part 75

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after derek finished y/n showered getting in doing the usual then when she got out her phone was blowing up with notifications so she picked it up and of course it led her straight to instagram

liked by theofficial.y/n and 3739464 others
tiktokroom: people weren't too happy with #kbreeezo recent youtube video where he added y/n in saying he would "smash" her  (1:27)

supporter: this is not ok she's with his friend
theofficial.y/n: not defending him but why are y'all mad when y'all were the ones that sent my name
derektrendz: yea he ain't aloud around her alone
kbreeezo: bruh it's a fucking video y'all acting like i'm gonna do the shit for real chill out i mean maybe but then again i did say sorry to the boyfriends LMAO
hater: y/n is probably the one that sent herself
theofficial.y/n: read that again and see how dumb you're making yourself look^^
isa.bailes: i mean i don't care
supporter: girl you probably getting cheated on^^
isa.bailes: i'm the one in bed with him at night i'm the one he comes home to i ain't worried about none trust me on that^^
supporter: girl you making it seem like he won't cheat on you for her when he kinda admitted he would...^^
*load 989647 more comments*

after that y/n shook her head then finished drying off and getting dressed then she walked out of the bathroom and saw derek staring at her so she put her hands up on defense

Y: i didn't tell him to post it i never even told him to put me in the video that's not my fault and it damn skippy ain't my problem
Derek: i know y/n
Y: then why are you calling me by my name
Derek: i don't know i just did
Y: because you think it's my fault
Derek: i don't think it's your fault
Y: k

after that y/n laid down next to valentina and she held onto her falling asleep while derek sighed laying down behind her while in kobe's room isa was yelling at him

Kobe: it was a damn video it doesn't mean shit
Isa: then why wasn't i in it kobe
Kobe: because of course i'd say smash to you i did fucking get you pregnant after all
Isa: it's still disrespectful you shouldn't have even put her in the video then we all saw the comments you made under the post
Kobe: ok i thought it was funny
Isa: yea you're the only one
Kobe: why are we having this conversation when you can tell i don't give two flying fucks i made the video people enjoyed it and i'm getting paid for it so i don't see the problem
Isa: really you don't see anything wrong with it you're unbelievable right now
Kobe: yea i don't see nothing wrong i'm not actually fucking her so i don't see the problem
Isa: you know what i'm done with this conversation
Kobe: finally

isa shook her head walking out with sofia while kobe rolled his eyes and sat on the bed getting on his phone

Bryce: i'm bored do y'all think y/n is awake
Hunter: that don't matter we'll wake her up anyways
Niko: so are we going to her room or not
Mattia: fuck it lets go

they walked out the room going to y/ns and pounding on the door until she woke up walking to it and answering then hitting all of them on the head

Y: can you knock any louder
Nico: yea we can do you want to see
Y: ok smart ass why are y'all here
Bryce: we're bored
Y: i was sleeping
Bryce: wait...did we ask you that
Mattia: nah i don't think we did
Bryce: oh ok just making sure
Y: don't make me close the door in y'all face
Hunter: can you move and let us in
Y: no derek and valentina are sleeping
Mattia: we'll be quiet

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