part 15

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Y: i'll think about it but right now my answer is no i feel betrayed and i feel so dumb for thinking that maybe you actually came to me because you liked me i would've never guess it was for a bet
Derek: i approached you because of the bet i didn't fall for you because of it
Y: if it was never for that stupid bet would you have ever even came up to me
Derek: stop
Y: no answer me
Derek: no probably not
Y: exactly you didn't even take an interest in me until
money was involved you're just like everyone says you are a fuck boy

y/n walked away going inside then she closed the doors while the boys stood there

Mike: she still got hella ass
Derek: really man right now is not the time
Mike: sorry

derek walked off wiping his face while y/n was in the room with the girls wiping her face and sitting on the bed

Isa: what happened
Y: derek came
Isa: what did he want
Y: me back
Ayaina: girl stop pausing what he say
Y: i appreciate y'all asking but i'm not the kind of girl to tell my friends all of my relationship problems it's me and his relationship not yours
Isa: so y'all are together
Y: no but what did i just say
Isa: hey i was just wondering anyways let me borrow this
Y: i just got that
Isa: please
Y: fine but i'm not staying home right now so can we go to the mall
Ayaina: we're stopping by my house first i need to get my wallet
Y: ok come on

y/n told aya she was leaving then she got in the car with the girls driving to the ayainas house while she was in there y/ns phone was blowing up so she put her phone on do not disturb then once she came out she got back in the car with her wallet and they drove to the mall once they made it they got out shopping and buying clothes then they saw a tattoo parlor

Isa: i want a tattoo so come on
Y: no my mom would kill me if i got one
Ayaina: get it where she won't see
Y: y'all are going to get me killed
Isa: come on please
Y: fine fuck it

they all walked into the parlor then while isa picked her tattoo then showed the guy y/n and ayaina were still flipping through the book until y/n found the one she wanted she showed the lady so she told her to sit down and she started prepping her skin then isa held her hand and they started getting theirs done flinching every now and then from the pain isa was done before y/n because she got a small one but y/n didn't finish for nearly three hours then ayaina went which took two hours after that they took pictures of them then they left the mall going to walmart to buy wrap to cover them so they won't get infected

Isa: what fucking aisle is this shit on
Ayaina: maybe this one
Y: no we're not listening to you anymore
Isa: you're the reason we're lost now

the girls kept looking for the aisle then they saw derek and the boys so y/n quickly pulled them on the opposite aisle and they kept walking

Y: oh there it is
Isa: are we all getting a separate one
Ayaina: duh isa
Isa: shut up smart ass

they all laughed then they got their own and started walking to the check out but the boys were there also so y/n pulled them on the snack aisle

Y: hey how about a movie night
Isa: i'm down let's pick what to get
Ayaina: let's get popcorn
Y: i really don't want no bland ass popcorn
Ayaina: then what do you want smart ass
Y: not no fucking popcorn
Isa: y'all want cotton candy
Y: yes i do
Ayaina: so you rather pull apart cotton before eating popcorn
Isa: girl that didn't sound right

they all started laughing then they grabbed a bunch of snacks before checking out and going outside not paying attention then they made it to her car putting the bags in after that they got in but they sat in the parking lot talking for a while until they turned the radio up and got on their phones for almost twenty minutes then she turned on the lights to her car since it was dark out and she saw derek and the boys making her yell from fear until she calmed down and derek knocked on her window asking her to step out so she did and isa and ayaina stepped out with her

Y: you scared the fuck out of me
Mike: nah that ain't coming out it's too late
Derek: bro shut the fuck up you aren't helping
Y: fucking dick
Derek: ok can you talk to me now
Y: i'm responding aren't i
Derek: ok smart ass anyways please take me back i'm so sorry i need you i miss you you're all i think about and you avoiding me in stores every time you see me is going to drive me fucking crazy please
Y: i don't know you had me embarrassing myself for a month
Derek: i'll give you and your friends the money every single dime i don't need it i get more than that by posting a video a day it was just a dumb bet because these dumb fucks just have money to waste so that's what it was but take me back and every dime will go to y'all
Isa: yea she forgives you
Ayaina: yes y'all good give me my money

isa and ayaina went to derek snatching the money out of his hand while y/n stood there

Y: you'd really give it away
Derek: yes in a heartbeat i wasn't trying to play you i enjoy being around you yes my friends are gonna fuck shit up every now and then but it's just because they stupid and don't know when to shut up example being mike so please take me back please because i'm pretty sure your friends aren't gonna give me that money back

Y: you'd really give it away Derek: yes in a heartbeat i wasn't trying to play you i enjoy being around you yes my friends are gonna fuck shit up every now and then but it's just because they stupid and don't know when to shut up example being mik...

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the tattoo^^


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