part 106

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Keith: ok now go get ready
Y: for what
Keith: i made you breakfast now i get to show you the sky a deals a deal
Y: what do i wear
Keith: a dress
Y: alright

y/n went upstairs getting dressed finding one of her two piece dresses so she put it on then put on her heels and straightened her hair then walked downstairs seeing keith who was now in different clothes once she walked up to him he grabbed her hand and slowly spinned her around then she started walking to the door

Keith: whew imma fuck that up

keith mumbled that part under his breath so y/n wouldn't hear then they took the kids to keith's house and asked the boys to watch them then once they agreed they walked out and got in his car then drove off they were in the cars for a few hours until they made it to the place and keith told y/n to close her eyes then they kept walking until she felt a strong gush of wind whipping her hair around and he started speaking loudly

Keith: you ready
Y: where are we
Keith: don't ask questions just say if you're ready or not
Y: yea i'm ready
Keith: open your eyes

y/n slowly opened her eyes and when she saw what was in front of her her mouth dropped open

Y: you're kidding
Keith: i'm not though
Y: who's is this
Keith: it's all mine baby
Pilot: mr powers the jet is ready it has everything you asked for
Keith: thank you come on

keith held out his hand and y/n held it and they walked up the steps into the jet then once they made it in the stairs lifted up and the door closed then once they sat down the plane took off and keith got back up grabbing a bottle of Romanee-Conti from DRC pouring it in glasses then he gave one to y/n and sat down drinking the other

Y: bruh that wine cost nineteen thousand dollars
Keith: i'm very aware
Y: you're not just a model and actor there's no way
Keith: there's a part of me you don't know about
Y: what is it
Keith: now that's a secret i'll have to trust you one hundred percent to tell you
Y: and the mystery thickens it's getting pretty thick
Keith: my mystery isn't the only thing that's thick

y/n was drinking her wine but when keith said that she choked on it a little coughing so keith patted her back then once she was done she put her hand up and he stopped then sat back down

Y: mmm thank you
Keith: so you wanna see my favorite part of this jet
Y: yea sure

keith stood up then put his hand out and y/n took it then they walked into a different side of the jet and keith closed the door to it and y/n turned around seeing a whole room with a bed tv gaming system and a mini refrigerator so y/n looked around then took off her heels sitting on the bed getting comfortable and keith did the same then he turned on the tv and dimmed the lights and they got under the cover watching a movie and cuddling while talking

Y: so what do you use this jet for
Keith: when i need to quickly go somewhere for like a business meeting or some
Y: how many girls have you had on here
Keith: i swear you're the first one that's why the bed is still standing
Y: don't you mean that's why the bed isn't messy
Keith: no i meant what i said

keith had a smirk on his face while y/n looked back at the tv with her face going red

Keith: so you wanna do some fun
Y: sure like what

keith smiled then hovered over y/n kissing her and she kissed him back then he got under the cover

Y: what are you do-

before y/n could finish her sentence keith started going to town cutting her off after a while the only sound was the propeller spinning through the sky and y/n and keith were sleeping cuddled with each other y/n was laying on keith with her head on his bare chest and he was laying on his back with one arm on y/ns back and one on her hair and they were sweating with the lights now all the way turned off while back at the house the other guys were sitting around outside talking

Bryson: aye y'all we got a call they wanna talk to us
Quincy: but keith isn't here
Justin: so how we gone do this
Bryce: ion know but we gotta go
Quincy: shit come on we'll just have to pick him up then explain to them why we're late

the boys got up grabbing their things then got in the car driving off rolling the windows down and blasting music through the speakers once they made it they turned the music off and rolled the windows up then called keith waking him up so he sat up in the bed waking y/n up

Keith: hmm
Quincy: they called we need you where you at
Keith: i'm in the jet
Quincy: well can you get here you need to handle this
Keith: shit uhh yea here i come

keith called the pilot telling him then he got up getting dressed but when he was buttoning his shirt y/n stood up putting her hand on his chest looking at him

Y: why are you in such a rush
Keith: sorry i just gotta be somewhere so when we land take my car back to the house
Y: and how are you gonna get to wherever you gotta go
Keith: i'm gonna get the boys to come get me
Y: ok

after a while they landed and finished getting dressed so they got off the plane and saw the boys waiting so keith gave y/n the keys then walked to his car with her

Keith: sorry it got cut short but i'll be back anyways before i go i wanted to ask if we can finally be more than just best friends
Y: i'm gonna need you to ask more directly
Keith: can you officially be mine
Y: yea i can

keith let out a sigh of relief then he slowly kissed y/n and when they pulled apart he looked at her smirking then he kissed her one more time before going into the car with the guys driving off


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