part 90

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a few more months past and it was christmas eve but this time valentina was with dereks mom so it was just everyone that lived there y/n and jaden were still friends and jaden started getting closer to ayaina which gave her mixed emotions part of her was happy that she was finally finding someone and part of her was sad because she felt like she had something good going with him anyways she completely forgave derek since it was ten months since it happened anyways and derek hadn't talked to nupur or seen her since but today she was walking downstairs on her phone not paying attention then she walked to the couch sitting down and when she got comfortable she crossed her legs then someone wrapped their arms around her waist laying their head on her back so she put her down and saw she was sitting on derek

Y: oh my bad i wasn't paying attention
Derek: no it's fine i haven't hugged you in nearly a year i was losing my fucking mind

y/n got up anyways and derek sighed then she turned around sitting down facing him and gave him a hug and he hugged her back resting his head on her shoulder

Derek: i missed this so much

y/n just smiled and hours went by as they talked and watched movies then they fell asleep on the couch when y/n woke up the next day she went into the shower getting cleaned then while she was in there she yelled dereks name so he walked into the room sitting down on the bed and when she came out she stood in front of derek and he opened his mouth just looking at her until he closed it licking his lips

Y: stop and rate it
Derek: that's hot as fuck
Y: ok thanks you can go now
Derek: you constantly tease me
Y: i'm not teasing i just needed to know how it looked on me
Derek: i have a burning urge to rip that off
Y: and i'll punch you

y/n walked past derek and he looked at her then once she walked out he "prayed" then got up walking out getting ready for the day after that he sat down on the couch and when y/n was walking past him he pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her

Y: boy move
Derek: man i'll move something off of you
Y: you're a working case
Derek: i'm tryna work in your case your case as in your pu-
Y: shut up i get it
Derek: i'm serious i ain't had none in a year i'll fuck the shi-
Y: alrighty guys what are we doing today
Kobe: hold on why everyone dressed like some sexy santas
Isa: because we are sexy
Kobe: you're sexy i don't know about y/n
Y: kiss my tits bitch
Derek: i volunteer as tribute
Ashley: me first
Y: ashley wins
Derek: fine i'll kiss some else
Mike: you mean her lips
Derek: not the ones on her face
Isa: maybe derek needs to go to church instead
Ayaina: yea i'm with you on that one
Derek: i sure am tryna get blessed

derek kept wrapping his arms tighter and tighter on y/ns waist until she pinched his arm and stood up

Y: alright we need plans for today and since i don't have any family to visit then we're gonna have to make this work
Isa: bitch we are your family
Y: but i'm not visiting y'all idiot
Isa: oh you right
Derek: you can visit this di-
Y: ok so i think we can maybe make something
Ayaina: like what
Derek: well me and y/n could make another ba-
Y: we're gonna make a gingerbread house
Ashley: ok sounds fun

after that they all got up walking into the kitchen and pulling the kit out then they all got a piping bag and started putting the pieces together and adding decorations then when derek tried to eat one of them y/n slapped his hand and he looked at her and picked another one up quickly eating it so she just rolled her eyes and continued putting it together with everyone else then as the day went on they hung up lights and decorations and talked and drunk wine and danced to christmas music then everyone one by one went under the mistletoe kissing while derek and y/n sat there watching a movie

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