part 78

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six months past and everyone was sitting around the house nadia left back to LA a few months ago and the others met ashley her and y/n are now super close best friends even closer than her and isa sofia and valentina learned how to walk valentinas first word was love which they found extremely cute while sofia's first word was dad which obviously isa didn't like but today derek was gone doing a few things for his modeling career and since him and y/n haven't been as playful as usual once she put valentina to sleep she went in her room finding their matching onesies and pulling out the animal spa head bands along with a bunch of face masks hours past until derek came home and he walked in the room looking at y/n then he hugged her and gave her yet another dry kiss

Y: another dry ass kiss nice
Derek: what
Y: nothing forget it anyways you seemed like you've been stressed lately and we haven't done anything fun in a while so i was thinking maybe we could have a little fun spa day just us
Derek: i don't want to have a spa day
Y: ok what's wrong with you lately it's been you having a big ass attitude and giving me these child ass kisses if you're having second thoughts about anything let me know now
Derek: i'm not having second thoughts about anything i'm just stressed as fuck with this stupid modeling shit
Y: what's so stressful about it that it has to affect what me and you do at home why can't you separate home from work
Derek: because if i'm mad at work i can't just instantly come home and be all smiling that's not how it works y/n
Y: then talk to me actually tell me what's wrong instead of just shutting off and not even paying attention to anything going on around you i'm here for a reason
Derek: i know and i appreciate it but there's some things i just don't want to talk about
Y: the things you don't want to talk about is gonna be the things that break us apart why can't you see that
Derek: i'm sorry ok it's just when i'm modeling i'm always being told to fix this and fix that and it's messing with how i view myself like today i was told look hotter do you have any idea how insecure that one little comment made me
Y: why do you care what other people think you're the most attractive guy in the world to me and many other people so if we believe it then why can't you
Derek: i don't know it's just different if you have tons of people saying you're good looking then it's just like ok but then you have that one person that says something negative and it changes everything
Y: derek you're not ugly if you were i wouldn't be with you sorry not sorry and if you were you wouldn't have any friends trust me people don't like being friends with ugly people but fuck whoever said that to you because you're perfect ok
Derek: ok
Y: now can we please have this spa day i planned for us because you've been gone a lot lately i've literally been spending nearly everyday with ashley
Derek: sorry about that
Y: it's fine now come on

derek smiled and y/n grabbed his hand then they got dressed into their pajamas and put their headbands on sliding their hair back after that they put face masks on each other laughing then they played just dance dancing like idiots and singing after a while they took the masks off then laid down watching movies and talking then derek grabbed y/ns hand then pulled her on top of him then once they were looking at each other he kissed her and she kissed him back

Derek: thank you for putting up with me these past few months when i was being distant
Y: well i wasn't going to just dump you
Derek: i mean but you could've most girls wouldn't wait months for things to go back to normal but you did and i really appreciate it means a lot to me
Y: i'm glad it means something but a few bad days aren't going to cover up all the good ones i have of me and you
Derek: i'm gonna change for you i promise
Y: don't change i don't want any other version of you this one is just right for me

derek smiled then hugged y/n and she hugged him back letting out a small laugh making derek laugh also

Derek: i love you bruh
Y: sure you do
Derek: huh
Y: what
Derek: what did you just say
Y: uhh nothing what are you talking about
Derek: don't play with me
Y: i didn't say anything

derek sat up picking y/n up and slamming her down on the bed making her laugh then he moved away from her and she realized what was about to happen so she started shaking her head no but it was too late because derek started tickling her making her bust out laughing and try to move his hands with all her force while kicking her legs after that derek got closer still tickling her and started kissing her over and over again then once he stopped she wiped her face then put both of her hands on his face

Y: i love you too
Derek: that's what i thought you said

y/n laughed then derek laid down on her and she played with his hair while they kept talking about random things that came to mind

Y: oh i found the kind of bridesmaid dresses i want them to wear
Derek: ok let me see

y/n pulled out her phone showing derek the pictures while he looked at them

Derek: those are cute
Y: right i'm excited a little nervous about how i'll look in the dress i picked out though
Derek: you'll look beautiful like you do in anything you wear
Y: well thank you sir
Derek: anytime for you


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