part 111

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once they pulled apart keith just hugged y/n and she hugged him back until they moved apart and went into their room showering together then they sat on the bed watching a movie while y/n had her head in keiths lap and he played with her hair while she was on her phone

once they pulled apart keith just hugged y/n and she hugged him back until they moved apart and went into their room showering together then they sat on the bed watching a movie while y/n had her head in keiths lap and he played with her hair whil...

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liked by quincy and 8639473
theofficial.y/n: i'll forever miss you not only did you show me what a good friend should be like you showed me to always embrace in who i was and you showed me what family is like you've stuck around with me through everything wether it was being dumped last minute or some dumb like not being able to find the right outfit i just wish i could hug you one more time and tell you how much you meant to me and how much i loved you but you're with God now and i know you're gonna watch over me and kehlani for the rest of our life i'm going to keep pushing for were my angel on earth now you're my guardian angel in the sky rest in paradise baby girl

princejdc: i can hear her now saying "ooo bitch i look so good in this picture"
theofficial.y/n: she really was her own number one supporter LMAO^^
kbreeezo: wait she's dead 💔
supporter: rest in peace bby
fairybabyash: gonna be hard not hearing her laugh everyday
ayainarandolph: or her and justin fucking every damn day^^
princejdc: LMAO^^
supporter: please stay safe y/n
keithpowers: she's gonna be ok^^
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after that y/n put her phone down and she let a few more tears fall down while keith kissed her cheek every time he saw a new one once she fell asleep he moved her on him and fell asleep with her

Justin: i miss her so much and i don't know what to do about it
Ayaina: i don't know either but we know carmen loved you even though she said she missed kobe you were truly all she talked about
Justin: i just wish everything would get better i need her here with me
Ayaina: why don't you just lay back and let me make you feel better
Justin: what
Ayaina: don't ask just relax

justin leaned back and ayaina kissed him a few times and he kissed back trying to focus on something other than the pain once she moved back removing his bottom clothing he gripped her hair after a while she was on top of him and he threw his head back seeing the big picture frame of carmen and he pushed her off of him so she stood up looking confused while he put his clothes back on then zipped his pants

Ayaina: what's wrong
Justin: you're not carmen you'll never be carmen and i don't want you i want her and since she's not here then i'm better off single i'm tired of getting in new relationships just to have every girl i try to love killed right in front of me
Ayaina: ugh well you could've said that before the fact
Justin: i'm sorry
Ayaina: whatever

ayaina got dressed and walked out the room and justin sat down with his hands on his face fighting back tears while shaking his leg then he got up grabbing his keys and going to the nearest bar hours and hours past and the sun had risen and y/n and keith woke up looking at each other and he kissed her then rested his forehead on hers

Keith: good morning
Y: good morning
Keith: you know i love you right
Y: yea and i love you too

y/n kissed keith again then got up walking into kehlanis room doing her morning routine and talking to her to make her feel better then she kissed her cheek while she ran downstairs to eat the breakfast ashley was cooking then she went to valentinas room doing her morning routine and once she finished she kissed her cheek as well but before she ran downstairs y/n grabbed her arm

Y: um kehlani is gonna be your sister now since i'm going to adopt her because auntie carmen is in heaven i just want you to be nice to her ok
Valentina: kehlani has always been a sister to me mommy of course i'll be nice to her

y/n smiled then she let valentina go and she ran downstairs while y/n went back into her room then she went into the bathroom seeing the shower was on so she got undressed and stepped in seeing keith once he realized she was in he turned around then he placed his hand on her waist moving her to him and they just looked at each other

Y: promise you'll always be here
Keith: i promise

keith kissed y/n passionately and everything after that was just as passionate once they finished they dried off and got dressed then keith sat on the bed fixing up his tie because he got a call at a restaurant and y/n stood in front of him so he stood up and she helped him get his tie right then he kissed her and she kissed him back but she still just stood there

Y: do you have to go
Keith: yea baby i have to go
Y: what if something happens
Keith: then it happens but i've told you once and i'll tell you as many times as i need to i'm in love with you i won't just leave out of nowhere unless i absolutely had to
Y: i'm in love with you too

keith hugged y/n then when he moved away he held her hand and slipped something on her finger

Keith: there now you know i'm serious if i have to leave then no matter what know one day i'll come back i promise it might be when you least expect it but i told you i'll always be right here

to make everything fall in place i might end the book on part 130 so when i make the sequel it'll make sense 🍯

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