part 108

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as hours past y/n got up gripping the side of the bed and letting out a long grunt of pain then she walked to valentinas room waking her up and doing her routine then she went to kehlanis room doing the same after that they all three walked downstairs and they sat down while y/n made them breakfast once she finished she sat it down in front of them then she sat on the counter drinking cranberry juice after a while the girls ran upstairs going into their rooms and y/n was just still sitting drinking her juice until the door opened and the boys walked in

Y: good morning baby
Keith: good morning my love nice to see you're walking
Y: barely but i'm getting around

keith laughed then walked to y/n moving the bottle out of her hands then he moved her legs apart so he could step between and he put his hand on her lower back and one on her butt

Keith: did you miss me
Y: of course i missed you i always do
Keith: ...i love you
Y: i love you too

keith gently kissed y/n until he started passionately making out with her and he wrapped both arms around her waist to move her closer while she had one on his head and one to support herself until there was a knock on the door and he pulled away slowly kissing her again then moving to the side of her ear whispering

Keith: this isn't over

y/n looked at him and he looked back at her then he smirked and walked to the door opening it

Keith: who are you
Ayaina: y/ns friend ayaina i got her address from someone she knows
Y: baby who is it
Keith: some girl named ayaina
Y: oh let her in

keith moved out the way and ayaina ran to y/n giving her a hug and she hugged her back

Ayaina: ugh i missed you
Y: i missed you too babes so what's happening back at home
Ayaina: ugh bitch where do i start
Y: from the day i left
Ayaina: alright get ready
Y: i'm ready
Ayaina: alright well the plane ride home derek was talking his shit the whole time running his mouth like a little bitch about how he's happy you left and how he can finally be with nupur like he's always wanted and he also said something else but i don't know if i should say it
Y: i'm completely over him so say it
Ayaina: he said he's glad he has someone with a better body and doesn't have stretch marks from when they had a baby
Y: really that's all he's got well tell him i'm glad i got a man who doesn't ask if i like the positions he puts me in because he knows his stroke game is weak as fuck
Ayaina: i mean you can tell him

everyone turned their heads seeing derek and the others walking through the door and y/n got up rolling her eyes about to walk out but keith grabbed her arm then he sat in a chair sitting her on him and wrapping his arms around her waist

Derek: so what were you saying about me
Y: i don't think i stuttered if you knew i was talking about you then you knew what i mother fucking said
Nupur: oh bitch please you're obsessed
Y: girl no one's obsessed but you thats why you're in my house not the other way around
Nupur: i'd never be obsessed with you
Y: just admit it i'm your favorite you're just with derek to get close to me
Nupur: yea you wish

when y/n was talking to nupur keith tightened his grip around her and said "i can get her killed if you want" and she turned around looking at him shaking her head no

Keith: it's a suggestion think about it
Y: no baby i'm good
Keith: alright get back to it i'll listen

after a little keith kissed y/n and she kissed him back smiling

Keith: don't smile at me like that ugh it's something about that smile
Y: aww what about it
Keith: it's freaking adorable it tells your story not only have you gone through some of the toughest battles but you've survived them and bounced back you know how to love and you're not scared to show it but when you do you expect the same energy and when you're not getting it you feel as if it's your fault so you either try to back away or fight harder even if it means you're the one getting hurt in the end
Y: you could tell all that by my smile
Keith: i can tell a lot by your smile your body language the way you speak and even the way you walk
Y: what about the way i look at you
Keith: that's easy you look at me as if you want to love me but a part of you is holding back either because you don't know what to fully expect since there's a part of me you don't know about or you've given your all to one relationship but since it failed you're scared to do it again with the fear that i'll leave you too
Y: hmm you can tell a lot
Keith: but i do think you love me maybe even more than you or i think you do
Y: maybe it's because i do love you
Keith: i know that
Y: you know a lot about me and yet there's one aspect that i don't know about you
Keith: well tonight over a dinner my choosing i'll tell you anything you wanna know
Y: even about your job
Keith: i'll try and work my way around that but one day yes i'll tell you
Nupur: i don't know what y'all are whispering about but um we're still having a conversation


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