part 14

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Mike: the bet was to take her virginity not fall in love
Derek: well i did both

y/n was walking away until derek saw her and called her name but she kept walking until the boys approached her stopping her from moving then once derek stood in front of her he saw the tears falling down her face

Derek: what's wrong with you baby
Y: my virginity was nothing but a bet to you
Derek: y/n
Y: no i opened up to you about everything i even told you that my virginity was a symbol of self control for me and you still took it not even telling me it was a bet this whole time did you really date me just so you could take the one thing that meant the most to me over a fucking bet i can't believe i thought you or your shitty friend group was different
Derek: i do love you though y/n yes meeting you was all because of the bet but i genuinely love you
Y: you lied to me derek you humiliated me
Derek: the bet was fucking stupid and i should've called it off but i'm not lying when i say i love you yes i embarrassed you and i'm so sorry but you have to believe me when i say i do want to be with you
Y: i don't know if i can forgive you after this
Derek: y/n
Y: how much was the bet
Derek: don't do this
Y: how much was the bet
Derek: thirty thousand dollars
Y: i'm glad that's all i meant to you
Derek: y/n let me explain
Y: you have nothing to explain to me i was just a bet after all right now you or your friends don't have to worry about me being around because we're done go to hell derek trendz

y/n walked off going outside to the parking lot then she started walking home when she heard someone yelling her name so she turned around seeing isa and ayaina

Ayaina: what happened
Isa: we asked derek but he didn't say anything
Y: he played me this whole time for a thirty thousand dollar bet that's what happened
Isa: we're so sorry
Y: no you were right i should've listened
Ayaina: what else did he say
Y: that when he told me he loved me he meant it and even though he met me over a bet he still wanted to be with me and he didn't want to break up
Isa: wait so you broke up with him
Y: yes
Ayaina: why
Y: i'm a very understandable person so if he would've came to me as a man and just said it was because of a bet he met me but he actually loved me then i could understand but he didn't and on top of that he still took the money and my virginity
Isa: wait what kind of bet was this
Y: it was a bet to see if he could take my virginity in a month and he finished it so there
Ayaina: talk to him if he loves you then that's a good thing especially since even after it all happened he still didn't want to leave you that's something to be grateful about rather you believe it or not
Y: maybe but i'm not talking to him today
Isa: that's fine we can do our own thing today
Ayaina: do i hear a girls night
Isa: i think i hear it too
Y: yea i'm starting to hear it

they all smiled then continued walking to y/ns house once they made it the girls went to y/ns room while she knocked on ayas door and once she did she saw aya and her boyfriend kissing so she cleared her throat and they looked up at her

Aya: oh hey y/n where's derek
Y: um we broke up
Aya: what y'all just started dating a day ago and for a month y'all were inseparable
Y: yea i um figured out it was all for a bet so we're done
Aya: i'm so sorry if you want i can talk to you
Y: it's fine my friends are here we're gonna have a girls night you can stay in here
Aya: alright
Y: and hey cohen
Cohen: hey y/n

y/n walked out the room going back to hers and she walked in seeing the girls in her closet trying on her clothes so she laughed then sat on the bed watching them while derek and his friends blew up her phone texting and calling her so she told the girls she'd be right back then she stepped outside answering the phone about to go off on them then she looked up and saw them so she turned around about to go back inside but derek stepped in front of her holding her

Y: derek leave me alone
Derek: no please talk to me y/n

y/n looked at derek and saw his eyes were red and watering so before she started crying she looked away

Derek: i miss you baby i miss you so much
Y: the night in the ice cream parlor when you said you never know your true intentions unless you're told you were right i didn't know you were playing me until i figured out
Derek: listen i know it's a shitty situation and i fucked up your feelings but i gave them their money back because you're worth more than thirty thousand dollars you worth every dollar in the world and i'm so sorry but when i'm with you i didn't think about that dumb ass bet i only thought about us and the night in my room it meant way more to me than thirty thousand dollars i promise you by everything i am that i do love you so fucking much and i miss you even more and i need you y/n i messed up bad but i'll never do it again just please i'm begging you please take me back

Derek: i miss you baby i miss you so much Y: the night in the ice cream parlor when you said you never know your true intentions unless you're told you were right i didn't know you were playing me until i figured out Derek: listen i know it's a sh...

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