part 32

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after a while of them just talking derek looked at y/n so she looked back at him and they were just staring at each other then derek grabbed one hand and put his other hand on her face gently rubbing it with his thumb

Derek: baby you're so beautiful

y/n smiled at derek then she leaned in kissing him and when she tried to pull away he pulled her back and started making out with her so she did the same then after a while he hovered over her but she lightly pushed him back

Y: no baby the others are in here
Derek: then just be quiet
Y: no

y/n got up and derek sat on the bed until she grabbed his hand and went into one of the guest rooms closing and locking the door then derek realized so he smiled and picked her up walking to the bed with her

Derek: still gotta be quiet

y/n smiled then sat up kissing derek and laying back down on the bed after a while they stopped and derek checked the time and he got up putting on his shorts while y/n stood up covering her chest with her arm

Derek: what's wrong
Y: i can find my shirt or my bra
Derek: you can't find neither
Y: no i've checked under the bed and the cover i don't see it
Derek: well go get some more
Y: no my mom will see
Derek: she said she's ok with it
Y: all because my mom says she's ok with it does not mean she's ok with it so can you go get it
Derek: yea i'll be right back

derek walked out the room going into y/ns then to her closet grabbing her a pinned crop top then while he was walking back to the other room her mom called his name so he turned around

Y/m: good morning derek
Derek: good morning
Y/m: how'd you sleep
Derek: good
Y/m: where's y/n
Derek: sleep um i gotta go ok
Y/m: why are you going in the guest room
Derek: y/ns in her shower so i'm going in this one
Y/m: such a gentleman
Derek: yup

derek walked off then went into the room closing and locking the door behind him and tossing y/n the shirt and she caught it then looked at it

Y: why'd you bring this
Derek: because it was in your closet and i think you'll look sexy in it
Y: i don't want to wear this
Derek: put it on you'll look great
Y: fine

y/n put the shirt on making it look right then she turned towards derek covering her chest until he moved her arms and she stood there

Derek: you look amazing
Y: are you sure this doesn't show too much
Derek: babe you look great and if you ever start to feel uncomfortable i'll give you my jacket
Y: fine

y/n walked out the room going into hers and putting some pants on to match then she put on her pink and white forces and sat on the bed then the boys started waking up

Mike: y/n whe- wow where are you going
Y: to school
Kobe: with that on
Y: yes derek picked it out can y'all shut up
Vallyk: what are ya- got damn
Y: stop
Vallyk: i'm just saying damn girl
Y: ugh

y/n got up walking downstairs sitting at the table eating breakfast after that everyone said they were ready so they got in the car and drove to school once they made it they walked out and y/n kept noticing people staring at her so she sped to class sitting down she was talking the whole time to ayaina when she noticed kobe staring at not her eyes but her chest

Y: can you stop
Kobe: it's kinda hard to stop when they're just boom in my face
Y: aren't you with isa
Kobe: ok but she can't blame me for wanting to see
Y: boys fucking suck

y/n turned around covering her chest then once that class and the next was over she walked in the hall still seeing guys staring at her so she started walking in the direction of derek but she saw him give his jacket to celia so she walked off going to third block and when she went in people were still staring and she started feeling uncomfortable so she put her knees to her chest and her eyes started swelling with tears

Mattia: hey what's wrong
Y: derek wanted me to wear this shirt and he said if i get uncomfortable he'd give me his jacket but he gave it to celia and boys keep looking at my chest and i wanna go home and change shirts
Mattia: it's ok you can use my jacket
Y: thank you

mattia handed his jacket to y/n and she put it on zipping it up and the stares went away so she rolled her eyes sighing and got up giving him a hug then once class was over and so was the rest of the day she walked in the parking lot with mattia and the boys talking to them and playing then she unzipped her jacket because she was getting hot but the boys never pointed out her shirt which made her smile

Hunter: now don't go wearing no lame shit to florida we need to be popping like everyday is a fashion show
Y: of course we got to have something crazy on the last day
Mattia: like what
Bryce: like we going to prom type shit
Nico: where would we go in clothes like that
Niko: a fancy club i got connections
Y: bet so wear some nice clothes i mean nice nice
Mattia: man i'm bout to pop off y'all better watch out imma be stepping
Y: how you gonna step tia

after that mattia pulled down his "glasses" looking over the top of them at y/n then he started strutting like a nineteen eighties pimp making everyone laugh

after that mattia pulled down his "glasses" looking over the top of them at y/n then he started strutting like a nineteen eighties pimp making everyone laugh

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the shirt^^


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