part 45

782 36 39

after them being at the pool for hours they went back to the car and grabbed their towels and y/n put her hoodie back on and got in the drivers seat driving off

Bryce: someone play some giveon
Y: oh all you had to do was say that

y/n connected her phone and started playing favorite mistake by giveon and started singing the words to it yelling from the top of her lungs with the windows down then when she was about to get louder her phone went off with a call so she sucked her teeth until she looked down seeing the caller id and she smiled answering the phone and putting it on the holder facing her way

Derek: hey baby
Y: hey sexy
Derek: what you doing
Y: just now coming back from the water park with the boys what you doing
Derek: in the hotel room waiting for the others to get dressed so we can go out to eat
Y: where are y'all
Derek: new york
Y: oh how is it over there
Derek: it's really pretty
Y: take pictures for me
Derek: of course
Kairi: bruh i can't find my fucking shoe
Y: who's that
Derek: kairi
Mattia: hell no
Y: you know him
Mattia: yea he's my ex best friend
Kairi: is that mattia i hear
Mattia: yea it is dumb ass
Kairi: fuck you got an attitude for bitch
Mattia: i'm not arguing with a bitch that's five five just run me my fade when i see you dumb ass
Kairi: no ones scared of you i'll drop the fuck out of you
Y: ok ok how about none of that happens i was kind of in the middle of a conversation
Kairi: my fault anyways nice to meet you y/n
Y: yea you too
Derek: well that was interesting
Y: yes it definitely was
Derek: well i'm gonna get going i love you
Y: i love you too call me back when you're back
Derek: i will

derek hung up and y/n looked at mattia who was turned out the window shaking his leg so she playfully punched his arm

Y: lighten up you can fight him when you see him but he's not here so can normal mattia come back
Mattia: i'm gonna beat his short ass
Y: i bet you are now come on back to regular mattia

y/n kept poking mattias cheek until he grabbed her hand smiling and she smiled back then played songs again blasting it through the speakers while everyone sang along when they made it to the hotel she grabbed her phone and they all got out the car locking the doors then walked inside seeing the receptionist wave at y/n so she waved back then they took the stairs again and once they made it they went inside their hotel room sitting down on the bed and watching tv while y/n got up going in the bathroom and locking the doors then getting in the shower singing who you are by jessie j

Hunter: whew that girl can sing
Bryce: damn she sure can
Nico: we should get her to sing for us tomorrow
Mattia: i doubt she'll do that
Niko: it's worth a shot a voice like that she can make serious money
Mattia: who's asking
Hunter: i will then bryce can secretly record
Nico: man i need a girl who's pretty and can sing
Niko: so y/n
Nico: nah she's taken a need a single one
Mattia: go for celia she can't sing but she's pretty
Nico: true

they continued talking until y/n came out in her pajama pants with a cropped tank top and her hair in a messy bun then she sat on the bed and the boys one by one got in also showering once they were all down they laid down and y/n faced her back to the boys balling up about to fall asleep but derek called so she answered then she set her phone up and fell asleep while mattia turned her way also going to sleep then hunter turned that way also going to sleep one by one everyone was in the room with the lights and tv off peacefully sleeping while derek was in the room letting celia put his conditioner in

Celia: your hair is so much longer
Derek: yea i know y/n helps
Celia: how
Derek: she uses her hair routine on my hair it works a lot
Celia: oh ok well you're done
Derek: thank you
Celia: of course

after celia finished derek laid down on his pillow getting in the camera frame and she laid behind him with peyton in front of her and kairi and cynthia were on the other bed sleep while all the way back in LA the others were all at vallyks house in his room rubbing isas back

Kobe: i said it was a mistake
Isa: cheating on me on our anniversary isn't a mistake
Kobe: i meant to cheat a day before our anniversary not the day of i got the dates messed up
Isa: no me ever giving you a chance is messed up fuck you dumb bitch

isa got up slapping kobe as hard as she possibly could making his head turn to the side and she got up walking out while he held his face then he got mad so he scuffed and got up walking after her once he caught up to her she was about to get in her car and the others were in the doorway listening to them argue

Kobe: the fuck you slap me for
Isa: you're a fucking hoe maybe that slap brought some sense into your head
Kobe: some sense yea the sense that we don't belong together
Isa: because you can't fucking stay loyal i've never cheated on you and this is the thanks i get
Kobe: congratulations guess you can say i cheated enough for the both of us
Isa: i can't believe i ever took a try with you i fucking hate you kobe
Kobe: well good because i hate you too isa

kobe and isa were in each other's face yelling until he kissed her and she kissed him back

Vallyk: what in the love and hip hop


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