part 18

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after mike went and put on his clothes everyone laid back down falling asleep when y/n woke up it was seven in the morning and she heard her mom and her bible group yelling and laughing so she rolled her eyes then got from under derek going into the bathroom and getting in the shower then she felt someone snake their arms around her waist so she turned around seeing derek and she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and hopped on him kissing him and he kissed back then pulled away

Derek: well good morning to you too
Y: good morning
Derek: part two
Y: my moms bible study group is here right now
Derek: guess you gotta be quiet

y/n shook her head and went back to kissing him after a while they got out and y/n sat on the sink with a towel wrapped around her picking songs to play while derek did his curl routine then he did hers for her while humming to the music then while she sat there he left out grabbing his clothes and grabbing clothes for her handing them to her once she got dressed she stood up leaning against the wall texting people once they were both finished derek told y/n to come downstairs with him but she refused to move

Derek: girl just say you can't walk and call it a day
Y: i very much can
Derek: you look like you just learned how yesterday
Y: shut up and come on
Derek: i'm coming

y/n and derek went downstairs making getting a bottle of orange juice then they were about to go back up to get dereks keys so they could go out to eat but y/ns mom called their names

Y: ma'am
Y/m: meet my friends daughter her name is celia
Y: hey i'm y/n and this i-
Celia: derek yea i know him
Y: oh how
Celia: we used to date
Y: oh cute i'm going upstairs

y/n walked off and derek followed behind her then when y/n saw everyone else was awake she told them they were all going out to eat so they got dressed while vallyk stayed sitting on the bed

Y: hey you know celia
Vallyk: dereks ex yea
Y: what can you tell me about her
Vallyk: um she was the girl he lost his virginity to then the next day she played him before that they were inseparable dated for a year until derek finally gave it up once she played him he started playing every girl he was with after that
Y: so should i be worried
Vallyk: maybe but not too worried i think
Y: great

y/n got up grabbing her keys when everyone was ready then she went downstairs and kissed her mom on the cheek

Y/m: you guys should take celia with you i'm sure she'd love to go
Celia: i would love to
Y: i mean i didn't invite you but sure the more the merrier

y/n says sarcastically turning around and rolling her eyes she got in her car closing the door and isa got in the passenger seat while ayaina and celia got in with her then derek came to the drivers side window and she rolled it down

Y: what's up
Derek: where we meeting at for breakfast
Celia: i'm in the mood for waffle house
Derek: waffle house it is

y/n looked at derek then just shook her head and rolled up the window while he gave a confused look then she backed out driving to waffle house pissed off not even realizing she was speeding

Isa: ok bitch i love you but slow down before you kill us all in this hoe
Y: oh i'm sorry

y/n slowed down and drive normally the rest of the way then once they made it they got out sitting in their booth waiting for the boys once they got there they walked in and derek sat next to y/n, kobe sat next to isa, mike sat next to ayaina, and vallyk was next to celia and they opened up their menus looking at them

Derek: celia what are you getting
Celia: i don't know but that chocolate chip waffle looks really tempting
Derek: man it sure does i might get that
Celia: twins
Derek: what are you getting baby
Y: you a ticket straight to hell

y/n rolled her eyes then continued looking at the menu until the waiter came then he took their orders and walked off while celia and derek kept talking to each other once he came back with their food he sat it on the table then looked at y/n

Waiter: so what's your name
Y: me
Waiter: yea
Y: y/n
Waiter: that's a really pretty name
Y: thank you that's really sweet
Derek: um she has a boyfriend you can go
Waiter: does the little lady want me to leave
Y: n-
Derek: yes she does so maybe you should go
Waiter: whatever if you ever need someone to talk to i work here everyday but the weekend

the waiter winked at y/n then walked off and she ate her waffle not saying anything after her conversation with the waiter derek wasn't saying anything either once they were all done they paid then walked out and before y/n got in the car derek grabbed her arm and she snatched it away

Derek: what is wrong with you
Y: why don't you go talk to celia maybe she'll know
Derek: what are you jealous
Y: you know i wouldn't have to be if you acted right
Derek: what did i even do
Y: the whole time you didn't even speak to me you spoke to celia
Derek: because you said you wanted a ticket for me to go to hell
Y: because the second we stepped in there you asked her what she wanted then i came second
Derek: i was just asking a simple question i didn't mean it like that y/n
Y: sure

y/n walked off getting in the car and waiting for everyone else to get in then she drove off going back home

y/n walked off getting in the car and waiting for everyone else to get in then she drove off going back home

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