part 58

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when y/n woke up she sat up in bed seeing the boys all in her room sleeping in random spots and mattia laying right next to her with his leg rested on hers so she sighed then laid back down getting on her phone until she got bored so she got up walking to the door

Mattia: pon tu feo trasero hacia abajo
Y: chupa mi culo

mattia laughed and y/n opened the door walking downstairs and grabbing strawberries eating them and sitting on the counter rubbing her stomach and singing once she ran out she sighed then she got up grabbing her keys and getting in her car going to the store once she made it she walked in going straight to the strawberries

??: my opinion go for the ones in the back
Y: why those
??: personal opinion they're way sweeter and less people have touched them you might as well eat bacteria if you eat the ones in the front
Y: hmm never thought of it like that thanks
??: no problem
Y: may i ask your name
Corey: i'm corey and you
Y: y/n nice to meet you
Corey: you too so why are you at the store this early
Y: you know just eating for two
Corey: oh congrats how far along are you
Y: i figured out last week actually
Corey: your husband must be very happy
Y: what makes you think i'm married
Corey: the ring on your finger
Y: oh this no it's just a promise ring someone gave me a while back i'm actually single
Corey: oh sorry to hear that
Y: ok this is really hard to explain but i'm single but the father lives with me and a bunch of my friends
Corey: that must be a difficult situation
Y: yes it is plus the girl he left me for is over there all the time but i'm good i think i have some of the best friends in the world so i only cried for like an hour
Corey: yea an hour isn't that long
Y: you need to work on your lying skills
Corey: that wasn't believable
Y: no not at all

corey and y/n laughed then she thanked him one more time before walking to a different aisle looking at cute baby things she didn't get anything though she just looked then she walked to check out buying the strawberries then she walked to her car and once she was about to get in someone called her name and she looked at the car next to her

Corey: are you following me
Y: it's the other way around i'm pretty sure i was parked here first
Corey: nah you're right i followed you
Y: well is there something i can help you with
Corey: i seemed to have lost my phone i was thinking maybe i could call it with yours
Y: is this your cheesy way of asking me for my number corey
Corey: was it that obvious
Y: yea you should work on that
Corey: i will definitely get to that but can i have your number
Y: i mean whenever you find your phone sure
Corey: look at that it was in my pocket this whole time it just still doesn't seem to have your number in it
Y: these attempts you're making are very cute
Corey: oh i'm doing terrible then
Y: i mean you're making progress
Corey: really how much
Y: some

corey smiled shaking his head making y/n let out a small laugh then she tossed her phone to him and after a while he tossed it back and she looked at the contact name

Y: really 'fine guy from the store' you could've put your name
Corey: indeed i could've but i figured that would take away from my cute trait i have going
Y: you're very interesting corey
Corey: well you've only gotten a glimpse of my lovely personality
Y: i don't know if i want a glimpse of the rest
Corey: oh you do it's amazing ten out of ten i'd kiss myself if i could
Y: would you now
Corey: oh of course i would i think my kisses are great but i'd think you'd like them better
Y: clever and cute i like it
Corey: hey i still got the cute thing going
Y: bye corey
Corey: bye y/n

y/n got in her car smiling then she started it up and left out the parking lot going home when she made it she got out the car and walked in seeing the girls running around with a scared look on their face

Y: what is going on
Aya: where were you
Y: i was out getting strawberries
Isa: we thought you got kidnapped
Y: why
Ayaina: you never leave without telling us but this time you left without telling us what happened this time
Y: guys chill i just wanted more strawberries
Aya: are you hurt did someone hurt you i'll rain fire on them if they touched you
Y: no need for any of that guys i'm perfectly fine i was eating strawberries and i ran out so i got some more that's it see

y/n lifted the bag of strawberries and isa snatched it looking in it to make sure then she handed it back to her and kissed her forehead

Isa: don't ever scare me like that
Y: perras locas
Aya: no demasiado
Ayaina: the fuck are y'all saying
Y: nothing ayaina
Isa: are y'all talking about us
Y: i'm not sitting through another interrogation

y/n walked off going into the kitchen putting the strawberries up then she decided to walk around the house more and she went in an empty room sitting down and looking around and thinking

Y: i'm turning this into makeup room so sadly back out i go

y/n got back up going out the room and grabbing her keys this time she told the girls were she was going and they all besides nadia of course decided to come with her

y/n got back up going out the room and grabbing her keys this time she told the girls were she was going and they all besides nadia of course decided to come with her

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