part 31

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once they both woke up they got dressed then derek grabbed his keys getting in the car with y/n then he waited for aya and once she got in closing the door he pulled off while y/n leaned her head against the window drifting in and out of sleep and he held her hand driving to get the others he got kobe last since he lived closer to the school and once he got in he waved at everyone

Kobe: she's always sleep
Mike: usually but this is the first time i've seen her sleep on the way to school
Vallyk: damn derek how long you keep her up
Derek: she went to sleep at the same time as always
Vallyk: maybe she's on drugs
Derek: maybe you're a dumb ass

derek rolled his eyes while vallyk laughed and he drove to school like normal once they made it the others got out the car then derek woke y/n up and she got up tiredly walking inside once they made it inside derek had to go to class so he kissed y/n and she kissed him back then before he walked off she pulled him back kissing him one more time then holding her hand out

Derek: you want me to hold your hand
Y: no can i see your keys
Derek: yea why though
Y: i left my books in there
Derek: ok be careful please
Y: i will

derek walked off and y/n went to her locker putting her bag in then she locked it and turned around seeing celia talking to derek and him responding but she didn't mind so she just walked out the building and unlocked his car doors getting in then she locked the doors from the inside and laid down going to sleep

Celia: so are you coming tonight
Derek: i mean sure i guess
Celia: ok well the picnic is at my house in my backyard it'll be me and the three girls from the store so bring your friends ok
Derek: if y'all try something we're leaving
Celia: we won't just don't be late cutie
Derek: yea don't call me that

derek walked off going to class and the day went by pretty fast until he was walking to his car with the boys along with aya and nadia then isa and ayaina ran to him

Ayaina: where's y/n she wasn't in class and she's ignoring all of our calls
Isa: i swear if you did something i'm going to kill you
Derek: what i didn't do anything i don't know where she is
Isa: you gotta help us find her please
Mike: i'm sure she's fine
Ayaina: y/n never ignores our calls so please help us
Derek: yea i'll help just take a breath

ayaina did what he said then they walked to his car going in with his extra key and before they got in they saw y/n peacefully sleeping on the back seats snoring so he gently shook her awake then kissed her forehead like he does every morning to wake her up and when she sat up she yawned and stressed revealing a part of her stomach

Y: hmm
Derek: schools over baby
Y: i slept the whole day
Derek: yea you did
Y: then why the fuck am i still tired
Derek: i don't know but come on we can chill at my house so you can sleep there
Y: ok

y/n got up going in the front seat and derek drove to his house when they made it everyone got out going into his room and he went to the passenger side picking y/n up and taking her inside then laying her on his bed pulling the cover over her and he laid next to her playing with her hair

Derek: oh celia wants us to come over for a picnic 
Y: why
Isa: girl how the fuck you wake up so fast
Vallyk: girl got up quick as fuck
Derek: i don't know she just said she wanted us to come to it so i agreed
Y: ok well let me know how it goes i'm going back to sleep
Kobe: you've been sleep all day
Y: because i've been tired all day
Mike: maybe you're dying
Y: suck my dick michael adonis chong
Ayaina: not the full government name
Mike: how about you just shut up and go to sleep y/n y/m/n y/l/n
Y: you're not funny
Isa: wait your name is actually so pretty
Y: thanks now shut up i'm going to sleep

the others kept talking while y/n closed her eyes falling back to sleep and soon she wrapped herself around derek and he rested his head on hers falling asleep as well hours went by and when he woke up he saw everyone else sleep in his room then he picked up his phone and saw tons and missed calls from celia but he just put his phone on do not disturb and laid there then he started moving a little so y/n moved off of him turning the opposite direction but he pulled her back on him making her wake up rubbing her eyes and sitting up on him

Y: derek stop moving
Derek: don't call me derek
Y: baby stop moving
Derek: i'm uncomfortable
Y: i can move somewhere else
Derek: no don't
Y: then what do you want me to do
Derek: just lay back down babe
Y: no i don't want you to be uncomfortable
Derek: babe it's ok lay back down

y/n got up walking downstairs and going into the kitchen to get something to drink then when she turned back around derek was standing there looking at her

Y: what
Derek: i said lay back down not get up
Y: well i was thirsty
Derek: get me something
Y: sure what do you want
Derek: whatever you got
Y: i got apple juice
Derek: that's fine
Y: ok

y/n turned around handing it to him then they walked upstairs sitting on the bed under the cover


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