part 64

718 37 46

Celia: so you sexting other bitches
Y: watch your mouth honey
Derek: i mean we were together during that time
Celia: you've never done it with me
Y: maybe because he doesn't like you
Celia: so what's so different from me and y/n
Y: i'm way prettier i don't smell like a seafood boil and i can do shit you can't now that's just a few of the reasons i can give you more
Derek: y/n you're not helping
Y: oops
Derek: never mind y'all argue i'm gonna mind my business
Celia: you really think you have a chance with someone who picked me over you
Y: i mean yea i could have him if i wanted him
Celia: he left you for a reason he doesn't want you anymore
Y: if you want to find out i can show you
Celia: please show me

y/n shook her head then looked at everyone and gave her phone to aya then she walked up to derek who was no longer paying attention and she laid one arm on his shoulder straight across then she had her other hand on his chest just looking at him then he smiled at her and put his hand on her lower back pulling her closer then once he started leaning in she turned her head making him kiss her cheek then she pulled away

Y: i could have him if i wanted him stay safe out here

y/n patted celias shoulder then grabbed her phone from aya walking upstairs into her makeup room sitting down and touching her stomach

Y: stress isn't good for you so let's do something fun like finishing mommys makeup room

y/n got up going to her wall and sticking flowers on it then she couldn't reach the top so she was on her tiptoes until someone picked her up and once she put them all on they let her down and she turned around seeing who it was then she rolled her eyes and started setting up her vanity

Derek: a thank you would've been nice
Y: thanks
Derek: you're welcome so what is this room gonna be
Y: why are you trying to make conversation
Derek: well after what you did the least we can do is talk
Y: that's actually the most we can do
Derek: can you just stop moving and talk to me for at least a minute

y/n huffed then put her things down and turned around looking at derek

Y: what
Derek: so do you miss me or was that just to get back at celia
Y: to get back at celia
Derek: so you don't miss me
Y: why does it matter didn't you pick who you wanted
Derek: well i thought i did but i don't know anymore
Y: like i said if you ever have to pick don't pick me so stay with celia i'm no ones option and i never will be and besides i know someone who doesn't treat me like an option even though he has choices
Derek: you're talking about that corey guy what does he have that i don't
Y: it's not about what he has it's about what he does he shows he cares he shows he's serious about just me and he shows i'm the one he truly wants you don't show that you show me you have options and that they're better than me you also showed me you can't get over you ex because you're still in love with her maybe even more than you ever were with me so just stop even trying with me until she's completely out of your mind and the picture i'm good on my own
Derek: i don't want you to forget about what we had
Y: if you cared that much you wouldn't have moved on first now shut up the conversation is over

y/n went back to setting up her vanity while derek walked out closing the door behind him after an hour or two there was another knock and y/n got up rolling her eyes and opening the door then once she saw corey her facial expression changed to a smile and she opened her arms hugging him while he hugged her back

Corey: so i heard from a birdy that you were stressing in your makeup room so i brought you food
Y: ugh you're the best
Corey: i know

y/n laughed then grabbed the food from corey setting it down while he stepped in

Corey: this is nice
Y: thanks i just gotta finish a few more things then i'll be done
Corey: what do you have
Y: gotta finish my vanity then i have to move that couch in front of that wall
Corey: i can help you with that
Y: ok

corey and y/n walked over to the couch and they both picked a side up carrying it in front of the wall then corey laid down on it while y/n tried to push it closer to the wall

Y: really you're just gonna lay there
Corey: you know they say exercise is good for pregnant women
Y: oh yea very funny

y/n kept trying to push while corey sat directly in front of her laughing until her foot slipped knocking her balance off and making her fall but she caught herself so she had both of her arms on both sides of coreys head and she was just hovered over him so he took that opportunity to place both of his hands on her waist while smirking at her then she sat on his lap making out with him before it could go any further derek walked in the room seeing them but they didn't notice him yet

Derek: so how's the room coming

once they heard derek they moved apart sitting next to each other

Corey: good i was helping y/n move the couch to right here
Derek: nice nice so y/n you need help with anything else
Y: nope coreys helping me just fine

Corey: good i was helping y/n move the couch to right here Derek: nice nice so y/n you need help with anything else Y: nope coreys helping me just fine

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the room^^

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the room^^


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