part 68

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a month past and y/n and derek were in the room in the middle of the night talking for hours about anything until the sun came up and derek went in the shower then fifty minutes later he came out getting dressed then he went to y/n kissing her

Derek: i love you babe make sure to get some sleep
Y: i will i love you too baby

after that derek hugged her then walked out going to his shoot and y/n got in the shower singing and doing small dances then she got out drying off and putting on her pajamas again since she didn't plan on leaving and she went back into her room laying down and lifting up her shirt

after that derek hugged her then walked out going to his shoot and y/n got in the shower singing and doing small dances then she got out drying off and putting on her pajamas again since she didn't plan on leaving and she went back into her room l...

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liked by derektrendz and 5989745
theofficial.y/n: lol

supporter: YOURE MARRIED??!!
theofficial.y/n: no it's a promise ring lol^^
hnterss: we're coming over
luvyounico: not to brag but my nephews in there
nicorosamiliaa: aww soon you're gonna be fat
theofficial.y/n: ...^^
gigiitheblackbarbiee: so cute
aceakers: bump bump
juztjosh: ugly ass
theofficial.y/n: bitch^^
hater: why isn't derek commenting did he leave you
theofficial.y/n: no he at a photoshoot smart ass^^
michelle.otp: eight more months
luciannasanchezz: that sounds so long^^
yslbrycee: some else is long if you wanna see *lightskin face*^^
*load 1893738 more comments*

after an hour the boys came over and went into y/ns room sitting down on her bed

Y: bryce why don't you just tell luci you like her
Bryce: because what if she doesn't like me back
Y: she can't give you anymore hints she added you on snap followed you on instagram followed your private she added you on twitter and even tiktok what more can she do
Bryce: she could tell me
Y: or you can act your age and not your shoe size
and tell her
Bryce: i was my shoe size eleven years ago
Y: why do i keep forgetting you're a year older than me
Bryce: because you're dumb
Y: bitch anyways how about i get you a date with luci
Bryce: i'm listening
Y: ok we'll make some stupid bet that we know you won't be able to complete and the consequence will be that you have to take luci on a date then you need to act like you don't want to
Bryce: ok ok i'm down
Mattia: i want a bet to take someone on a date
Hunter: ok who
Mattia: who else
Y: i'm not an option mattia sorry
Mattia: bets suck ass
Nico: you'll live anyways i feel like hunter has a secret girl we don't know about
Hunter: why you say that
Y: you have been acting weird lately
Niko: you don't come around as much
Mattia: and when you do you're always on your phone
Hunter: that's a lie
Y: you're on your phone right now
Hunter: oh my fault

they all laughed but they were cut off by yelling so they went downstairs and saw ayaina arguing with some other girl

Y: what's going on ayaina
Ayaina: this is the bitch mike left me for
Y: why are you here
Tatyana: i was invited by my boyfriend
Y: mike that's fucked up get her out of here
Mike: everyone else gets to have their girl friends living with them
Y: because everyone else that lives here is dating someone that's in here asshole
Mike: why can't i just be happy with who i'm with i didn't want ayaina anymore because i feel like the connection wasn't there so when i move on all of a sudden i'm in the wrong
Y: i'm not saying you don't deserve happiness and i'm not saying you can't be with her but you can't just bring her around rubbing it in ayainas face knowing you played her
Mike: that was months ago it's not my fault she's not over it already
Y: you know what i'm going into my room ayaina i love you and all but i'm not stressing myself out over something that has nothing to do with me

y/n walked back into the room with the boys and they all laid back down then y/n started getting tired so she got under the cover laying on her side and falling asleep while back downstairs ayaina snapped and started punching tatyana while she grabbed her hair but that didn't stop her from punching her directly in the face until mike pulled ayaina away form her

Mike: what is wrong with you
Ayaina: you're whats wrong with me you fucked me over once and you know what i'm talking about then i try to give you another chance and you do the same shit again i fucking hate you mike i'm done giving you chances go fuck yourself you and that bitch can burn in hell

ayaina slapped mike then she stormed off going into her room locking the door and laying down while mike was still downstairs holding his cheek and looking in the direction she went then vallyk came to him

Vallyk: that turned you on didn't it

mike looked at vallyk then pushed him back and told tatyana to hold on then he walked into ayainas room sitting next to her then she sat up looking at him

Ayaina: what do you want
Mike: i don't know i just came in here because it felt right
Ayaina: shouldn't you be with tatyana like you said you didn't want me anymore so get out of my room
Mike: yea you're right sorry

mike got up walking out and closing the door then ayaina grabbed a pillow throwing it then laid down on the bed looking at the ceiling hours past and y/n woke up to someone kissing her over and over again so she sat up seeing derek and she smiled trying to force herself to stay awake

Y: how was your shoot
Derek: it was good i guess
Y: did something happen
Derek: nah it was just boring and the director kept speeding up it was pissing me off
Y: oh i'm sorry 
Derek: don't be i'm just glad it's over now come here

derek opened his arms and she smiled then wrapped her arms around him too then he laid down falling asleep and she fell asleep on him


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