part 48

695 38 19

the week past and derek still ignored y/ns every call so she assumed she was single so whenever mattia flirted with her she flirted back and she gave the receptionist her number but once they made it home she walked in her room putting her bags down and the boys came in with her then she walked back downstairs going into the kitchen and looking out the backyard door seeing derek and the others so when she stepped outside isa pounced on her hugging her almost making her fall

Isa: bitch i missed you so much ugh don't ever leave me that long ever again
Y: i'm staying for the rest of the summer isa
Isa: oh today's a good day
Derek: hey baby

derek tried to hug y/n but she pushed him back and he stood there confused

Y: why are you standing there looking fucking stupid you ghosted me for a fucking week are you kidding me
Derek: my mind was everywhere and i didn't know what to do
Y: so your best option was to ignore me over some dumb shit like that what was even on your mind
Derek: can i not talk to you in private
Y: no you had all week for that but apparently that isn't what you wanted so speak now or don't talk to me at all
Derek: i didn't know who to choose between you and celia
Y: well if you actually loved me you wouldn't have fallen for her again and if you loved her you would've never fell for me in the first place so how about you be single and i'll be single
Derek: what are you talking about i obviously chose you if i'm here right now
Y: i'm not a fucking option derek you can't ignore me for a week then decide you want me back oh wait no you choose me back i'm not a fucking pop quiz
Derek: why are you so mad
Y: a week you went ghost for a week it's concerning you don't see the problem with this
Derek: i see the problem but i needed to think
Y: oh in that case let me pack my bags and go half way across the country and lay in bed with some nigga for six days without texting you when i feel like i have a crush on the other person because i need to clear my head
Derek: you're over exaggerating the situation
Y: its taking so much in me not to say these five words that'll change a lot but you're acting so fucking clueless if i'm a choice don't fucking pick me congrats you have choices so do i but as we all know celia doesn't so she's settling for you when i picked you and thats still not good enough huh i went on a trip with friends doing and acting like friends you went on a trip with an ex acting like a single guy trying to get back with her
Derek: she tried to kiss me but i dodged it and i even told her i was in love with you
Y: you say and did all that and yet it still wasn't enough for you to lose feelings for her i'm obviously not the one you want so why keep stringing me along like some fucking prize possession that you can show around whenever you need an ego booster or am i just a sex toy to you
Derek: what you're not a sex toy to me you mean the world to me
Y: well obviously your world doesn't mean that much
Derek: yes it was dumb of me to ignore you and even worse to act like nothing was wrong but i'd thought you'd understand
Y: understand what
Derek: understand that i need some headspace as a man to think and as my girl you're supposed to support that and be ok with it
Y: i can't believe you right now
Derek: y/n...

y/n put her hand in dereks face and walked off going back to her room and sitting down on the bed

Hunter: whats wrong
Y: derek
Bryce: what he do now
Y: so obviously we're still together so i go back there when i saw them and his dumb ass tried to hug me so i pushed him back and he was looking dumb so fast forward his stupid cute ass tried to tell me that as a "man" he needs space and i should "respect" that like what the fuck he's acting like i'm a hoe to him and he's my pimp the fuck he mean respect like i won't respectfully shove my foot up his stupid ugly dumb bitch a-
Nico: yes we get it y/n i promise you we do
Y: ugh he just makes me so mad fuck
Mattia: only smiles over here
Y: not now mattia i'll punch you
Mattia: don't punch my sexy face
Y: i won't mess up your "sexy" face tia
Mattia: thank you gotta attract my hoes

mattia made a lightskin face making y/n laugh then she got up going to her vanity and taking off her makeup when someone knocked on her door so she opened it and aya and ayaina hugged her

Aya: kinda didn't get our chance since you were going off on derek
Y: sorry about that
Ayaina: nah girls it's fine you gave him the wake up call her needed
Y: where's isa
Aya: downstairs with kobe
Y: oh well do y'all have any advice
Ayaina: come to the streets
Aya: no just wait until he comes and apologizes
Y: what if he never does
Aya: then look like it's hot girl summer
Y: i just want mattia
Mattia: what i wasn't gonna say anything
Bryce: yea you were
Mattia: you right

they all laughed then y/n kept talking to aya and ayaina until everyone left just leaving her and her thoughts


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