part 112

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keith said that almost seven months ago but he didn't come back he sent y/n a long paragraph saying that he had to go because they figured out about their relationship and the only way to keep her safe was to leave and he took quincy and justin with him leaving ashley heart broken as well it was just the girls in the house now but the others moved into the house next to them the day after they figured the boys left but the girls never forgot about them y/n had finally got full guardianship over kehlani and she put her and valentina in school a few weeks ago she had just dropped them off and she was now back at the house sitting down and drinking orange juice

Ashley: you haven't drunk apple juice since keith left
Y: just trying to keep a part of the things he liked with me
Ashley: babe you have all of his clothes still even his shoes along with his watches his hair products his notes he wrote you every piece of jewelry he gave you even his child
Y: but i don't have him
Ashley: ok how about you come on so we can finish these nurseries
Y: fine

y/n stood up and went into the room finishing her nursery then she went into ashleys helping her finish once they were done they just stood in the hallway looking at the rooms then each other soon they both started crying and they gave each other a hug

Y: we're gonna be ok the boys would be proud of us
Ashley: yea you're right they would
Y: we're all we got now so it's up to us to be ok
Ashley: i just miss him
Y: hey it's been seven months we can't keep crying everyday
Ashley: i know bu-
Y: no buts we have to move on ashley
Ashley: ok

y/n hugged ashley one more time then pulled away and they walked downstairs then out the door and to the others house just walking in

Mattia: good morning y/n
Y: morning tia
Hunter: how's baby powers
Y: he's good thanks for asking
Bryce: how's baby brown ashley
Ashley: she's great
Nico: did y'all finish the nursery like y'all have been saying for the past few months
Y: yea we finished them this morning
Niko: where's valentina and kehlani
Y: school
Derek: hey y/n
Y: hey derek
Derek: you look nice
Y: yea thank you
Derek: sorry for getting with aya it was really just to make you jealous
Y: oh
Vallyk: and ashley i didn't mean to cheat on you i promise i was fucked up that night i took some hardcore shit and i fucked up
Ashley: yea vallyk i know you told me
Vallyk: i just want to make sure you know
Ashley: well yea i know
Isa: what's that on your finger y/n
Derek: probably the promise ring i gave her

y/n looked down at her hand realizing it was the ring that keith gave her so she put her hand behind her back messing with the ring

Y: it's from a guy who had my whole heart and took it with him when he left...i'll never love anyone the same way he was different
Derek: see she's talking about me
Isa: ok want a cookie
Derek: i mean that would be nice

y/n walked into the backyard sitting down still messing with the ring and closing her eyes while a few tears fell down her face and she let out a deep breath causing for even more to come down then derek came out the house sitting next to her and grabbing her hand

Derek: i just want you to know i'll be in the baby's life yes i know he's not mine but i'm going to treat him as if he is because i love you y/n

y/n looked at derek and shook her head then she wiped her tears and laid her head on his shoulder looking down at her hand and when derek tried to kiss her she got up walking back inside the house then she walked out getting in her car and driving to one of the multiple spots keith would take her and she sat down smiling at the view

Y: one day you'll come back...right i don't want to admit it but i need you life sucks without you here i just need to hear your voice one more time please


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