part 83

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once they woke up y/n heard valentina crying so she got up going into her room and rocking her while feeding her then ahiella walked in

Ahiella: girl who baby you holding
Y: mine
Ahiella: who's the dad
Y: derek
Ahiella: i was an aunt this whole time and no one fucking told me
Y: i thought derek told you
Ahiella: he didn't tell me or mom shit
Y: well she was born on valentine's day do you want to hold her
Ahiella: duh what's her name
Y: valentina
Ahiella: aww that's so cute and she looks just like you
Y: ok sorry to dump this on you but i need you to watch her while i go to a photo shoot
Ahiella: of course i'll watch the niece i'm just now figuring out i have
Y: blame derek not me
Ahiella: oh i do blame him i'm going to tell mom she has a grand daughter then when she starts cussing in spanish for just now figuring out i'm gonna give the phone to derek
Y: ooo mama trendz don't play that last minute shit
Ahiella: exactly

y/n shook her head then she walked out going into her room and showering then once she finished she dried off and got dressed getting her keys and going downstairs

Ashley: do good today girl you got this ok
Y: ok thank you babes
Ashley: what are you waiting on get going
Y: well i'm waiting on derek i thought he was here he usually gives me a goodbye kiss and tells me to stay safe and that loves me or some shit
Ashley: oh bitch i got you

ashley put her garlic bread down and walked to y/n kissing her and she kissed her back

Ashley: ok stay safe and i love you
Y: thanks i love you too
Ashley: do good now i better see some fire ass pictures
Y: i won't let you down

y/n saluted to ashley then she walked out closing the door and getting in her car starting it up then driving off once she made it to the place she walked in seeing corey and four other people taking pictures and talking

Corey: oh hey y/n this is jaden that's jaiden with an i that's tony but we call him ballo and that right there is trinity
Y: hey i'm y/n
Jaiden: oh you're the girl everyone was bashing us for putting in our video
Y: yea that's me
Jaiden: no offense but i'd definitely smash you look even better in person
Y: thanks i guess
Jaden: ignore him he's always been a hoe anyways i'm jaden nice to meet you
Y: nice to meet you too
Jaden: are you excited about this
Y: i'm a little nervous
Jaden: it's my second time here so i'm still getting used to it but it's great i promise you'll love it and everyone here is hella cool yes even jaiden
Y: ok well after this can you show me around this building is kind of big
Jaden: yea of course this building is huge i took a tour and it lasted an hour so i hope you got an hour
Y: ugh unfortunately i do
Jaden: no fortunately you do i'm very fun i promise i won't bore you to death not yet at least

y/n smiled and jaden smiled back then corey called their names so they turned around and they all walked outside going to a spot and taking pictures one by one once it was y/ns turn she made poses and everyone started hyping her up while jaden yelled so once she was done she walked to jaden playfully pushing him

Y: you didn't have to yell like you were being murdered
Jaden: i'd be very concerned for anyone who yells happily while dying
Y: oh shut up you know what i mean

jaden let out a small laugh making y/n smile then they walked back into the building looking at the pictures and sending them to themselves then after that jaden showed y/n around and it actually took an hour before they made it back to the front grabbing their keys and walking out together then they realized they were parked next to each other so they leaned on their cars talking

Jaden: so how'd you like it
Y: it's amazing i'm definitely coming back
Jaden: good because next one is a calvin klein shoot and after that it's surprisingly a music video for some artist we don't know who yet
Y: yea i'm definitely coming back can't miss my chance to possibly shake ass for millions of people
Jaden: i know right nothing better than seeing me shake some bones
Y: you're funny i like it
Jaden: thank you...oh i see the ring it's cute when's the big day
Y: six months from now
Jaden: are you ready
Y: yea i am i hope
Jaden: who are you marrying
Y: as most will say my "high school sweetheart" derek trendz
Jaden: oh i've heard of him
Y: you and almost seven million other people
Jaden: wait he's the one that posted the one picture of-
Y: ugh don't remind me
Jaden: haha how's valentina
Y: oh you follow me
Jaden: yea we all followed you after corey told us you were coming it's a thing we do when someone joins
Y: oh well she's good
Jaden: that's nice well i know you gotta get going so i'll see you tomorrow
Y: yup seven am bright and early
Jaden: tomorrow's gonna be a long day so i advice you bring something to keep you awake like coffee or sugar
Y: will do boss
Jaden: bye y/n
Y: bye jaden thanks again for showing me around
Jaden: of course after all us newbies gotta look out for each other right
Y: right

y/n nodded her head then got in her car starting it up and driving home once she made it she walked inside and saw derek talking to three girls she's never seen before

y/n nodded her head then got in her car starting it up and driving home once she made it she walked inside and saw derek talking to three girls she's never seen before

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