part 117

432 29 17

the funeral ended and people walked up to y/n sending their condolences while she just shook her head thanking them that night she packed up everything and the kids along with ashley and they all left to paris where she planned to have keith buried when they made it they went to the house and it was huge it had a banner on the front that said "welcome to our home mrs powers" and y/n looked at it smiling while a few tears fell down and they walked inside and she saw a stand of orange juice with pulp which made her laugh then she saw a stand of apple juice and she smiled wiping her tears and walking around the house with the kids looking at every room then she saw the kids room and she pointed at them and they smiled seeing it was decorated with everything they liked and they ran to the rooms then she walked around more seeing a nursery and she held her stomach then looked at ashley

Y: he knew...he acted surprised but he knew

she smiled then they continued walking around the house and they saw a room for ashley and quincy and ashley walked in sitting down on the bed and she saw a picture of them and she started crying

Ashley: quincy and keith were inseparable i should've known they would've moved in together

y/n laughed and walked to the room beside it and when she stepped it her eyes instantly went to the wall and it was a huge picture of her and keith sleeping then there was another one with them and the kids and she sat on the bed looking at them then she saw a card and she picked it up and it said "i didn't tell you this but when i left the mob they said i'd die for being a "traitor" and if you're reading this then they meant it, i should've told you i know but you meant so much to me i couldn't see you constantly worrying about when that day would be but this house is gonna be your home no ones going to hurt you here because no one knows where it is shit i barely do but i want you to settle down here with ashley i'm gonna be with you forever and you know that if you ever get lonely you can look up and speak to me oh and don't worry i'll tell carmen about how much you missed her, and when you get sad think of it like this we're all watching you live i'm right next to justin and carmen hopefully they're not fucking...did that make you laugh i hope it did and if it did then keep smiling your smile was always so pretty to me gave me a reason to push well i guess this is goodbye...wait no it's not we'll reunite one day and i'm never going to let go i'll kiss you every second of the day so much you'll get tired of it, maybe not you're never tired of me that's why i loved you well i'll let you go just know you'll always be my wife i love you baby stay strong i know you got this oh and there's more letters around the house but guess you'll find those as you more baby it looks amazing on you oh enjoy all the things in the house that i put our pictures on" by the end of the letter y/n was a crying mess she tried to wipe her face but the tears came too fast she was smiling at the part keith said about carmen and justin though

Y: you always know just what to say to make me feel better i'm gonna miss you baby but i love you too and i'll see you one day

y/n looked around seeing pictures of them all over the room and she just couldn't help but laugh when she saw a picture of her on keiths back almost falling off and one where he was making a silly face next to her when she was sleeping

Y: you're not even here and you're still too much


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