part 23

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hours past and y/n got up hugging all of them then she jogged downstairs opening her doors and getting in she was about to pull off until mattia came to her window

Mattia: thanks for coming the boys seem to like you
Y: thanks for inviting me i had a lot of fun
Mattia: down to do again one day
Y: yea of course just let me know the day
Mattia: alright see you around short stuff
Y: short stuff really
Mattia: yea that's my nickname for you
Y: haha ok see you around dinosaur

mattia smiled and walked away while y/n put the car in reverse and drove off going to dereks house once she made it she saw him in his room laying down so she got on him and laid down

Derek: hey baby
Y: hey what have you been doing while i was gone
Derek: the boys came over for a little other than that i've been in here watching tv
Y: oh alright
Derek: what's about you
Y: hanging out with mattia and his friends
Derek: oh
Y: we only made videos that's it well and we sat around but it's only because i missed half of his game to go to yours so i told him i'd hang out after
Derek: i get it y/n
Y: i'm just making sure
Derek: you made sure babe
Y: what should i wear tomorrow to your dinner
Derek: nothing
Y: very funny i'm serious
Derek: i don't know you look good in anything
Y: that doesn't help
Derek: wear a dress
Y: ok
Derek: now since i won the game i think i deserve an after time performance
Y: do you really
Derek: yea i do

y/n smiled and derek flipped them over kissing her after a while an hour past and they were still going at it until there was a knock on the door and they jumped apart covering their body with the blanket so all you could see was their heads

Ahiella: oh hey y/n i didn't know you were here
Y: yea i ugh got here about an hour ago right
Derek: yea around that time
Ahiella: were y'all working out or some
Y: yea he needed to um exercise for basketball some mandatory ones his coach gave him so i helped out
Ahiella: that's nice of you so are you eating dinner with us tomorrow
Y: i'll be there
Ahiella: one more thing if y'all are exercising why are y'all under the cover
Derek: we got tired so we're about to go to sleep
Ahiella: oh ok anyways derek can you be a little quieter the whole house can hear your grunts
Derek: get the fuck out

ahiella left out laughing and y/n let out a small laugh making derek look at her

Y: what i'm sorry but it's funny to not be the one embarrassed
Derek: who said i was embarrassed
Y: your body language said it
Derek: well let me get back to being embarrassed

derek and y/n continued until after a while they finally stopped and fell asleep once they woke up they got showered then y/n put on dereks hoodie and a pair of his sweat pants then fixed her curls and walked downstairs sitting at the table waiting for him to come down

D/m: good morning
Y: good morning
D/m: don't forget dinner tonight
Y: i won't oh should i come here or the restaurant
D/m: i'll get derek to pick you up
Y: ok
Ahiella: hey y/n
Y: hey ahiella
Ahiella: can i ride with you and derek to school
Y: yea i'm waiting for him
Derek: ok i'm ready

they all walked outside then got in the car and derek one by one picked up the others then they drove to school once they made it they all walked in and walked to class together when mattia ran up to her along with his friends

Hunter: what's up y/n
Y: what's up hunter
Mattia: hey short stuff what's the move today
Y: i'm going to dereks family dinner tonight
Mattia: how long is that gonna last
Y: i wanna say two to three hours at most
Derek: or you can spend the night
Mattia: i was just gonna ask if you wanted to come over so we can plan for a trip to florida so thats really me asking you if you want to come
Y: yea i'll come when we going
Mattia: summer for sure
Y: bet i got you
Mattia: aight after school hit me up and we'll plan it if you can't make it to my house
Y: i got you

mattia and the boys walked off and y/n went to class sitting down and doing her work until ayaina called her name so she turned around

Y: huh
Ayaina: are you really gonna go out of town with them
Y: uhh yea i am
Kobe: don't you think derek will be mad
Y: i'm not his toy so i can go if i want
Ayaina: yea but it's only boys and i just don't think it's smart for you to go
Y: well i'm not gonna sleep with them so i'm going end of discussion

y/n turned back rolling her eyes then finishing her work during lunch no one talked to her but she didn't care then afterwards she just decided to walk home once she made it home she walked in getting dressed for the dinner then she called derek but he didn't answer so she rolled her eyes and got in her car driving to his house and once she made it she knocked and ahiella opened hugging her

Ahiella: hey y/n you look nice
Y: thank you where's derek
Ahiella: ugh being a fucking baby
Y: what do you mean
Ahiella: he said he's not coming because he's mad can you get him to get up
Y: i'll try
Ahiella: thank you

y/n walked past ahiella and into dereks room closing the door behind her and sitting on the bed

y/n walked past ahiella and into dereks room closing the door behind her and sitting on the bed

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mattia ^^

why didn't anyone tell me i never showed a picture of mattia?? 🍯

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