part 55

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once they made it home y/n stormed upstairs into their room taking her shoes off and getting under the cover then she felt something hit her back and she sat up seeing her phone so she grabbed it then laid it under her turning back around

Y: and don't throw shit else at me dumb ass
Derek: why are you even mad at me
Y: it's not rocket science figure out
Derek: what do you want me to say to make this any better
Y: don't bother theres not shit you can say to ever make any of this better
Derek: ok i asked her to move down here but it's not like i'm fucking her or some
Y: might as well be as much as you dick ride the bitch
Derek: what i don't dick ride
Y: yea not physically but you definitely do that shit mentally
Derek: i asked her to move here yea but that's it i didn't text her about anything else
Y: i never asked about that shouldn't have texted her anyways i don't see why she isn't blocked but do you
Derek: this argument is dumb
Y: i'm starting to see a lot of shit i say you thinks dumb so fuck it
Derek: i'm trying to talk to you
Y: and obviously i don't want to talk
Derek: why not
Y: what is there to talk about you asked her to move down here and she's here have fun i don't know what you want me to say want me to be happy about this shit then suck your dick or some get out my fucking face
Derek: i mean the second part is fine but the re-
Y: is everything a game to you
Derek: i never said that
Y: then stop fucking acting like it
Derek: how am i acting like it
Y: you make a joke while i'm obviously trying to talk to you
Derek: well you said it
Y: because i was making an analogy but i guess all you care about is getting fucked so since you want that so and go to celia i mean that must be the reason you wanted her here right
Derek: no it's not
Y: then why what was the purpose of bringing me all the way down here two days away from home just to ask her to do the same duck ass shit
Derek: so we can make a life for ourselves
Y: that doesn't explain why the fuck you asked her to move down here and yet you're still dodging the fucking question answer the got damn question

while y/n and derek were yelling at each other back and forth the others were downstairs just looking at each other

Mike: well this is awkward
Nadia: it sure is what do we say
Vallyk: nothing let them argue it out
Isa: y/n sounds pretty pissed though
Ayaina: i mean i would too i-

ayaina was cut off when they heard a loud slap and they all got up running upstairs and to y/ns room slowly opening the door

Derek: what the fuck was that for
Y: did some sense get knocked into you or some
Derek: sense over what
Y: you told me i was acting like an insecure stuck up bitch all because i told you that you shouldn't have asked your fucking ex to move here
Derek: you are i only asked her to move with us because she reminded me of LA and good memories
Y: oh well i'm sorry i don't give you good memories
Derek: i never said that
Y: no that's exactly what you said
Derek: i might as well be fucking her by the way you're talking
Y: shut the fuck up
Derek: what you don't like hearing that huh
Y: derek i'm not fucking playing with you right now my body language does not suggest that i'm playing either
Derek: do you not like hearing about me sleeping with other girls are you that mad that i can make girls other than you scream my name or are you mad that some of them are better than you
Y: no i'm mad i ever dated you after i figured out what you did fuck you derek maybe me and you just aren't gonna work out
Derek: you're serious right now
Y: not everything is a damn joke you say the rudest shit possible and you think i'm gonna be all candy and gumdrops you're a fucked up person and i don't get why it's so hard to leave the past in the past
Derek: it's not hard
Y: so you just don't choose to thats even better
Derek: stop twisting my words
Y: there's no other way to put that
Derek: ok...ok i said some stupid shit i did some stupid shit and i shouldn't have let celia move here and i shouldn't have asked that's my fault i'm not blaming you and there's not much i can say to make this right because it was wrong of me in the first place but i don't know what to say to you to make any of this right
Y: you can't and i'm starting to think deep down you know who you want you're just not gonna say it until you're done using me
Derek: and who do you think i want y/n huh
Y: obviously not me or the comment "i can make girls other than you scream my name " or the comment that apparently "some of them are better" than me you're fucked up

y/n walked off and when derek tried to grab her hand she snatched it away then she walked out the room going downstairs and in the backyard kicking her feet back and forth in the water from the pool

Nadia: i know we're not close but i thought i should come and talk to you
Y: i don't want to talk there's nothing anyone can say to me right now to make this day any better
Nadia: maybe he has his reasons
Y: not much reasoning for asking your ex to move with you but i mean if you say so


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