part 27

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Mattia: aight well we gotta go papa polibio is cooking tonight
Y: oh i'm coming for sure
Mattia: bet
Y: is gianluca there
Mattia: yea in his room not talking like always
Y: ok yea i'll be there

mattia and the others hugged y/n then walked off after that they kept talking to each other until they got up walking to y/ns house when they walked in she grabbed a bag and started putting clothes in it along with other things the other soon left leaving her and derek it was seven thirty pm and when she was about to walk out to go find her keys derek stepped in front of her closing the door then locking it and pinning her against it by her neck

Y: derek
Derek: y/n
Y: move
Derek: no
Y: i can see you tomorrow baby
Derek: you can see me now because you're not going
Y: derek yes i am
Derek: not
Y: bruh i'll stay with you for thirty minutes then i'm leaving
Derek: i'm not letting you leave
Y: well that's force and i can just kick you in the balls
Derek: fair point
Y: yea i know that
Derek: well i'll make these thirty minutes count

derek smiled then kissed y/n backing up until he reached the bed then he sat down and pulled her on his lap still not breaking the kiss after a while y/n was sitting up on her bed putting her shirt on then pulling her hair in a bun

Derek: my fault for pulling it
Y: yea you pulled it like five times
Derek: you liked it
Y: whatever what time is it
Derek: ten pm

derek have y/n a smile while she huffed then rolled her eyes weakly getting up and mumbling "thirty minutes my ass" while grabbing her bag then she went to derek and kissed him before heading to the door

Y: i'll be back tomorrow
Derek: so what are you gonna say when they ask why you're walking like that

y/n flicked derek off while he laughed then she went downstairs about to leave out

Y/m: what's wrong princess
Y: nothing what do you mean
Y/m: your legs look like they're about to give out
Y: oh nothing today's leg day you know
Y/m: oh well ok
Y: oh dereks in my room by the way
Y/m: is he staying the night
Y: uhh i do not know
Y/m: alright well have fun i hope you feel better
Y: yea thank you

y/n walked out getting in her car and drove to mattias house when she made it she stayed in her car a little rubbing her legs then she grabbed her bag and went inside putting her bag in mattias room saying hi to the boys then going to gianlucas knocking on his door

Gianluca: go away mattia you're so fucking annoying
Y: i didn't know i was mattia and jeez calling me annoying that hurts

when gianluca heard y/ns voice he smiled then opened his door hugging her and she hugged him back

Y: why are you mad at mattia
Gianluca: he keeps knocking on my door it's getting on my nerves
Y: good thing i'm not him
Gianluca: can you play the game with me
Y: yea of course

they walked in sitting down then gianluca handed her a controller and they started playing the game for hours and hours until mattia came in

Gianluca: get out of my room why are you even in here right now
Mattia: i'm i'm here for y/n
Gianluca: why
Mattia: she's here for me because she's my friend why'd you take her for hours
Gianluca: she could've left whenever she wanted to but she didn't because she doesn't want to hang with you
Mattia: y/n who do you want to hang with
Gianluca: yea tell him it's me

y/n sat there not really knowing what to say since she did come over for mattia and the boys but she also came for gianluca then she saw hunter so she got up walking into mattias room with him

Mattia: yea she picked
Gianluca: not really but ok

mattia smiled then flicked gianluca off walking away then gianluca got up slamming his door shut while mattia walked into his room sitting down next to y/n and touching her thigh making her look at him

Mattia: sorry i was just trying to get your attention
Y: yea um thats fine i guess what do you want
Mattia: the trip we need to talk about the trip
Y: oh ok we need to figure out these colors
Hunter: well we're staying for a week so maybe black monday blue tuesday gray wednesday red thursday white friday tan saturday and we're going clubbing sunday can i get an amen
Bryce: amen
Y: y'all are so dumb anyways i think those colors are good and i have something to wear for everyday
Mattia: i gotta plan my outfits out for those days
Hunter: same
Nico: dumb ass you came up with the colors
Hunter: doesn't mean i have outfits planned for it
Niko: ok so how is this sleeping arrangement going tonight
Y: i'm sleeping on the bed
Hunter: i'm next to y/n
Mattia: me too
Nico: alright looks like y/n is sleeping in the middle and we're sleeping beside her
Y: if y'all leg hair touches me i'm suing
Hunter: leg hair girl we shave over here
Mattia: shave nah i'm fancy all i know is wax
Y: ok then bougie bitch mattia
Mattia: purr as i should but you know a got a lil stubble might stab you with it
Bryce: i got a forest over here come explore it
Hunter: ew you dirty pilgrim

everyone laughed at hunters dumb remark then they all looked around bored until nico pulled y/ns leg almost making her fall off the bed so she got up and started chasing him through the house causing the boys to join in also soon they were all running around and yelling until y/n caught nico pinning him down but the boys didn't notice so they kept running all tripping over y/n and falling down on top of her and nico

Y: get y'all big asses off
Nico: you're squishing us move
Bryce: i don't know i'm a little comfortable
Mattia: bruh you're on top of me this is so gay


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