part 3

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Y: come on i was a second late give me a break
Teacher: why are you late in the first place
Y: my sister couldn't find a shirt and since i'm responsible for taking her to school i have no choice
Teacher y/n y/l/n you have more time to be late and that's detention
Y: ok it won't happen again

i walked in class rolling my eyes and opening up my book taking notes and listen to the teacher the day went by boringly until it was time for lunch so i walked in the cafeteria and isa sat in front of me

Isa: hey girly
Y: oh hey isa what's up
Isa: none much just wanted to see if you'd like to come over after school
Y: yea i'm down

y/n and isa kept talking about plans after school while the fuck boys were at their table talking

??: i'm telling you i can get any girl
??: wanna bet that
??: ok bet ten thousand
??: aight we pick the girl though
??: no let me pick
??: we pick or no deal
??: fine pick
Kobe: what about her she's in my class her name is y/n i'm pretty sure
??: she's one of the pretty quiet girl she's probably a virgin
Kobe: it don't matter you got a month to get her to sleep with you
??: ok i got this

the boy got up walking to y/ns table and he sat next to her staring in her eyes

Y: can i help you
Derek: my names derek i was sitting over there with my friends kobe, vallyk, and mike

derek says turning around and pointing them out one by one then turning back to y/n

Derek: and i couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were so i had to come over here
Y: no i've heard about you and your little group i'm good on you and anything that comes with it
Derek: don't be like that isa is just being stubborn because my friend took her virginity now she thinks we're all the same so whats you name
Y: not interested
Derek: i can't know your name
Y: if i tell you will you get the fuck out of my face
Derek: sure why not
Y: y/n that's my name
Derek: i hope to see you around y/n

she rolled her eyes and turned back to isa talking while derek walked off sitting back at the table

Vallyk: how'd it go man
Derek: she's stubborn as fuck and her attitude is crazy
Kobe: so she's just your type
Derek: sadly yes
Mike: haha now you gotta fuck her and try not to catch feelings all at the same time
Derek: and what if i catch feelings
Vallyk: then you lose the bet
Derek: i ain't losing so if it's gotta be done then so be it
Kobe: whatever you say man

the others laughed then they continued eating until the bell rung and derek watched as y/n got up walking out so he quickly threw his food away and jogged to her locker waiting until isa wasn't around her anymore

Y: i thought you said you'll leave me alone bruh
Derek: girl calm down i just want to get to know you
Y: and then get in my pants
Derek: huh what no not at all
Y: then what do you want
Derek: just to get to know you or at least your number
Y: and then what after that
Derek: i don't know i'm trying to come up with this as i go i mean after that i would like to take you on a date but that's up to you
Y: i'll give you my number if you unlock my locker for me
Derek: yes ma'am

y/n stood to the side smiling a little then once he unlocked her locker she gave him her number and he thanked her giving her a smile then walked off going to his friends and waving his phone in their faces while y/n walked in the opposite direction off to class

Derek: man i might not even need a month at the rate i'm going
Kobe: you right you might need longer

he says tapping kobe's shoulder and pointing at y/n leaned against the wall talking to a cute guy and laughing while making jokes and smiling

Derek: mattia polibio
Mike: gets any girl he wants and actually treats them good that's dumb as fuck
Derek: man i can't let him get in the way
Vallyk: then go do some

derek walked to y/n going up to her trying to hug her but she dodged him and he played it off as if he was just stretching

Derek: let me walk you to class
Y: why
Derek: well you're always late to first block so it must be the same for you other classes so just let me take you
Y: sure um just text me mattia
Mattia: of course see you around y/n
Y: yea you too

y/n waved bye to mattia and derek grabbed her hand walking her to class just talking to her and getting a few laughs out of her

Derek: your smile is beautiful why do you hide it
Y: i don't know
Derek: you should show it more
Y: i mean i guess
Derek: i can just tell you're a daddy's girl by the way you talk

when derek said that y/n just looked at him then she walked off going to class while he called her name but she ignored him until he turned away walking off and going back to his group

Vallyk: what happened she looked so sad
Mike: damn near made me wanna cry
Kobe: what'd you say to her
Derek: i said she must be a daddy's girl and she got upset and walked off
Kobe: maybe her dad isn't in the picture
Derek: none of our dads are she could've just said that
Vallyk: come on man don't worry about it just call her later or some
Mike: and don't start caring about her it's only a bet


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