part 43

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once they finished talking they checked the time and it was twelve thirty so they drove back to y/ns house and when they made it mattia and the boys were in the car so she ran inside grabbing all three of her bags then she kissed derek saying she loved him then once he said it back she walked to the car and put her bags inside getting in the back

Hunter: why does no one want to sit in the front
Y: i don't trust you
Nico: i got you hunter

nico got out getting in the front then hunter put the name of the hotel in the gps and started driving it was three hours into the drive when mattia laid his head on y/ns lap and she started messing with his hair while bryce laid his head on her shoulder and she leaned hers on his and niko had his feet across everyones lap with his head on the door sleep

Nico: who's all up
Mattia: me
Y: me
Hunter: and me
Nico: niko and bryce are always the first ones sleep
Y: good thing bryce is sleep because he's my head rest
Mattia: and y/n is mine i'm getting a free head massage and everything like future said life is good
Hunter: i should've went second or some shit
Mattia: you only got three more hours
Y: then it's my turn
Mattia: and after thats it's mine
Nico: then mine
Hunter: then bryce then niko
Y: we're making stops along the way i ain't starving for a day and a half
Mattia: shit none of us are
Nico: yea i'm not rocking with the starvation

that mad everyone laugh then all three of them stayed awake talking to hunter to keep him awake once his three hours were over he pulled up to a fast food place and the others woke up making hunter, mattia, y/n, and nico laugh then once they all ordered hunter and y/n switched spots then nico and mattia switched spots also and y/n took off driving

Mattia: man who's idea was it to drive
Y: definitely yours
Mattia: that wasn't very smart of me
Y: as we tried to tell you how many times
Niko: i've lost count
Y: we've lost count
Mattia: i mean to my defense there's five of y'all over me majority rules
Hunter: he's lying if we didn't drive he would've been complaining the whole time on the plane
Mattia: maybe but i could've realized it was a good idea
Nico: real question is why'd we take mattias car and not y/ns
Y: the expensive shit stays home
Mattia: nah don't do my mercedes truck
Y: i just did
Mattia: that's why you driving
Y: i'll crash
Mattia: then we'll die what then
Y: shit guess we find out where we going on decision day
Bryce: we ain't all going to the same place
Y: yea we know where mattia going
Mattia: aye fuck you

y/n laughed while mattia looked at her smiling then she kept driving turning up the radio until mattia got the aux and started playing his songs while everyone sung along to it while they were having their own concert in the car derek was in the car with celia and the others he was in the back in between the two girls with celia driving and the other guy in the passenger seat

Derek: so what's y'all names
Kairi: i'm kairi
Cynthia: i'm cynthia
Peyton: and i'm peyton
Derek: aight
Kairi: i'm celias ex
Derek: welcome on the boat
Kairi: awe how y'all break up
Derek: she played me
Kairi: jeez you got the easy way out i got cheated on
Derek: damn she did you wrong
Celia: i'm right here
Derek: i'm just saying
Cynthia: i'm mattias ex which is kairis ex best friend
Derek: what happened between y'all
Cynthia: just wasn't the right time
Derek: oh well why aren't y'all friends
Kairi: he started dating my other friends ex a while back and it was messed up so after that we slowly started falling apart but a lot of other shit added on top of that
Derek: well that doesn't help me
Kairi: help with what
Derek: my girlfriend is with him and his friends
Peyton: are you talking about bryce, hunter, nico, and niko
Derek: yea actually
Peyton: oof
Derek: oof what
Celia: usually when girls go with them they fall for at least one of them
Derek: y/n wouldn't do that we've been dating for a year
Kairi: maybe not guess you just gotta wait and see
Derek: you're right

they went back to talking about other things and making a few jokes then they kept driving while back with y/n and the others the boys were sleep and mattia grabbed y/ns hand falling asleep also so she only had one hand to drive with she finished driving her six hours so she pulled over and mattia woke up and got in the drivers seat while y/n got in the passenger seat once he started driving she put her feet in his lap and laid her head on the door just looking at the view

Hunter: fun fact mattia has a foot fetish
Y: you got a foot fetish
Mattia: no i don't it's just a dumb joke they won't stop making
Bryce: because you kept calling your ex feet pretty
Mattia: bruh shut up no i didn't

y/n let out a small laugh then lowkey moved her feet and put them back on the floor of the car then he kept driving making her laugh as hours past and the others went one by one soon it was nikos turn and he drove fast so everyone rolled the window down and started bobbing their head up and down while the wind blew their hair around then bryce grabbed y/ns hair acting like it was his making her laugh

y/n let out a small laugh then lowkey moved her feet and put them back on the floor of the car then he kept driving making her laugh as hours past and the others went one by one soon it was nikos turn and he drove fast so everyone rolled the windo...

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