part 98

529 30 16

a week past and y/n was finally able to go home so when she signed out and got all her prescription papers she changed into some regular clothes then she got in the car with the others and they drove home as soon as she made it home she stepped out the car and the rest came out hugging her so she hugged them back then once they moved carmen gave her a tight hug and y/n hugged her even tighter then when they moved she saw carmen was crying but also smiling 

Y: are you ok
Carmen: i'm amazing i just figured out kehlani is kobes
Y: ahhh congratulations babe

y/n hugged carmen again and they rocked side to side then once they finally moved apart y/n looked at carmen

Y: so does she know about why she hasn't met kobe or anything
Carmen: no i was hoping you could help me with that part
Y: yea i got you

after that they walked inside and y/n saw valentina talking to someone who she guessed it was khelani so she walked up to her and bent down

Y: hey kehlani i'm y/n your aunt we never met because well your dad hasn't been doing his job but everyone around you is your family and we promise to love you and stay with you no matter what now your dad he didn't know about you and you'll understand that more when you grow up but he wants to get to know you just like the rest of us so do you think you can give us a shot at being your family

kehlani looked at carmen who was standing there then she looked back at y/n and shook her head

Y: alright so who do you want to get to know first
Khelani: my dad

when she said that y/n turned around looking at kobe then she stood up grabbing kehlanis hand and walked to kobe giving him her hand then when they started walking off kehlani turned around looking at y/n

Y: it's ok i promise

she shook her head then turned back around walking with kobe while y/n went to carmen talking to her then she looked and saw isa walk upstairs so she told carmen to hold on and she walked upstairs also going to isas room and walking in sitting down next to her

Y: are you ok
Isa: why does it matter
Y: all because we're not best friends anymore doesn't mean we're not family and i know it must suck so talk to me what's wrong
Isa: if she's two that means that kobe slept with carmen while me and him were still together so he cheated on me
Y: i wasn't even paying attention to that part oh my i'm so sorry isa
Isa: it's fine nothing i can do about it now and at least on the bright side he's stepping up and taking care of her
Y: yea it's nice to see him stepping up especially after his stories he told us at the hospital
Isa: what stories
Y: oh never mind it's not important

after y/n talked to isa longer she went back downstairs siting next to carmen who was now talking to kehlani and kobe so she got up and went into the kitchen sitting on the counter and drinking apple juice when derek came in front of her kissing her so she kissed him back

Derek: i love you
Y: i love you too
Derek: it was really nice what you did for her
Y: of course no one deserves to be treated like that
Derek: you know six more weeks and we'll be married
Y: ugh i'm so excited but so nervous
Derek: me and you both
Y: alright so me and carmen planned on going to dinner or some today but i think imma cancel so she can spend time with kobe and kehlani
Derek: that's a good idea and we can do something with just me and you
Y: sure what do you want to do
Derek: movie night
Y: sure movie night it is

derek and y/n kept talking for hours until the sun went down and they went upstairs wrapping y/ns chest then they showered together just talking and playing around and once they finished they dried off then removed her wrap and got dressed then they closed their door and laid down on the bed getting under the cover and turning on a movie and talking

Y: you know the nurses rules are so dumb
Derek: right so pointless
Y: but unfortunately we have to listen
Derek: exactly but you know she did say you can cough cough you know cough cough
Y: bet i got you

y/n and derek dapped each other up other up kissing each other than after a while derek was laying down dozing off while y/n yawned getting up putting her clothes back on and walking downstairs plopping on the couch and sitting down then carmen came sitting down next to her and they looked at each other then laughed

Y: i know what you been doing
Carmen: i know what you been doing fuck you mean
Y: so you and kobe
Carmen: don't ask i don't know but at this point i don't even care to be honest if it keeps him in kehlanis life then fuck it
Y: girl i should punch you don't let that boy pimp you out
Carmen: i won't
Y: you promise
Carmen: yes i promise anyways we need to reschedule our dinner
Y: how about four weeks from now that way my stitches will be healed
Carmen: i will be marking it in my calendar
Y: i mean as you should going on a date with me is a once in a life time situation
Carmen: so it's a date
Y: ehh shit i don't know i ain't been on one in so long
Carmen: man felt you with that one

Y: i know what you been doing Carmen: i know what you been doing fuck you mean Y: so you and kobe Carmen: don't ask i don't know but at this point i don't even care to be honest if it keeps him in kehlanis life then fuck itY: girl i should punch y...

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update on how valentina looks^^

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update on how valentina looks^^

BIG fuck you to everyone who didn't tell me i spelled kehlani wrong 😐🍯

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