part 53

662 34 13

derek came back in the bathroom with a cup of orange juice and y/n sat up grabbing it from him and drinking it then she stood up but almost fell right back down but derek caught her then he stood her up and kissed her forehead

Y: stop before you get yourself sick derek
Derek: ok at least we'll be sick together
Y: no i don't want to be sick at all
Derek: well you are and i'm not so i might as well take care of you
Y: isas sleeping in bed you're sleeping somewhere else you're not getting sick
Derek: what no
Y: you're so hard headed just listen this once
Derek: fine i'll sleep somewhere else
Y: thank you

after that derek kissed y/n and she pulled back then hit him

Y: baby stop if you get sick i'm gonna feel bad
Derek: i won't
Y: can you help isa up
Derek: yea go lay down

y/n walked to the bed laying down and blankly staring at the tv that wasn't even on and when derek came out the bathroom he had isa in his arms and she was just laying limp with her head down looking everywhere then once derek put her on the bed she just looked at y/n so they were just staring at each other then after that ayaina and nadia came in laying down with them and while they were sneezing and coughing y/n was constantly going to the bathroom throwing up then derek came back in rubbing her back again and moving her hair out of her face

Derek: ok we need to get you to a doctor
Y: baby no i don't need a doctor
Derek: yes you do you need someone to have a look and see what's wrong with you
Y: nothings wrong i'm completely fine
Derek: then go three hours without throwing up
Y: ok i wi-

y/n tried to finish her sentence but threw up and derek gave her that "i told you so" look

Y: ok it looks bad but it's not let me just stay home please i don't need a doctor and i don't want one
Derek: well i'll go get some medicine for you
Y: thank you can you also get ice cream
Derek: anything for you

derek kissed y/ns head and she looked at him a little upset so he laughed then he got up and walked out while y/n walked out also sitting on the bed and turning the tv to sofia the first making all the girls sit up and they started singing the intro just yelling and smiling after that isa got up walking downstairs once she came back in she had a bunch of snacks so she sat them on the bed and everyone started eating them then y/ns phone went off so she picked it up

Hunter: wow you look like shit
Y: thank you so much for the confidence booster mhm i definitely needed that
Mattia: he's kidding you look...great
Bryce: he's kidding you definitely look like shit
Y: yea fuck all of you

they all laughed then twenty minutes past and derek came back in the room handing y/n a bag with ice cream in it and medicine so she smiled then she realized there was something else so she pulled it out and held it up

Y: derek what is this
Derek: a pregnancy test
Y: i'm not taking this
Derek: yes you are
Y: i'm actually really not
Mike: i'm on team yes
Y: why are you in here
Vallyk: well derek told us he was gonna get you to take it and we couldn't miss this
Hunter: i'm gonna be an uncle
Y: no ones gonna be anything i'm not pregnant
Derek: you don't know that
Y: i actually really do so no i'm good and you can't force me to take it so too bad
Derek: baby take the test please
Y: if i take it will you leave me alone
Derek: yes i will so take it
Y: fine i'm gonna take it just to prove to all of you that i'm not i'm just sick
Derek: ok then we'll take you to a doctor
Y: fine watch when i say i told you so

y/n got up and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her and she sat down peeing on both of the sticks then once she finished she sat on the counter kicking her legs back and forth then derek knocked on the door so she got up opening it and he came in closing the door behind him and standing between her legs placing his hands on her thighs and kissing her

Y: i'm not gonna tell you again
Derek: if i get sick then it doesn't matter i'll live
Y: what if you don't
Derek: then i'll die same difference to me
Y: you're so dumb
Derek: so what are you gonna do if it's positive
Y: i have no idea
Derek: would you be happy
Y: um kinda i'd have mixed emotions apart of me would be happy and apart of me wouldn't be ready but how'd you feel
Derek: happy i'll have to get used to it but i'd be happy
Y: well i hope you'll have enough for the both of us
Derek: i think we'll be great parents
Y: why our lives are an absolute mess right now
Derek: that'll give the baby some spice in their life
Y: spice really
Derek: yea and we have so many friends that it'll never be hard to find a babysitter
Y: it's not about someone babysitting it's just i'm eighteen i'm just now learning how to take care of myself now it's a possibly i'll have to take care of someone else let alone a baby
Derek: we just gotta figure out as we go of course it's not gonna be easy but hey that makes the journey that much better
Y: yea i guess you're right
Derek: oh it's been seven minutes
Y: time to find out i guess

y/n hopped off the counter and went to the test flipping them over and looking at them


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