part 85

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after they finished they paid then got up walking into the parking lot sitting down and talking for a few hours then they had a dance party until y/n yawned so they wrapped up the time and said bye then got in their cars going separate ways once y/n made it home she walked inside and went into her room seeing derek laying down with sunny nupur and fernanda so she rolled her eyes then got in the shower getting cleaned up and washing her hair then she got out drying off and getting dressed in a pair of her pajamas and put her damp hair in a messy bun to let it air dry

Derek: where have you been
Y: why do you care you look like you've been having a great time
Derek: they're just spending the night
Y: ok
Derek: so where are you gonna sleep
Y: wherever i decide

y/n walked past derek then went into the room hunter was sleeping in for the night and she got under the cover laying right next to him putting her head on his chest and laying one leg across his legs so he used one of his hands to lift it higher on him then he placed the other on her back

Hunter: what's up
Y: dereks sleeping with the three stooges so i'm sleeping with you tonight
Hunter: man i know which kind you mean but both kinds sound great right now
Y: very funny hunter
Hunter: thank you best friend
Y: you know what if derek like cheats or some
Hunter: i'll stab him to death
Y: you know that's actually his biggest fear
Hunter: good
Y: ok if i was a serial killer my signature would be recording myself stabbing someone to death then i'd put the sound in different care bears and send it to the people's family so they can hear the sound of their loved ones dying but in a care bear so they'll know at least i care
Hunter: wow that was very concerning
Y: yea it was i don't know where that came from
Hunter: i don't either girl

hunter and y/n got quiet just looking at each other before they bust out laughing then they fell asleep but y/n woke up to a random noise so she got up walking downstairs seeing kobe going to town on himself so she yelled covering her eyes and kobe jumped up covering himself up

Y: on the couch really
Kobe: i didn't expect anyone to be awake
Y: but that doesn't answer the question to why ew
Kobe: because i was in the living room by myself an- why do you care to back to sleep
Y: i mean i was sleep until i came downstairs to see you having a party
Kobe: can you go
Y: what so you can finish
Kobe: yes now go

y/n cringed one more time before walking off and going back into the room this time she slept through the whole night and woke up going into valentinas room waking her up and doing her routine then they walked downstairs and she put her down so she started walking around and messing with things and eating breakfast while y/n awkwardly walked past kobe until he walked next to her

Kobe: can you stop acting weird
Y: i'm not acting weird it's just the situation was weird
Kobe: you'll live
Y: stop patting my head i know where those hands been
Kobe: very funny shut up before i put it on your face
Y: i will literally punch you if you did that

kobe laughed then walked off while y/n went into the kitchen sitting down and talking to the others until she checked the time and got up showering and getting dressed into her clothes then before she walked out derek called her name then kissed her so she kissed him back

Derek: i love you baby stay safe
Y: i will i love you too

y/n walked out getting in her car and driving to the spot then she walked out going in saying hi to everyone

Trinity: hey glad to see you came back
Y: of course
Tony: so are you ready for today's shoot
Y: as ready as i'll ever be
Jaden: good enough let's go

instead of going outside this time they went in front of a background taking pictures and sitting around talking once everything was over they were all just sitting around

Jaiden: i'm having a little party at my house if y'all wanna come
Y: what day is it
Jaiden: tonight it'll start at nine
Y: uhh it depends
Jaden: she'll be there
Y: well looks like i'm going

jaden let out a small laugh and y/n looked at him smiling then after sitting there for a little they all left while y/n and jaden went to the cafe eating and drinking the same thing as yesterday

Jaden: so what are you wearing to the party
Y: probably one of the many dresses i bought how about you
Jaden: i have no idea
Y: come on after this we can go shopping
Jaden: bet

jaden and y/n finished eating then they got in their cars going to the mall once they made it they walked in going to the mens section to find jaden an outfit and once they found it they paid then they split ways while jaden was driving home y/n was walking through her doors going to her room and trying to pick out a dress

Isa: what you looking for
Y: a dress
Isa: why do you need a dress
Y: jaiden one of my friends i guess you could say is throwing a party tonight and he asked me if i wanted to go so i'm going
Isa: have you told derek
Y: no but then again i'm grown
Isa: fair point

isa kept talking to y/n while she found a dress then once she did she got in the shower getting cleaned up then she dried off and put the outfit on along with a pair of black heels then she went to valentinas room doing her night routine since it was eight thirty and after that she walked out and sprayed herself with perfume before walking downstairs and almost out the door

Ashley: babe you look so nice
Derek: yea but where are you going all dressed up

Ashley: babe you look so nice Derek: yea but where are you going all dressed up

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the dress^^


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