part 65

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Derek: can i talk to you real quick
Y: i'll be back

y/n sighed then got up walking out the door with derek then she closed it behind her and stood in front of derek with her arms crossed

Derek: i fucked up when i picked celia over you and i see that now i see that so much right now and i miss you so much i promise i'm done treating you like a option i miss you and i continue to miss you everyday me and celia are done for good forever i'll never talk to her again if that means i'll have you back but i can't continue seeing you with new guys when i know i still love you and i'm not saying this as some kind of pity party or because i see you moving on i'm saying this because i see how much of a fool i was for ever letting you go i don't want to let you go i love you and i love our baby...i miss you y/n please

y/n didn't respond because her mind was everywhere but derek took that opportunity and kissed her and it took her a while to snap out of it but when she did she stepped back pulling away from him and his eyes started to water so she looked down

Y: i get it you miss me but you picked her over me and i felt like it wasn't even a second guess i feel betrayed and how do i know you won't do it again yes you could block her but you could talk to her in person i wanted to stay together we had arguments but doesn't every couple we weren't perfect and no one expected us to be but when you're mad you say the rudest shit and i'm starting to think that's how you really feel they always say angry words is normal thoughts and with you it was true the first time so like you said maybe your other options are better than me and if that's the case then pursue those options don't let me hold you back
Derek: that's the thing i don't want any options anymore i just want you and i was dumb to treat you as an option and i was dumb to let you go and i know it's probably the right thing to do but i can't i won't i need you i want you and i'm done acting like i don't care that you're moving on because i do care and i'm so sorry i said that shit to you i was mad and i acted like a damn child and on that day i'm sorry for acting like a damn idiot over an outfit you're grown and you can wear what you want and it was dumb of me to take you leaving me and moving on to see that
Y: what do you want me to say what am i supposed to say
Derek: that you forgive me and you want me back as much as i want you
Y: then all the shit just goes away...i'm sorry derek but that's not how it works in the real world but who knows maybe i'll change my mind tonight or tomorrow but right now i don't see that happening...i'm so sorry

y/n walked into her room texting corey that she wasn't well and he should go home then once he offered to check on her she declined so he went home while she stayed in her room laying down trying to clear her mind and not stress herself out after a while of her just sitting up she went into the bathroom getting undressed and sitting down in the shower letting the water pour on her while she threw her head back humming and trying to clear her head after an hour she got out wrapping a towel around herself and sitting down while derek was downstairs with his face in his hands

Mike: just let her go there's nothing else you can do about it but let her take her time and come back to you when she's ready
Derek: and what if she doesn't come back what if she realizes that he's better than i ever was and she doesn't need me...what if she doesn't even love me anymore what do i do then

derek lifted his head revealing a few tears falling down his face 

Kobe: if she meant so much then why leave her in the first place
Derek: because since i had a few feelings for celia i thought maybe i was just unintentionally using y/n but when the feeling didn't comeback that i felt for y/n i realized i fucked up and now i'm scared it's too late i just want her back more than ever and i don't know what to do about it
Isa: for some dumb ass reason i feel bad for you
Ayaina: ugh same
Aya: ok well say for instance y/n was standing right in front of you ready to go back to you at any second what would you say to her act like she's the wall
Derek: y/n...ugh this is dumb i can't act like she's a wall
Aya: if she means that much to you then do it
Derek: fine...y/n i was so dumb to ever leave you for celia i thought she was the one i wanted so i went for it but she's not and she never will be you're the one i want and it took me this long to see that i'm so dumb and i'd do anything just to hear you say you love me it's been so long i almost forgot what it sounded like i miss everything about you and if you would just forgive me i swear i'll never make the same mistake twice because you're made for me and i see that now all the smiles and laughs with you were my best ones and i'm sorry i took all of that for granted but i am i really am in love with you and i'm hoping you still feel the same way because it would make me so much happier to even have you look at me the same
Isa: now turn around

derek turned around and when he looked he saw y/n standing there with her arms crossed looking straight at him


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