part 5

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when y/n stepped out of the shower she stood in front of her phone looking for her towel

Derek: um y/n

she looked down at her phone seeing he was still there and she quickly grabbed anything she could see and she covered herself up

Y: i'm so sorry um i gotta
Derek: ok call me ba-

before derek could finish she hung up then found her towel covering herself and having a mini panic attack then she got dressed in her pajamas and went on her bed falling asleep she slept for many hours until she woke up the next day looking at the time and it was five pm

Y: fuck i gotta get dressed

she sprung out of bed getting up and putting on a tight off the shoulder dark blue dress with black heels and straightening her hair then she grabbed her purse and sprayed herself with perfume when she finished she looked at her phone and derek text her saying he was on the way so she went downstairs waiting

Y/m: i haven't seen you dress up in a while you're so pretty
Y: thank you mama
Y/m: don't forget to have fun
Y: i won't

y/n got a text that he was outside so she kissed her moms cheek and walked out the door then to dereks car when she came out he looked her up and down then he walked up to her

Derek: wow you look amazing
Y: thank you i don't dress up much but i decided to for this
Derek: i'm glad you did well let's get going
Y: alright

derek opened y/ns door then once she stepped in he closed it then he got in the drivers seat driving off and going to the place

Derek: do you want the aux
Y: i don't know if you'll like my kind of music
Derek: what kind do you listen to
Y: brent giveon jhené sza
Derek: oh just say you're toxic
Y: i am not

they both laughed then they kept talking until they made it to the place and they got out the car going inside it was a fairly fancy restaurant once they were seated at their table they had a conversation until the waiter came taking their order then once he walked off they resumed where they left off an hour past then their food came so they ate and filled in the blanks of silence when they weren't chewing then they finished and paid but just sat at the table

Derek: you're funny and cute two things i like
Y: well i'm glad i fit your standards mr trendz
Derek: i'm glad you do too

that comment made y/n blush a little and she looked down messing with her fingers but derek reached across the table lifting her head up

Derek: i like when you blush i think it's cute i have that effect over you
Y: well i don't like that you have that effect
Derek: do you wanna hang out with me tomorrow at my house
Y: i don't think my mom would let me
Derek: my parents and sister will be there and i'll keep my proper distance
Y: fine i'll go
Derek: oh so when you said your mom you meant you
Y: shut up it's the same difference
Derek: no but cute

y/n and derek laughed then they talked a little longer until they got up leaving out they got in his car and he took y/n to her house then he walked her to the door

Derek: i had fun with you
Y: i really enjoyed our time tonight
Derek: well i'll see you tomorrow right
Y: of course i wouldn't miss it for the world

derek looked at y/n and she looked at him then he put his hand on the lower part of her back pulling her to him then she closed her eyes getting ready to kiss him and he closed his then leaned in until the front door opened and they pulled apart

Aya: you're not kissing my sister until i meet you properly
Y: aya stop get in the house
Aya: you must be derek you're all she talks about
Y: i'm going to kill you go inside

aya laughed and closed the door while y/n turned back to derek face palming herself

Y: i'm so sorry about her
Derek: nah it's cute
Y: some like that
Derek: well i'll see tomorrow be at my house by one
Y: pm right
Derek: yea
Y: ok i'll see you then

derek kissed y/ns cheek then he walked off while she waved blushing then she went inside and found aya then hit her

Aya: ow what did i do
Y: you messed up the kiss dumb ass
Aya: you still got your kiss
Y: on the cheek because you can't mind your fucking business ugh you do this all the time

y/n walked past aya going into her room and taking off her heels and putting on her pajamas and turning on the tv then aya lightly knocked before walking in and sitting on the bed

Y: get out
Aya: i'm sorry i messed up your kiss i just don't want him to play you
Y: aya i'm old enough to decide what happens and if he plays me then that's something i'll have to deal with i don't need my little sister cock blocking me
Aya: you were gonna have sex with him you just met him
Y: what no i'm just using the metaphor
Aya: oh well i'm sorry i messed up your date can you forgive me
Y: yea besides you only messed up the end the rest was good
Aya: good well you can tell me all about it because i'm sleeping in her
Y: knock yourself out and get comfortable because i have a lot

y/n started telling aya about her date and they were both smiling from ear to ear then they got under the cover and fell asleep


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