part 120

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y/n decided to take on keiths legacy and soon she joined the mafia in paris becoming the leader and changing a bunch of rules she even found the person who killed keith and she got a bunch of guys to go to the house with her and when they made it they tied him to a chair then brought his family in front of him then she crouched down whispering in his ear

Y: maintenant regarde ta famille mourir comme j'ai regardé mon mari mourir

y/n stood up shaking her head then the guys killed them one by one while the guy yelled trying to get out of the chair and y/n squatted in front of him and he spat in her face

Man: tu brûleras en enfer pour ça
Y: on se voit lá-bas

after that y/n stood up wiping her face then she threw her hand up walking out and the guys started beating the guy until he died then they walked out behind y/n and she walked to ashley throwing her the keys

Ashley: c'est fini
Y: oui
Ashley: son patron est à moi

y/n shook her head then they got in the car and drove off

THE END well y'all wanted a sad ending so i gave it to y'all 😆🤝 BUT my next book is gonna be a keith one might make it today or tmr idk yet guess we'll wait and see anyways bye i'm not gonna make this goodbye sad bc i'm sure i'll see y'all at the next book 💀 but if not then bye feel free to read any other one NOT THE MIKE ONE im gonna with rewrite that one or...nah imma rewrite it bc i hate how it is i just need an idea for it then i'll make it again OH wait nvm i got an idea i'll lyk when i remake it i'll probably remake that one completely THEN make the keith one i'll keep y'all updated BYE HOES 😋 see you soon


Y: now watch your family die like i watched my husband die

Man: you'll burn in hell for this
Y: see you there

Ashley: is it done
Y: yes
Ashley: his boss is mine


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