part 37

801 38 11

after everything that happened derek cut the sleepover short and y/n and aya went to isas house with her putting their bags in the rooms they got then while the house was quiet y/n called derek and he came over helping her decorate

Derek: so what made y'all cut the sleepover short
Y: me and aya wanted to get settled in what about you
Derek: shit happened with mike and i just didn't think it was right so i made everyone leave
Y: what happened
Derek: i don't wanna say i don't want him to get in trouble
Y: if it's something that'll get him in trouble then it's something you need to say
Derek: fuck if i tell you then you can't tell ayaina
Y: baby i can't do that
Derek: mike's cheating on her
Y: what
Derek: i just figured out today and i don't know the girls name because when he called her i put in my headphones but kobe knows everything i only know that part apparently he likes her but he's been doing it since she wouldn't suck none don't be mad at me
Y: i'm not mad at you derek i'm more mad at mike i don't even know how i'm supposed to tell ayaina
Derek: stop calling me that and don't we can keep it a secret
Y: no if she's getting cheated on she deserves to know
Derek: i don't know then baby
Y: maybe i should take her somewhere and tell her then
Derek: take her where
Y: ugh somewhere to eat or some like that
Derek: ok you plan that and i gotta get going
Y: ok i love you
Derek: i love you more

derek grabbed his keys then he kissed y/n and walked out the room then out the house driving away while she finished decorating once she finished she grabbed her keys then called ayaina telling her to meet her somewhere then she got in her car driving to the spot once she made it she sat at the table waiting for ayaina then she came sitting in front of her

Ayaina: now can you finally tell me why you called me here
Y: so at their sleepover derek said that mike said he's been cheating on you because you don't suck which is a dumb reason but he is then he said he had some other girl on the side but that's all he knows because after that he didn't listen but kobe knows everything and i'm just so sorry
Ayaina: wow i don't know what to say
Y: i know you might need time to take it all in but i just thought you should know because you're my friend and i'd hate to see you continue to get hurt
Ayaina: i appreciate you for telling me i'm gonna talk to mike and break things off
Y: let me know how it goes
Ayaina: i will

ayaina got up walking off while y/n took a deep breath then she got up also walking out and getting in her car driving away back to isas house once she got in she went to her room laying down watching tv as hours past her phone started buzzing so she picked it up answering

Ayaina: you're a liar
Y: what
Ayaina: mike said you kissed him and confessed your feelings so he told derek you liked him and derek got mad and made up that lie to cover up the fact that he was hurt
Y: what no i didn't
Ayaina: i can't believe i trusted you y/n
Y: are you fucking stupid i'm always around derek how the fuck would i even have the time for that and mike is ugly to me he's the ugliest one out of the whole group why would i want him
Ayaina: deny it all you want but this friendship is over delete my number because i'm deleting yours
Y: ayaina wait

ayaina hung up and y/n sighed throwing her phone down and rubbed her temples then she got up going into isas room and sitting on her bed

Isa: what's up girl
Y: mikes been cheating on ayaina from the jump which is what derek told me and i believe him because he has no reason to lie
Isa: i believe him too shit
Y: well i told ayaina so she went to mikes house to break it off
Isa: how'd that go
Y: he told her i kissed him and "confessed" my feelings so derek made up that lie to cover it up
Isa: if she believes that she's fucking stupid you're always with derek
Y: exactly but her dumb ass believed him
Isa: well not much we can do but let her continue to get cheated on
Y: that's the thing she's our friend and i don't want to see her continue to get played
Isa: she's not our friend anymore she made that choice once she realizes he's lying and cheating she'll come back
Y: but when will she
Isa: only time will tell but when she does she'll look like a damn fool
Y: you're right i did the right thing by telling her and she did the wrong thing by believing him over me
Isa: exactly she'll come back crying trust me

y/n got up walking out and going back to her room sitting on the bed then she pulled out her phone calling derek and setting it up once he answered she saw he was doing his homework with his glasses on so she smiled at him and when he noticed he smiled back

Y: you look adorable
Derek: and you look as beautiful as always
Y: thank you very much
Derek: i'm guessing you got the same call from ayaina as me
Y: i indeed did
Derek: she's so dumb
Y: that she is
Derek: i'm so ready for this school year to be over so we can move in together
Y: ugh same
Derek: so my birthday is officially in a week
Y: i know mr trendz
Derek: so what are we doing
Y: hmm i guess you'll have to find out
Derek: so it's a surprise
Y: yup i'm gonna start planning tonight
Derek: you're the best
Y: i know i am but thanks for the reminder

derek smiled at y/n then they continued talking until she laid down and fell asleep on the phone with him


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