part 50

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Y/m: well i'm not gonna keep you from your friends go have fun i'll see you later
Y: nah they can wait do you want to do anything
Y/m: yea come on i got the perfect place
Y: where at
Y/m: somewhere your dad used to take me
Y: alright aya
Aya: huh
Y: come on it's just us three for a few
Aya: coming

aya walked over there then all of them got in the car leaving and going to the restaurant when they walked in they saw star led lights in the ceiling and colorful fish in tanks once they made it to their seats y/n took off her gown but left her cap on and she sat it down next to her then the waitress gave them their menus and they looked through them

Aya: so dad took you here
Y/m: every single friday right after school it was our spot hoping one day you guys will have a spot with a special someone that you can take your kids to
Y: do you ever miss him
Y/m: every day sometimes more than i feel like i should but maybe i'm still healing
Aya: i'm pretty sure dad would've loved to see you right now he'd be completely mesmerized by your beauty
Y/m: y'all are just saying that to be nice
Y: no we're serious mama you're beautiful
Y/m: thank you ba-
??: y/m is that you

y/ns mom didn't say anything she just looked up with a shocked face like she just saw a ghost then a tear fell down her face and right after that ten more came along

Y: mom what's wrong who is that
??: you don't remember me huh
Y: i don't know who you are
Y/d: i'm your dad
Y: my dad died fourteen years ago
Y/m: no y/n he's telling the truth he's right there
Y: you said he died
Y/m: he did i saw him
Y/d: no i saw the car i jumped out before it could hit me
Y/m: there was blood in the car we saw
Y/d: it was from my injured arm and leg
Y/m: so you faked your death
Y/d: i can explain i did it because i didn't want the kids to have to see us go through our divorce i'm so sorry y/n but i'd love to be your dad again
Y: no
Y/d: what
Y: you're a liar you're nothing but a dead beat liar you leave out of my life for fourteen fucking years making me believe you died and that i was the reason that's so messed up you lied you're nothing but a liar not my dad i'll never forgive you as far as i'm concerned my dad is still dead
Y/d: princess
Y: don't ever call me that

y/n got up grabbing her stuff and walking out the restaurant she walked all the way home and by the time she got there it was six and everyone was inside but she went to her room laying face first on the bed then everyone came up sitting around her

Derek: what's wrong baby
Y: my dad
Derek: i thought he was dead
Y: so did me and everyone else but he popped up at the restaurant
Isa: he did what wait what did he say
Y: he faked his death so we wouldn't have to see my parents divorce then he said he'd love to be my dad again
Vallyk: then let him

y/n lifted her head off the bed and blankly looked at vallyk

Vallyk: never mind
Kobe: so what are you gonna do
Y: i don't know but i'm not forgiving him
Vallyk: you know how many of us would kill to have a dad
Y: then go kill i don't fucking care he lied for fourteen years like he was dead fourteen years of my life i thought he died in a wreck when really he was just too much of a bitch to come back so vallyk if you want a dad so much go have him but it's my fucking choice and i don't need someone who obviously didn't need me fuck him and fuck anyone that thinks i should forgive him

y/n got up walking outside and derek looked at vallyk then smacked him upside the back of his head

Derek: she was telling us her problem she didn't ask for you to tell her what to do
Vallyk: i'm just saying i want a dad
Isa: that's you not her not everything revolves around you jeez you're so damn selfish

derek got up walking downstairs and out the door seeing y/n sitting there with her face buried in her hands and he sat next to her kissing her head then wrapping his arms around her

Derek: move
Y: what
Derek: i want you to move with me and the others
Y: move where and who is the others
Derek: move to new york with me the boys and the girls also aya and maybe cohen of course
Y: are you crazy that's two days away from here by car and nearly five hours by plane
Derek: ok we're grown it's time to start acting like it
Y: i'm all my mom has we can't just leave her
Derek: well i think your mom is gonna be just fine
Y: what makes you say that

derek pointed and y/n turned around seeing her mom holding her dads forearm laughing and making jokes so she got up walking up to them and grabbing aya

Y: we're moving to new york you have him so you'll be fine
Y/d: that's too far you're not going anywhere young lady
Y: yea you must be smoking dicks if you think you have a say so in anything i do

y/n walked off with aya and aya went into her room packing all her clothes and shoes and y/n did the same then once they finished they locked themselves in their room for hours until the others came back with their bags packed outside waiting in the car so y/n and aya got up about to walk out but their mom and dad was blocking the door


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