all side
quincy: stay mad^^
*load 1002743 more comments*

after that y/n put her phone down and walked downstairs sitting on the couch and soon the girls came down sitting next to her in silence

Y: i just don't understand she's supposed to be my sister and this is what she does if it wasn't for me she'd be stuck with herself somewhere out in the street but no being the big sister i was i let her move in with me how would she feel if i started messing with cohen and yes i'm over derek but it's about respect at the end of the day and for him to go for my little sister out of every girl especially when he was just with nupur it's just all around fucked up on both of their sides but i'm done derek and aya are dead to me as far as i'm concerned i should've took keiths offer
Carmen: what was his offer
Y: nothing now it's too late
Ashley: if it's the same offer quincy gave me then no it's not too late just saying
Ayaina: don't what y'all are talking about but anyways y/n on that date keith took you on did he actually tell you what his job was
Y: nope he still dodges the question but if he's not ready to tell me then i'm not gonna force him and besides we have a lot of fun together and he loves me so it doesn't matter to me
Carmen: me and justin are going through a rough patch right now so must be nice i kinda miss kobe
Justin: what

everyone turned around seeing the guys standing in the doorway and justin walked off while carmen chased behind him trying to explain and keith walked up to y/n grabbing her hand and going upstairs into this room closing and locking the door then he sat on the bed and sat y/n on his lap facing him and putting his hands on her waist

Keith: ok i know i've been dodging the question about where i work at a lot i know that and i'm sorry it's just if i tell you i need to make sure you're not going to go repeat any of it
Y: i won't repeat anything
Keith: y/n i'm asking you now can i trust you
Y: yes you can trust me
Keith: i work for the mafia or the mob whichever one you wanna call it and we have a set of rules like no dating outside of the mob and no telling anyone whoever we tell gets killed in front of us that's why i didn't tell you but now that you know if anyone else figures out you'll die and so will they
Y: so why didn't you just date within the mob
Keith: because i saw you and i fell for you and i realized that i couldn't date within the mob when i knew i wanted you but i figured if i wanted to keep you then i had to tell you so you wouldn't feel like i was hiding things from you
Y: so where do you go all the time
Keith: new york that's why i come home so late when i leave
Y: i knew there was something mysterious that i loved about you
Keith: so you're not mad
Y: no you didn't tell me to protect me that means you cared it means you still care
Keith: of course i care i love you y/n
Y: i love you too

keith grabbed the bottom of y/ns chin looking at her then he kissed her and she kissed him back until they started making out and he gripped her waist tighter while he laid back on the bed bringing her down with him after a while she was laying on top of him sleeping and he was laying under her with his arms wrapped around her back while carmen was talking to justin in front of his friends while he was whispering and she was yelling

Justin: you followed me all the way here i said not now carmen so not now go home you said what you said not me
Carmen: but i'm trying to explain and you won't even listen
Justin: there's no way you can explain that now i'm going to tell you one more time to go home
Carmen: baby just please talk to me
Member: baby
Carmen: yes we're dating there i can finally say it me and justin are dating and we have been for months now i love him and he loves m-

before carmen could finish one of the members shot her and some of her blood splattered on justins face and he stood there frozen not knowing what to do

Boss: well looks like i'm going to have to do a mandatory check to make sure no one else is dating outside of the mob because i'm going to make this clear one more fucking time we date inside this mob not out or i'll make an example out of all of them bitches y'all date now get her out of my sight and clean my fucking floor

the boys dragged carmens body away while justin blankly walked to his car and got in driving back to the house once he made it in he slammed the door shut and fell down to his knees screaming and crying


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