part 38

794 38 40

a week past and it was officially time for dereks birthday so y/n got dressed in a tight fitted navy blue with silver heels and straightened her hair then she looked at herself in the mirror questioning it when derek called so she set the phone up answering and he picked up in a navy blue tux minus the vest with a black tie and black and blue dress shoes

Derek: sheesh you look so damn beautiful
Y: are you sure it's not too much
Derek: no you look great baby
Y: you look great too
Derek: glad it's to your liking
Y: ok so come to my house in thirty minutes and we'll leave from here
Derek: so are you gonna tell me where we're going
Y: no just come ok
Derek: ok i love you see you soon
Y: i love you too

y/n hung up then she finished getting ready and knocked on isas door then she walked in seeing her in an all black tight fitted party dress with gold heels and her curly hair on her shoulders while aya was sitting at the vanity doing her makeup with a blue and white lace dress and black heels with her hair in a curly ponytail and two strands in the front

Y: dereks coming in thirty minutes so are y'all ready
Aya: almost done you look good
Y: thanks you y'all do too
Isa: man i hope so why'd you pick such formal wear
Y: because what we're doing is formal
Aya: so what are we doing
Y: i'm gonna take him to this really nice restaurant then we're going to the hollywood sign to take pictures then maybe this nice dance bar after that though i have something planned for just me and derek so y'all can do whatever
Isa: alright

y/n phone buzzed with a text from derek saying he was on the way so she told the girls and they finished up then she went into her room grabbing his gift and carrying it downstairs once she made it down she saw derek approaching the door so she put the box down and opened the door hugging him then kissing him after that they started making out and he put his hand on her butt gripping it then the other on her neck while she had both wrapped around the back of his neck after a minute they pulled away and he traced his finger along her bottom lip making her smile

Y: happy birthday baby
Derek: thank you sexy
Y: ok so do you want to open your gift now or later
Derek: is it something that can melt
Y: nope
Derek: then it can wait till later
Y: ok but there is something i want to give you now though
Derek: where is it
Y: just stand here and close your eyes
Derek: baby...
Y: just do it please
Derek: fine they're closed

while dereks eyes were closed y/n went in the refrigerator opening it then she took the small box out and handed it to derek then tapped his shoulder making him open his eyes and smile

Derek: can i open it
Y: yea go ahead

derek looked at y/n then opened the box looking at what it said then he looked back up at her smiling harder while she laughed

Derek: it's amazing
Y: i'm glad you think so

y/n continued laughing making derek laugh a little then she hugged him and rocked side to side then aya and isa came downstairs

Isa: y'all ready
Y: yea
Aya: what's that in your hand
Y: one of the gifts i gave him
Isa: aww let me see

derek showed isa and she looked at y/n smiling and shaking her head then derek put them back in the refrigerator then they all walked out going to his car and before derek got in the drivers seat y/n lightly pushed him

Derek: what
Y: i'm driving
Derek: why
Y: because it's a surprise where we're going now shut up and get in the passenger seat
Derek: yes ma'am

derek walked to the passenger seat getting in while y/n got in the drivers seat once everyone was in the car they went by everyone's house picking them up then y/n was about to drive to the spot until derek lightly squeezed her thigh making her look at him

Y: hmm
Derek: go get mike
Y: bu-
Derek: what he did was messed up yes but he's still my brother
Y: brothers don't lie on each other
Derek: please for me
Y: fine

y/n turned around and went to mikes house waiting when he came out with ayaina she shook her head then once they got in the car she drove off

Ayaina: hey y-

y/n turned the radio up and derek looked at her but she ignored it and kept driving when they made it they parked then walked inside standing at the front

Hostess: hello welcome to La Boucherie how may i help you
Y: reservation for y/n y/l/n
Hostess: are you the party of ten
Y: yes ma'am
Hostess: alright follow me please

they all started walking in following the hostess when derek walked beside y/n whispering

Derek: if you didn't want mike and ayaina to come why'd you make a reservation for ten people
Y: in case your mom and ahiella wanted to come
Derek: but i told you they were out of town
Y: well i guess i forgot

derek smiled at y/n and she playfully rolled her eyes then once they were seated they got their menus but everyone was just looking at the view

Isa: jeez this is so pretty
Derek: it's just wow
Y: i think i did a good job
Kobe: a good job is an understatement this is fucking incredible
Ayaina: it is really pretty

soon their waiter came and they all ordered one butcher block to share which by itself was two hundred fifteen dollars then they went back to talking

soon their waiter came and they all ordered one butcher block to share which by itself was two hundred fifteen dollars then they went back to talking

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the gift^^

la boucherie view^^

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la boucherie view^^

la boucherie view^^

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butcher block^^


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