part 28

906 38 19

the boys slowly got up one by one then y/n got up helping nico

Mattia: i was sexually harassed by bryce i'm suing
Bryce: nah i don't even want you like that
Mattia: don't lie you know you want this big fat ass
Bryce: hell nah
Mattia: damn bae
Y: don't worry tia that ass fat
Mattia: purr

they all laughed then walked back upstairs all showering one by one then getting dressed and getting under mattias cover all watched the walking dead together it was y/n in the middle with mattia right next to her on the left and nico beside him then hunter right next to her on her right with bryce and niko beside him

Y: man the shit i'd do to rick
Hunter: ew he's like forty
Y: man forty and fine as fuck
Bryce: man you just horny

y/n laughed but on the inside she agreed but still laughed it off after that they all just continued watching until everyone fell asleep but later on y/n woke up feeling that feeling even more so she checked her phone seeing it was three in the morning and she tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work so she got up grabbing her bag and putting it in her car then she drove to her house once she mad it she walked inside and to her room laying next to derek who was still there

Derek: hey y/n
Y: hey baby
Derek: what made you come home early
Y: uhh nothing in particular just wanted to see you again you know  
Derek: babe you're acting weird
Y: i'm always like this weird ole y/n
Derek: ok what's wrong
Y: i'm horny like it's so bad and i came home to see if maybe you'd help...please help me
Derek: all you had to do was say that one time
Y: you're the best

y/n instantly kissed derek then snatched the blanket off getting on top of him and when derek tried to move her so she could slow down she clung to him tighter making out with him even harder soon he returned the energy kissing her back just as hard after a while derek was getting tired but y/n wanted to keep going

Derek: let's take a break
Y: t ten mmore minutesss

derek shook his head then ten minutes later y/n finally stopped and she plopped down next to derek who later got up walking into the bathroom to pee once he was done he came out and y/n was completely knocked out so he laid the cover over her kissing her head then he put on his shorts and a shirt and walked downstairs

Y/m: it's six in the morning why are you up so early
Derek: i had to deal with something that wouldn't let me go and i had to be awake for it
Y/m: that sucks
Derek: nah it was great but part of it had something sucking
Y/m: whatever that means
Derek: yea haha wonder what that means
Y/m: well where's y/n
Derek: sleeping
Y/m: she usually doesn't sleep in this late i'm so used to her waking up early
Derek: yea ik guess she was just really tired
Y/m: hmm i guess she'll wake up later
Derek: if she asks where i'm at let her know i'm with the boys
Y/m: will do

derek shook his head then got in his car driving off to kobe's house once he made it he got out and knocked on the door and mike came opening the door and dapping him up after that he walked in going to kobe's room going in and sitting on the bed

Kobe: where's y/n
Derek: she couldn't make it
Mike: did you kill her
Derek: nah not her specifically
Vallyk: oh shit RIP that pussy
Kobe: aye
Derek: y'all ugly as fuck for that
Mike: shit was funny
Vallyk: y'all tryna go to the store
Derek: yea sure

they all got up walking out then getting in kobe's car going to walmart as soon as they stepped out the car celia approached them with three more of her friends

Celia: these are the boys we were telling y'all about
??: oh they are cute
Kobe: yea and taken so we're not interested sorry
??: what about you
Vallyk: i actually came here to meet the girl i'm talking to so no i'm good
??: ugh we wasted our time
Celia: they're fuck boys trust me they'll budge
Derek: i just got done fucking the shit out of my girlfriend like always so yea i'm not gonna budge
Celia: y-

before celia could finish vallyk heard someone call his name so everyone looked in the direction it came from

Vallyk: oh shit there she is hey nadia
Nadia: hey vallyk it's nice to finally meet you
Vallyk: you look even better in person and i didn't think you looking any better could happen
Nadia: and you're even sweeter in person

nadia and vallyk hugged then she kissed his cheek making his face turn a light shade of red

Derek: damn she got my boy simping like a mother fucker
Mike: man not vallyk pena
Vallyk: shut up aren't you pussy whipped and aren't you a crazy toxic bitch
Derek: i'm not pussy whipped
Mike: and i'm not a crazy toxic bitch
Vallyk: ok what's the last perfume y/n used
Derek: dream angel eau de parfum from victoria secret
Vallyk: and mike what did you do the last time a guy talked to ayaina
Mike: i put a knife to his neck
Vallyk: yea i rest my point jack asses
Nadia: and you're even more aggressive in person
Vallyk: i'm gonna make you fall in love with me
Nadia: nothing like a good challenge
Vallyk: you're right about that one

vallyk grabbed nadias face kissing her so she smiled and kissed him back then once she pulled away her face was red

Mike: i'm gonna be sick

Mike: i'm gonna be sick

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