part 41

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two months past and y/n and aya moved back home two weeks ago since y/n got her car everythings been going great her birthday came and they had a party at her house which she invited a bunch of people and had a huge sleepover but today was the last day of senior year and every senior was roaming the halls and talking while y/n and derek were leaned against the lockers talking

Derek: can you believe it's been a whole damn year
Y: not really it doesn't feel like it
Derek: and we're officially one year
Y: yes we sure are
Derek: and i love you even more

derek kissed y/n and she kissed him back then they just hugged each other talking about old memories and laughing

Mattia: aye y/n remember we leaving tonight
Y: i know my bags are packed in my room
Hunter: i'm driving the first six hours
Y: awe shit we might not even make it to florida
Hunter: don't do me we making it
Bryce: now with you y/n we might die
Y: no i can drive
Mattia: i've seen her do it before she can drive
Y: exactly thank you now nico and niko ehh
Hunter: now that's two people you gotta worry about
Nico: we'll get there just maybe not alive
Bryce: yea you're staying in the back
Nico: hell nah
Niko: we gone get there earlier with me
Y: aight then you driving the last six
Niko: bet
Y: oh actually can we leave anytime after twelve
Hunter: sure but why
Y: because it's our one year thank you very much
Bryce: cute or whatever
Y: yea i know
Hunter: man i'm tryna get like that
Mattia: i mean you could if you weren't ugly
Hunter: fuck you

they all laughed then they walked off and y/n turned back to derek and they kept talking until celia came talking to him so y/n walked off going to the girls yelling and jumping up and down

Isa: finally out of this bitch
Ayaina: man this shit was not it
Y: right bruh i'm so excited for graduation
Isa: i'm about to show out
Y: man fucking with me imma come with a lingerie piece shaking whole ass
Ayaina: we're getting a limo to graduation i don't care
Isa: a better one than the one from prom
Y: no we do not talk about prom night
Ayaina: the night i figured out y'all weren't lying
Y: the night i fought celia again and got mad at derek for checking up on her
Isa: and the night i slept with kobe in the bathroom and threw up on him because i was too drunk

they all said "the worst night of our lives" in unison then laughed and kept talking about plans for an after party on graduation then while they were talking derek came up behind y/n spinning her around making her laugh then once he put her down he kissed her and ruffled her hair but she hit his hands away

Derek: come on we're skipping
Y: on the last day
Derek: yes on the last day now come on
Y: alright

derek grabbed y/ns hand jogging out the school and she jogged with him then once they made it to her car she tossed the keys to derek and they got in driving off derek drove on the interstate and y/n rolled down her window letting the wind blow her hair around then she held dereks hand and turned up the radio while they were driving around derek looked at y/n and she looked at him smiling then turned the radio down

Derek: i am so in love with you
Y: i'm more in love with you derek
Derek: yea that's not possible
Y: it is though
Derek: if you say so
Y: which i do
Derek: well celia wants me to go on a trip with her and two other girls and one other guy
Y: go
Derek: are you sure
Y: yes go have fun not too much fun
Derek: you too
Y: so sure you going
Derek: yea since you're cool with it
Y: how long are y'all gonna be gone
Derek: six days
Y: ok
Derek: are you sure it's ok with you because if it's not i'll stay
Y: baby i'm one hundred percent sure that i'm fine with it i'm leaving for a week so it's fine
Derek: ok but for now me and you
Y: heard you boss

y/n turned the radio back up and they continued driving until the sun went down then they went to a beach and y/n sat down recording while derek did flips along the sand and she watched laughing when he fell

Y: i have that on video
Derek: delete it
Y: oh no i'm keeping this
Derek: are you now
Y: yea i am

y/n was laughing and shaking her head yes then derek got up chasing after her and she got up running from him holding her phone tightly in her hand so he couldn't snatch it she kept running until she fell on the sand laughing then she turned over and derek ran to her tickling her while she laughed and tried pushed his hands then he took the phone and she jumped on his back messing with him after a while they started play fighting then y/n grabbed her phone and moved her hair out of her face

Y: jeez
Derek: keep it
Y: thank you i planned on it
Derek: payback
Y: huh

derek got on top of y/n kissing her over and over again while tickling her so she tried her best to kiss back while laughing and once again trying to move his hands

Y: i...can only do one thing at a time
Derek: this is payback
Derek: no ones here yelling won't help
Y: ok ok i'll delete it derek stop i'm gonna pee myself
Derek: well that would be unfortunate
Y: yes it will so stop please
Derek: fine you're done now

derek stopped tickling y/n and she took a breath then he helped her up and dusted her off once he dusted her butt he kept hitting it and she grabbed his hand laughing after that they got in the car and derek turned on the radio but he got quiet for nearly thirty minutes typing stuff then y/n saw his eyes watering


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