part 39

832 36 21

once their food got there they ate then while y/n was talking to everyone derek was just staring at her not saying anything just staring once she turned her head noticing she kissed him and he kissed back

Y: you ok
Derek: oh yea i'm fine
Y: are you ready to go
Derek: yea i am

everyone got up walking out and getting back in the car then they drove to the hollywood sign getting out and going in front of it then y/n gave aya the phone and made her take pictures of her and derek then her and isa then her and kobe then vallyk then nadia then y/n grabbed the phone and took pictures of derek and the boys then derek by himself and some of aya and cohen

Mike: can someone take me and ayainas

y/n started walking away when derek grabbed her arm and whispered something then she went back to them taking hella pictures and getting good angles

Isa: what did you say to her
Derek: if she takes the picture i'll show her why she gave me those strawberries
Isa: yea you nasty
Derek: i mean it worked
Isa: fair point
Derek: do you think she'll ever be friends with them again
Isa: i have no idea but until she's friends with them then i'm not friends with them either
Derek: i grew up with mike i can't abandon him now
Isa: we have two different circumstances
Derek: yea you're right

y/n finished taking the pictures then she walked back to derek tossing him her phone then he started swiping through the pictures while she watched until he saw one he wasn't supposed to and she snatched it out his hand turning it off

Derek: now that would've been a good gift
Y: no shut up
Derek: i mean it's in your camera roll might as well send it my way
Y: sure but it's in there because sometimes i just take them shut up stop talking before i punch you
Derek: it's so funny when you start to get nervous
Y: no it's not

y/n walked off going to the car getting in with everyone else then as she was about to drive off her phone buzzed so she picked it up and made everyone be quiet

Y: what
Y/m: when are you gonna come home
Y: never why
Y/m: i miss you and i'm so sorry i said what i did you can stay with derek and he can come over whenever he wants i was just mad and i acted out of character but of course if i constantly pester you to do something then sooner or later you're gonna do it and that's my fault because don't get me wrong i do want grandkids but i don't want you to make the same mistake i did and have kids too early that doesn't mean i think y'all are a mistake because i don't you and aya are the only ones i have and i don't want to lose you guys your dad loved y'all so very much and he wouldn't replace y'all for anything and i'm sorry i made it feel like anything else just please come home princess i miss y'all all so much just please come home i'll do anything to show y'all how sorry i am
Y: anything
Y/m: yes anything
Y: how about a royal blue mercedes g wagon
Y/m: sure i can do that
Y: ok car first then i'll go home
Y/m: promise
Y: i swear
Y/m: ok consider it done
Y: i will when i see it

y/n hung up then she turned her head looking at derek who was looking at her

Y: what new car new me
Derek: you're a working case
Y: and you love it so let's call it even

derek let out a small laugh then y/n started the car driving to the night bar they stayed in there for hours dancing and talking then they left going back to isas house once they made it everyone got out going into different rooms while y/n and derek left back out going to the beach taking their shoes off and holding them in their hands while walking on the sand and holding each other's hand that didn't have the shoes in them the view had the moon shining on the water and a warm breeze with stars being the only thing lighting the sky

Derek: if someone ever asked you a big question where would you want it done
Y: well i guess that depends on the question
Derek: one where you'd be permanently tied down
Y: so if someone was to ask me to marry them
Derek: yes that question
Y: anywhere depending on the person but other than that it would definitely be in disney i've always wanted a disney themed proposal
Derek: ok
Y: why
Derek: just asking
Y: don't lie
Derek: well of course one day i plan on asking you but i want it to be somewhere that you want it
Y: so you're the someone we're talking about
Derek: yea this kind of shit is just so nerve wrecking
Y: you've actually never done this before
Derek: no not with celia either in case that's what you meant
Y: it is what i meant i feel special
Derek: you should i don't do this it feels weird ugh but yes i would love to marry you one day and i'm hoping you'd say yes but if you were to say no i mean i wouldn't be mad that's your decision i'd be a little hurt but i love you a lot so it don't matter
Y: derek it's fine yes i would say yes no matter when or where it doesn't have to be perfect if you're asking then my answer is always gonna be yes
Derek: ok well this is the best time to tell you then any so can we stop walking
Y: um derek
Derek: no i'm not asking the question i just need to tell you something
Y: whew ok

y/n and derek stopped walking and he grabbed both of her hands holding them

Derek: ok well i've been with you since the beginning of the school year and school is over in a month which means we've been together ten months got damn that sounds long when it's said out loud anyways yea we've been together ten months and i know i love you so so fucking much i actually think but i don't know i've never felt this shit before but i think i'm in love with you and i just thought i should let you know


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