part 86

482 32 17

Y: just know i'll be back bye now

y/n walked out getting in her car and driving off once she made it to the party she walked in and trinity instantly handed her a drink so she took small sips walking around with her

Y: last time i went to a party i was eighteen
Trinity: how old are you now
Y: twenty
Trinity: damn girl we're gonna make sure you have fun tonight
Y: not too much fun i got to be up early enough to get valentina ready for the day
Trinity: who's that
Y: my baby
Trinity: how old is she
Y: ten months
Trinity: oh bitch she'll be ok with being a few hours behind schedule now come on
Y: fine but don't give me any hard shit i already said i haven't been to a party since i was eighteen meaning i haven't drunk anything since then either
Trinity: ok so only hard liquor got it
Y: tri-

before y/n could finish trinity pulled her hand making her go to the drink table then she got her two cups and told her to drink them so y/n opened her mouth about to do it but she moved the cups away so trinity rolled her eyes then opened y/ns mouth dumping both cups down once she moved away y/n swallowed it and scrunched her face letting out a small cough

Y: what is that
Trinity: vodka mixed with gen and rum
Y: i said no hard liquors
Trinity: and i said we were gone make sure you have fun tonight come on girl loosen up why come to a party and just stay sober...exactly now shut up and come on damn bitch
Y: fine bitch ass hoe

trinity laughed then hours and hours past when jaden and the others came and soon y/n was completely drunk wobbling all over the place so jaden walked up to y/n helping her up

Jaden: damn girl how'd much you drink
Y: what's the number between twenty four and twenty six
Jaden: um twenty five
Y: yes that number
Jaden: jeez come on let's get you home

jaden walked y/n out and put her in his car then he started it up and drove off going to her house

Y: wait we're leaving my sexy car
Jaden: i'll take you to get it tomorrow when you're sober ok
Y: fine you know jaden you're a good friend
Jaden: thanks and you're drunk
Y: thank you sherlock i didn't know that
Jaden: yea i can tell you can barely stand
Y: i too can stand watch this
Jaden: y/n you can't we're in the ca-

before he finished y/n stood up hitting her head and she sat down rubbing it while jaden silently laughed

Y: fuck what was that
Jaden: the roof of the car you drunk idiot
Y: it could've said excuse me
Jaden: oh my God

jaden kept driving until he made it to her house and he got out then walked to the other side of the car helping her out also then once they walked in he helped her up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible since it was two in the morning then she ran to the nearest bathroom throwing up so jaden held her hair and rubbed her back then once she finished she hugged him and he hugged her back kissing her head

Y: i'm never drinking again
Jaden: i don't believe that
Y: ugh you know me so well

jaden laughed then y/n fell asleep on him so not knowing what to do he picked her up carrying her to a guest room laying her down and he put her hair in a ponytail then took her makeup off for her and after that he took her heels off and put the cover over her then he kissed her forehead and turned her lights off closing the door behind him and walking downstairs about to walk out

Derek: who are you
Jaden: oh i'm jaden a friend of y/n
Derek: and why are you here
Jaden: she got too drunk so i was just making sure she got in safe and you are
Derek: her fiancé
Jaden: oh yea derek she talks about you a fair amount
Derek: so jaden what's up with you two
Jaden: um we're friends well i would consider us best friends
Derek: and why's that jaden
Jaden: because we get pink hot chocolate and ombré pink cookies everyday after our shoots
Derek: and what do y'all talk about while you're there
Jaden: anything really i mostly make jokes to make her smile since it's so early in the morning and she doesn't like smiling
Derek: how do you know that and i didn't
Jaden: i asked her
Derek: so what else do you know
Jaden: she hates makeup sex she thinks it's just an excuse to not talk through problems her favorite thing to talk about is her future she's attached to the boys because she always wanted someone to be like a brother to her um oh her favorite color is royal blue or baby blue depending on the season she likes her hair down rather than up because she think it makes her head weird shaped and she wears revealing dresses because she's trying to get more confident oh and she hates feeling like she's bothering someone or like she putting in more effort than someone else and don't forget she doesn't like being a second choice she said it makes her feel like she'll never be as good as the other person...well imma get going i'm pretty tired from taking care of your fiancé something you should've been doing

jaden had a sarcastic smile on his face and he walked out closing the door behind him and going into his car about to drive off until he saw y/ns phone in his car so he decided to put it in his glove compartment and give it to her tomorrow


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