part 44

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after a few more hours they finally made it and they all got out the car grabbing their bags and walking in the hotel going to the counter to get their keys

Receptionist: welcome how may i help you
Mattia: hey we're in room five thirty i need our keys
Receptionist: hey of course

the receptionist grabbed the keys handing them to mattia so he walked to the others handing it to them then before they walked off the receptionist said something causing all of them to turn around

Receptionist: what's your name
Y: me
Receptionist: yea
Y: um y/n
Receptionist: you're very pretty
Y: thank you so much
Receptionist: anytime enjoy your stay

they all walked off and looked at y/n and she just shrugged her shoulders so they did the same then they got on the elevator going to their floor while they were on it the boys started dancing to the music making y/n laugh so she pulled out her phone recording them until someone else got on so they all stopped dancing after a long awkward pause they made it to their floor so they got out the elevator and walked to their room going in seeing two beds

Mattia: bet me y/n and hunter on one and the rest of y'all on the other
Nico: bet
Y: i'm sleeping on the outside i don't like the middle
Hunter: well i do
Mattia: i'm in the middle bitch
Hunter: jeez calm down daddy

everyone laughed then sat their bags down next to their bed and put on the color for the first day which was black once they were all dressed they left out their room then out the hotel walking around and just talking and making jokes

Hunter: we should go to a water park today
Y: which one
Mattia: six flags hurricane harbor
Bryce: i heard about that one apparently it's really fun
Nico: well that's the one we're going to
Y: bet but for now we need to find something to do
Niko: shit we need to go to a store i forgot to pack my black trunks
Mattia: well looks like we've found a place to go

everyone continued walking then they walked into a store looking around while niko bought trunks after they left out of there y/n saw the crocs store so she pulled mattias and hunters hand inside

Y: get matching ones with me
Hunter: crocs
Y: yes we can wear them to the water park
Mattia: alright what are we getting
Y: uhh i want mine a dark blue with my initial
Mattia: i'll get a red with my initial
Hunter: and mine is gonna be black with my initial
Y: you have a weird obsession with the color black
Hunter: thank you
Y: no problem now come on

they went to the front picking their colors then they customized them and once they finished they paid for them getting them put in a box then they walked out finding the others

Bryce: where'd y'all go
Hunter: the croc store
Mattia: it was y/ns idea
Y: yes it sure was
Niko: jeez well we got matching shirts
Y: oh wow you're so cool
Niko: yea fuck you

y/n and niko laughed then everyone walked back to the hotel talking and laughing once they made it they went back to their hotel room and when they made it they saw a card on the front of the door so y/n grabbed it

Mattia: who's it from
Y: the receptionist
Hunter: well what does it say ass
Y: he just gave me his number
Mattia: yea you don't need that

mattia snatched the card out of her hand ripping it then they all looked at each other before walking inside when they got in y/n went to her suitcase grabbing her bathing suit and her hoodie then she went into the bathroom locking the door and putting it on when she was done she got out and she saw everyone was done so they walked out the room deciding to take the stairs this time then mattia saw her walking while on her phone so he called her name and made her stand in the light

Y: what
Mattia: smile i'm taking your picture for day one
Y: ugh no mattia
Mattia: smile ass
Y: fine but i'm not showing teeth
Mattia: fine by me

Y: what Mattia: smile i'm taking your picture for day one Y: ugh no mattia Mattia: smile ass Y: fine but i'm not showing teeth Mattia: fine by me

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liked by theofficial.y/n and 6153925
mattiapolibio: cheesing asf

derektrendz: beautiful
theofficial.y/n: thank you baby^^
yslbrycee: ok she popped off
hnterss: proof i only have hot friends
nadiamcbainn: aww look at my girly
cynthiaparkerrr: wow she's as pretty as derek said
fympeyton: her smile is amazing
isa.bailes: YES BESTIE POP OFF
kairicosentino: wow
mattiapolibio: out my comments^^
therealslimedupmike: pretty
kbreeezo: yurrr
ayainarandolph: please y/ns so photogenic
aaayyyaaaa._: my sister is gorgeous
*load 2016308 more comments*

after the picture they kept walking and talking then they got in the car driving to the park as soon as they made y/n took off her hoodie getting out then hunter grabbed y/ns hand running to the entrance making her have to run also while the boys stayed behind watching

Bryce: it's fat
Nico: if she could hear you she'd punch you
Bryce: maybe but i'm not wrong
Niko: honestly

mattia shook his head then they kept walking until they caught up and they paid for their tickets then went in going to the first water slide when they were at the top y/n went first sliding down and yelling then once she splashed at the bottom hunter came down right after then mattia bryce nico and niko so y/n started swimming away and mattia grabbed her leg pulling her back so she went under the water and grabbed his leg pulling him down once they were completely under mattia grabbed y/ns waist then lifted her up out the water before turning her behind his back slamming her back in head first once she made it to the surface she grabbed his hair slamming it down in the water then his legs making him flip over

Nico: they're gonna drown each other


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