part 11

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Ahiella: hey guys i think we're gonna chill in here with y'all
Derek: you don't have to
Ahiella: nah yea we do

aya came sitting next to y/n and they started talking while derek said he'd be right back then he stood up grabbing ahiellas arm and going to her room closing the door behind him

Derek: what is your problem
Ahiella: i know your intentions with her and i'm not going to let you do it
Derek: why do you care what we do
Ahiella: after tonight i realized y/n is a really sweet girl i'm not going to let you fuck her up because you and your friends are a bunch of dicks
Derek: what me and my friends do have nothing to do with you and what me and y/n do also have nothing to do with you i'm gonna win that bet either way so deal with it

derek looked at ahiella then walked to the door but before he could see said something

Ahiella: if you don't drop the bet i'll tell her
Derek: what
Ahiella: drop the bet or i'm telling her those are your only options

ahiella walked out pushing past derek while he walked back and forth in the room trying to figure out what to do then y/n walked in the room and grabbed his hand

Y: you ok derek
Derek: yea i'm perfectly fine
Y: ok well we're leaving i'll see you tomorrow though right
Derek: of course

y/n kissed derek then she walked downstairs and out of the door getting in the car with her mom talking about how they enjoyed themselves once she made it home she showered then got dressed and went into her room sitting on the bed when derek texted her "i'm gonna say i'm out of the bet and text me back fine i guess" she didn't really question it so she just said ok then once he said it she said what she was supposed to then she put her phone on the charger and fell asleep while derek went into ahiellas room showing her

Derek: see i'm out of the bet
Ahiella: fine you can do whatever you want but my thing about hurting her still stands
Derek: fine by me

derek walked out smiling and closing the door then he showered and fell asleep after he woke up he stretched then got dressed for school and got in the car driving off to y/ns house honking twice then she came out getting in with him then she kissed him as she closed the door

Y: where's the boys
Derek: they're skipping today so it's just me and you all day
Y: alright are we doing anything after school
Derek: depends on if you want to do anything
Y: i'll let you know ok
Derek: alright

derek backed out the driveway and drove to school once they made it they parked the car then walked in together holding hands derek walked y/n to her class then kissed her before walking off then she went inside sitting down

Ayaina: so what are y'all exactly
Y: talking for now
Ayaina: why not just date him
Y: waiting for him to make the first move
Ayaina: when do you hope that'll be
Y: ugh soon he's so sweet he's really all i think about
Ayaina: that's really cute y/n
Y: thanks
Ayaina: speaking of cute when are you gonna let me borrow an outfit or two
Y: anytime you want i'll be more than glad to give you a few of my clothes
Ayaina: i'll be by your house tomorrow at five am
Y: alright just knock and my mom will let you in and you just gotta come to my room
Ayaina: alright sounds great
Teacher: do y'all need another day in detention

ayaina and y/n rolled their eyes then stopped talking the day went on and it was time to go so y/n walked to dereks car on her phone waiting for him then someone came covering her eyes making her smile

Derek: guess who
Y: um micheal jackson

derek laughed then walked in front of y/n kissing her then she got in the car holding his hand and he was about to pull off until he saw the boys coming so he snatched his hand away playing it off like he was scratching his head as they got in

Kobe: what's up man what's up y/n
Y: hey
Derek: what's up
Kobe: y'all tryna chill at my house tonight y/n you can come too
Derek: what are we gonna do
Kobe: shit none much sit around and watch tv
Y: i'm down

kobe shook his head then they drove taking y/n home after that she got inside changing clothes and wearing something more comfortable then she sat around for hours until derek came picking her up again so she went outside getting in the car and they drove to kobe's house once they made it they got out the car knocking on the door and a girl opened it

Derek: hey kiya
Kiya: hey derek who's this
Derek: this is y/n
Y: hey
Kiya: hmm you're pretty
Y: thank you even though you look way better
Kiya: yes you're just being nice
Y: i'm being honest girl you're killing it in that outfit right now
Kiya: me look at yours i would die for a snatched body like that
Derek: ok enough chit chat let's go

derek grabbed y/ns hand walking off to kobe's room when they made it in he smiled and let them sit on his bed then they all talked and made jokes for a few hours until everyone went home and y/n laid on her bed watching tv

Aya: can i sleep in here
Y: yea come on

aya walked in y/ns room going beside her then getting under the cover and falling asleep with her

aya walked in y/ns room going beside her then getting under the cover and falling asleep with her

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