part 8

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they were in detention not saying anything just being bored to death and falling asleep until the teacher yelled at them to wake up so they got up with an attitude then when the teacher fell asleep they looked at each other

Y: wanna skip
Ayaina: you read my mind

y/n and ayaina quietly got up and walked out going to the parking lot and sitting around talking then the bell for the end of the day rung and derek and the boys walked up to her

Derek: ready to go
Y: yea
Ayaina: are we hanging out later
Y: i'll let you know

derek heard what ayaina said so he looked at y/n then pulled her to the side

Derek: i thought we were hanging out later
Y: we are i was just thinking maybe ayaina could hang out with us
Derek: i want it to be just me and you
Y: ok if we have time i'll hang out with her later it's fine
Derek: thank you
Y: yea of course

y/n told ayaina and she said ok then walked off while she got in the car with derek once all the boys got in they took y/n home and derek walked her to the door

Derek: don't forgot ice cream today
Y: what time
Derek: six seven maybe
Y: alright let's say six thirty
Derek: alright see you then
Y: see you then

derek kissed y/n and she kissed back then she walked inside going to her room and sitting down on her bed pulling out her laptop and watching netflix while cuddled in a blanket and eating snacks until there was a knock on the door

Aya: can i come in
Y: yup

aya walked in and sat down on the bed next to y/n looking at what she was watching then looking at her

Aya: since when did you like horror movies
Y: derek told me they were his favorite genre so i'm giving it a try
Aya: aww is derek your little boy friend
Y: he's not my boyfriend aya
Aya: then what is he
Y: he's just a guy that i like
Aya: does he like you back
Y: well i'm hoping so
Aya: i saw you kiss him
Y: you're so nosey
Aya: you should let mom meet him
Y: maybe when we're dating right now we're just talking
Aya: ok
Y: oh can you take yourself to school tomorrow i'm riding with derek
Aya: yea i took myself today my boyfriend got me
Y: alright well get out i got to get dressed
Aya: y'all got another date
Y: not really we're just going out for ice cream
Aya: bring me some back
Y: will do

aya walked out and y/n got up changing into sweat pants and a crop top then she watched some more movies until derek came and she walked outside getting in the car and kissing him then he kissed back and started the car going to an ice parlor once they made it they walked in picking their ice cream then they stood up talking until they got it once they did they sat down at their table eating and talking

Y: so how'd your group even get the reputation you got y'all seem so sweet
Derek: shit happened with us and future girls and they spread rumors and in high school that shits like wild fire so the more it spread the more people believed it after a while that's all we were known for so we played the role kobe plays the role the best
Y: yea kobe fit the role so he played it but vallyk he doesn't look like he could hurt a fly
Derek: vallyk doesn't hurt flies but he does hurt hearts and he breaks them girls get with vallyk thinking he's different because he has a baby face so he must be nice but he plays them like a fucking flute he does it well and he does it quiet him and mike are the same way
Y: ok we talked about your friends what about you
Derek: me i'm more of an in the shadows type guy you never know my true intentions unless you're told
Y: interesting

y/n and derek continued talking and eating until they finished and derek was ready to go so y/n went to the front buying one for aya then she walked out with derek and they stayed in the parking lot playing and having a good conversation then derek got a text from the boys saying they were coming in an hour

Derek: sorry to cut the conversation but i gotta get going i'm supposed to be babysitting in an hour
Y: yea come on i need to get this ice cream to aya

they got in the car and when he drove y/n home she was about to get out until he called her name so she turned looking at him and he kissed her but this time it was different like he actually likes her then they started making out until there was a knock on the window and she saw her mom so she laughed a little then gave derek another kiss before getting out and walking inside once she was in derek rolled down his window and her mom leaned on the sill

Y/m: you must be the derek boy i hear so much about
Derek: yes ma'am i am
Y/m: hmm you seem respectful
Derek: yes i am my mom taught me a thing or two
Y/m: so what are your intentions with my daughter
Derek: to make her happy
Y/m: ok now what was all that kissing i saw
Derek: sorry about that i wasn't gonna do anything i promise especially not in my car or in your driveway ma'am
Y/m: it's fine by me if y'all do some i want grand babies

derek laughed then they kept talking until y/n came outside embarrassed and yelled at her mom to get inside so she did then she went to derek apologizing for her mom then she gave him one last kiss before she ran inside closing the door


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