part 110

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everyone woke up to the loud slam so y/n and keith quickly got dressed then they hurried downstairs and when they saw justin crying they asked him what was wrong and once he said it y/n sat on the ground blankly staring while multiple tears fell down her face and soon her yelps got louder and keith sat in front of her pulling her into a hug then he started whispering

Keith: that's why i didn't want to tell you but i'm not gonna let that happen to you just please don't tell anyone please

y/n didn't respond she just shook her head yes and keith hugged her tighter then she moved away and went to kehlanis room waking her up and she just looked at her until she spoke

Y: your mom is gone...i'm so sorry
Kehlani: where did she go
Y: well there's this place called heaven in the sky you can't see her but she can see you and i want you to know she's looking at you every second and every day anytime you miss her or want to talk to her look up and talk to her even if you don't hear her i promise she's replying
Kehlani: will i ever see her again
Y: you won't but she might visit in your dreams and i know she loved you so much but i'm here and so is everyone else and if it's ok with you i'll give you some time to consider but i'd like to adopt you
Kehlani: what does that mean
Y: it'll mean although you already have or had a mom i'll be your legal guardian so i'll be the one taking care of you for now on
Kehlani: you promise you'll take care of me
Y: i promise with all my heart and i'm going to take care of you like you're my own your mom would've done it for valentina so i'm going to do it for you ok
Kehlani: ok well what do i call you
Y: whatever you want
Kehlani: what about mama y/n
Y: if that's what you want then i'm fine with that

kehlani eyes were watering and she hugged y/n so she hugged her back even tighter and they stayed like that for a little until she ended up crying herself to sleep and y/n picked her up laying her down in her bed and walking out the room and when she turned the corner keith was standing there making her jump a little

Keith: are you ok
Y: yea i'm going to be ok
Keith: it's happened before but we keep trying at love and i can't lose you how justin lost carmen i'm not going to i refuse to
Y: what if you can't help me what if i'll just end up the same way what if i was doomed to be shot down like a fucking animal the day we met maybe we should just give us up
Keith: i know i can help you and i'm going to no ones going to touch or hurt you i said i'm not going to let it happen so i won't you just have to believe me ok that's all i ask don't give up on something so great because you're scared of what could happen i'm going to be here until my last breath wether i have to die to make sure of that or not i just ask for you to do me a huge favor and trust me on this one
Y: i want to trust you keith i really do
Keith: then do it if you love me as much as you say then stay...please stay
Y: fine but the second i feel like me staying is putting kehlani or valentina in danger i'm gone i refuse to let anything happen to them
Keith: i'll protect all three of y'all i promise y/n
Y: i can't believe i'm staying...but i've done crazier shit so i got this right
Keith: right
Y: do you think when kehlani grows up she'll think it's my fault
Keith: who knows maybe maybe not but at the end of the day you're doing the right thing y/n and we all know it wasn't your fault carmen was never the kind of girl that liked to be hid she wanted to get shown off she needed to but being with justin it just couldn't happen she was doomed the day they met i just ask one thing of you
Y: what's that
Keith: no matter what conversation were in the middle of if i tell you to go because i feel like it's unsafe promise me without any questions you'll go and never ever try to join just to stay with me it might sound like the best idea but if they feel like the kids are taking up too much of your time they'll kill them as well
Y: i promise
Keith: and if push comes to shove the second they start to suspect us you leave me and go somewhere far new york is not an option
Y: yes keith i promise
Keith: please don't ever forget that no matter what happens i love you so much more than i ever thought was possible you've changed my life and i wouldn't change anything for the world as long as you're next to me...what can i say i'm in love with you y/n

it was silent after that until keith kissed y/n and she kissed him back


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