part 12

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a month past since everything and today was the last day derek had to finish the bet so derek called y/n telling her to get dressed so she did then he picked her up and they went to the park walking around and laughing

Derek: so there's a question i've been meaning to ask and i've been scared to do it because i didn't know what you would say but y/n i really like you more than any girl i've ever liked before and i want to know if you'd be my girlfriend
Y: of course i would derek

derek smiled then pulled y/n to him kissing her she kissed back then he pulled away and grabbed her hand walking to her car after that they drove to dereks house and walked into his room locking the door then she sat on the bed waiting after that derek pulled his shirt off and walked to her kissing her once they started making out he hovered over her until things got heated and soon they were both naked then when derek was about to do it y/n stopped him

Derek: what's wrong
Y: i'm just scared
Derek: i'll be gentle
Y: do you promise
Derek: i promise

y/n shook her head and derek went on with what he was doing after a while they were done and they were under his cover cuddling and hold each other's hand

Derek: did i hurt you
Y: no you didn't you kept your promise
Derek: good

derek kissed y/n then once she went to sleep he pulled out his phone telling the boys it was done once they asked for proof he sent a picture of her sleeping then they facetimed him so he put his airpods in and turned the volume down

Vallyk: damn on the last day too
Mike: i was hoping you didn't do it
Kobe: man what i could've used ten thousand
Vallyk: so are you gonna tell her about the bet
Derek: um no i'm not
Kobe: what why not
Derek: well she said she wasn't losing it until she was taken so i-
Mike: you started dating her didn't you
Derek: yea i did i had no choice
Vallyk: we're not dumb we know how many bitches have said that to you before and you still managed to get them to sleep with you that wasn't by force you did it by choice
Mike: ok but can we be happy he actually found someone
Kobe: right he's doing what we're never gonna do and y/n is pretty and funny as fuck she's a good girl for you derek
Derek: when she isn't cussing me out yea she is
Mike: man she definitely has an attitude
Vallyk: am i the only one that still thinks he shouldn't have dated her
Derek: you haven't even given her a chance mike and kobe have you haven't so hang out with her one day and you'll see how cool she is
Vallyk: fine
Kobe: since you're dating her can we keep our money
Derek: nah i'm getting my thirty thousand
Mike: bitch

everyone laughed then they talked a little longer until they hung up so derek kissed y/ns head before falling asleep also as the sun came up ahiella walked into dereks room to wake him up then she saw y/n and it clicked so she hit dereks head and he woke up squinting his eyes

Ahiella: my room now

ahiella stormed out and derek rolled his eyes getting up and putting on his briefs then putting on his shorts and walking to her room once he did she hit his chest

Derek: the fuck was that for
Ahiella: you slept with her
Derek: so
Ahiella: so you took her virginity
Derek: ok she's my girlfriend
Ahiella: yea but did you tell her you only met her because of a bet
Derek: that's not important if i actually like her now
Ahiella: it might not be important to you but it might be to her
Derek: well excuse me for not wanting to tell her right after i took it
Ahiella: or maybe you could've told her when you got out the bet
Derek: oh
Ahiella: you never got out did you
Derek: ahiella
Ahiella: you lied to me and you still took her virginity for thirty thousand dollars you're pathetic i'm so disappointed in you
Derek: are you gonna tell her
Ahiella: no i want you to see that look of sadness and hatred in her eyes when you finally admit it and you might think she'll never find out but everything comes out one way or another now get out of my room

derek rolled his eyes and turned around walking out then going into his room waking y/n up

Y: hmm
Derek: we got school today
Y: oh yea
Derek: need help getting up
Y: yes please

derek helped y/n then he showered with her and once they got out he gave her a hoodie and a pair of his joggers then she put them on and he got dressed after that they got in his car and picked the boys up one by one until they were all in

Vallyk: aye y/n you tryna hang today just me and you
Y: i mean sure i guess

derek looked at vallyk giving him a thumbs up and all he did was flick him off so he rolled his eyes then drove to school the day went by pretty fast then derek took everyone home but dropped y/n off with vallyk while he walked to the door she stayed in the car a little longer

Y: why does he want to hang out
Derek: he wants to get to know my girlfriend
Y: ugh do i have to
Derek: yes if you need me call me and i'll come get you
Y: fine
Derek: i love you
Y: you do
Derek: we'll talk about it when you get back
Y: yea ok

y/n kissed derek then she walked to the door and vallyk let her in then closed it and brought her to his room


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